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Posts posted by FashionForward

  1. 3 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

    Rydian is still the place to go first

    After that there is the war within and for the weapons you can try the Zarr its pery fun and the new infested melee that restore life ^.^ 

    Welcome back home tenno ^.^ 

    Very much welcome back dear Tenno!

  2. Well, that's quite the question my friend.  Hm... I've spent a total of $700+ on Warframe.

    Surprised? I am too. But I've never regretted it and I never will.  As the guy above me said:

    3 minutes ago, Momaw said:

    If you're not sure that Warframe is worth it for you, stick around and play the game a while before deciding. That's the beauty of F2P.

    I've been playing Warframe for approximately three or four years now. So I've seen a lot of things. (But this isn't a post about that.)

    I love Warframe a whole lot and its been the single game I've ever stuck to, came back to multiple times even.  Other games I've never came back to, and if I have then not as much as Warframe.

    It's my favorite game by far!

    As mentioned, I've never regretted spending $700+ and I never will regret spending more!

  3. It makes it take a less time. It also helps if you have a orokin reactor(Warframes) and an orokin catalyst(Weapons) because they double the amount of slots you have for mods. 

    So the higher your Mastery Rank the easier it is to max your weapons and warframes.

  4. All i have to say Rebecca is... BLOODY AWESOME!!!


    Also great work on The Second Dream quest.  You guys did a great job with it.



    I have to ask though.  Do you guys think you could create a frame that can manipulate gravity?  I think it would be an interesting idea. Like for one of HER (I feel it best if the frame was a girl) abilities would be to create some sort of black hole that would suck things in and then detonate in an explosion. (Although that would probable be game breaking, I don't know to be honest.)


    Another ability would probably make all enemies around her suddenly fall to the ground and be crushed do the increase in gravity. 


    (These are just a few ideas for her abilities)


    So if its possible, PLEASE take it into consideration. 


    Thank you


    Your friendly neighborhood Arihi.


    PS: Perhaps a name for her could be Beatrice?

  5. Hello Devs,


    I have a question for all of you (especially you Steve), what is the status of the new Star Chart we've been hearing so much (and so little) about?  A lot of us players that have been around since closed beta want to know the progress, given that the Star Chart has received some revamps in the past. 


    Care to elaborate?

  6. Thank you -- I'm going to try turning off display settings now -- maybe something you have off is interfering.


    I tried vsync hacks to go from 10fps to 300fps but no dice.

    Oh dang! Glen, you naughty naughty boy, hacking your frames like that.  



  7. Dear Devs,


    Since the removal of this frame, many have been wondering when he'll ever be coming back to Prime Warframes lineup.  Since he was only available to those who bought the Founders pack--and this extends to the weapons available at the time--i.e. those that had the money to get him.  But for those that didn't have the money to get the Founders pack are wondering when Excalibur Prime will be able to be acquired in game--and by extension the Lato Prime and the Skana Prime.  When should we expect these Prime items to ever be put into the game, i.e. to be acquired as mission loot, again.




    Your friendly neighborhood Warframe Player, a.k.a Arihi


    P.S. The Prime is strong with this one!

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