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Posts posted by Traithan

  1. Why are people so concerned with people getting rewards via the app?  Especially in a PvE game.


    Is the community for this game dieing SO BAD that you can't let someone leave Warframe for a day without getting a login reward?  Despite installing an app on their device?  Jeez.


    Yes to everything on that list, including rewards.  Because I'm not an elitist $&*^ that thinks people should be punished for walking away from their computers from time to time.

  2. This. Imo, I think alot of the prices are they way they are because DE actually wants you to PLAY the game. Not buy your way through everything in the game within a week. Same reason the warframe prices are so high, DE wants you to PLAY the game.


    But that is just what I think of the high prices of resources and such.


    No they don't.  They want you to get frustrated by the game so that you have to buy materials to have fun.  Hence why everything is 800+ plastids and 4 nuerodes these days.

  3. Farming materials is super tedious in this game with how diluted their loot tables are.  It inspires people to take the plat shortcuts enough.


    Having to pay for slots as well (because really, you won't have fun with just 2 warframes) is just a slap in the face.  I didn't mind paying for slots at first because farming wasn't that bad (I've been playing since U6).  Now I spend hours farming Neurodes and I'm lucky if I get two of them.  Insult to injury, I have to pay RL money to keep that weapon or just instant sell it despite hours of work.  Making me want to play less.


    Bonus:  You have to level up many warframes and weapons to get mastery to get the few weapons that are worth a damn.


    TLDR: If your goal is to make things tedious and unfun unless you pay RL money, you've failed at FTP.

  4. They're steadily re-making the bosses, fret not.


    Have you fought Raptor? That boss is mad fun and isn't a bullet sponge.

    It's a good representation of what the re-made bosses will be like.

    Also, Lech and Vor are sensational fights.


    Raptor is a boring bullet sponge fight with a Frost.

    Vor and Kril just sit there forever while I wait for them to become vulnerable again.


    I don't see how any of those are hard.

  5. I still refuse to get an xbox one.


    They still came up with all those horrid ideas, and tried to force it on people. I dont care if they take them out, they're most likely going to start enforcing bad policies after people buy it.


    And who's to say Sony isn't the master deception artist that will do the same thing?  Implement bad policies after they have sold their units.  They could just playing their cards better to make people think they wouldn't do that.  Remember how Sony false advertised OtherOS on the PS3?  Said it would be there and patched it right out.  If anything Sony has a track record with doing this sort of thing.


    Both of these companies are out for money and will screw you in any way possible.  Wise up and stop acting like one is better than the other, you're making yourself look dumb.

  6. DE should bring Warframe to every platform possible.  The more money DE makes, the more they can develop and add content for this game.  I do not like Apple, but I hope they get one for OSX (if they don't already? I don't keep up with it).  Hell, make one for the iPhone.  Make it for the DS.  Make it for the virtual boy.  The more the merrier.



    Console fanbois are literally brain damaged (theirs a study talking about their poor self esteem leads them to be a 'loyal soldier') and need to stay out of things they don't understand like business.  Thanks.

  7. If you read my post fully, I touched on that without the detail. But I don't understand your post. Pay $60 for a Physx Card (that is around what they cost), or buy a cheap Nvidia card with a Physx Processor (Which you can get for $60). It's no different.  And of course... Nvidia use physx as a way to differentiate them from the competition. Basic Marketing. Nothing wrong with it, if you care about you know... money and making it of course. Also being educated in it helps as well. 


    Yes, I read your whole post.  I understand you can buy a cheap Nvidia video card.  I was reponding to the part where you said you don't know why they won't make a physx only CPU.  I was saying that they had one when they originally bought the technology, and killed it.  At the time at least, they didn't want anyone having it without buying a full Nvidia GPU.

  8. PhysX is a extra "Feature" and is not required to play the game. People QQing about it, if you want it... go buy a CHEAP $60 Nvidia card (don't matter what one as long as it supports Physx) and run it with your AMD card. Know a lot of people who do this.


    And for those saying the PS4 is a AMD system. It's very easy for Sony to work out (if they haven't already) with Nvidia to allow the use of a Physx processor in the PS4. PhysX is a completely separate chip, that just so happen to be on Nvidia cards. It is a feature exclusive to them (they own it), and if game developers take the time to use PhysX, you need a PhysX processor... it's as simple as that. It just so happens atm they are (to my knowledge) only on Nvidia Video cards.


    I'm surprised actually that Nvidia hasn't tried to market just Physx processors... That is how Physx Started before Nvidia bought them (because no one used the tech).


    If you want CPU "Physics" then you will not get the same particle effects without a drastic hit on your CPU, thus to purpose of "PhysX" processors.  

     Originally, PhysX was owned by another company (Aegia I think it was called?).  That had a whole separate card you'd install to have PhysX graphics.  Nvidia bought them and made it exclusive to their cards.  Killed the stand-alone cards.  I think Nvidia wants the opposite.  Pay for their product or simply don't get any of the package.

  9. And what if tomorrow AMD adds some unique feature and starts soliciting game developers to use it? Suddenly PC is two different platforms, and to play all PC games in their fullest you have to pay twice as much money. And PC's are costly already. To hell with this. 


    NVidia owners who say: "Well yeah nVidia hurts gaming for profit, but thats ok because only people that's not me are hurting!" make me sick. 


    Play the new Tomb Raider?  Turn on TressFX.  It only looks good on AMD cards, and it was intended that way.  It already happened.  Just like consoles, you'll have to choose what has what you want.  Right now, I want PhysX (and much better driver support).  So I'll stick with Nvidia.


    Read the whole post, maybe "slippery slope" is a bad phrase.  But by definition, there has to be no proof of it going in that direction.  There is plenty of proof.  Exclusive weapons, now mods, at one point a warframe (which was taken back, but still).  Overall, it is terrible game design.  Also, the Vandal weapons are far worse offenders than mods.  So the 'seemingly going that direction' logic, isn't completely off.  They keep making things exclusive like they have been since closed beta (first weapons, now mods).  Exclusivity on game changing items is always ALWAYS bad.  Especially in this case where a lot of the top 100 are like 'meh' because they don't use snipers.  It creates a system where one part community feels ripped off, and another part of the community feels ripped off.  And you have a small segment of people that don't care.  In game design, one of the core aspects is that a reward should FEEL REWARDING but not break the game.   Right now, I see very little people feeling rewarded.

  11. Your title suggests that anyone starting now will never be able to attain the same level of power as ANYONE currently playing.


    I call bull.


    Sure the Snipetron vandal is good, and sure there is a ultra rare mod out there.




    Last time I checked the Hek was still stupidly powerful, and its not as if shotgun mods are hard to max out.

    Last time I checked pretty much any AOE power can dish out more destruction than a gun could in the same time.

    Last time I checked weapon still had limited mod points, that force you to either invest forma or make sacrifices for your build. 

    Last time I checked, this game was play to win. IE the more time you spend on it, the better stuff you get.


    Nothing integral to this game is exclusive, and ALL of the "best" gear in the game can be obtained through direct play.


    Its a slippery slope though.  Just imagine if legendary weapons in WoW were only able to be obtained by the first 50 guilds that killed the boss.  That's it.  No one else.  That's essentially what this path is leading us to, and its a terrible implementation of a reward system.  All the vandal weapons out there that can't be received anymore.  At one time the Braton Vandal was considered the best weapon in the game.  Who says they don't do that again, and leave it that way?  Who says the next mod isn't a better version of Serration, and its only for the top 100 of some time-grindy event in the future.  So the game they are trying to make harder gets harder for everyone except people who get special perks for having zero life outside of Warframe. 


    Did they earn it?  Sure.  They completely earned it. 


    The better question is:  Is it good game design?  And everyone in this business that's not DE will tell you "No its not".  Most of the people who got the mod likely aren't even going to use it due to snipers not being popular.  A lot of the community is mad because the people that do use snipers, most of them can't get it due to having some sort of life outside of Warframe (during a holiday weekend I might add).  So their options are to A) Give it to everyone, and insult the top 100 even more.  B) Actually give the top 100 something worth while and anger the rest of the community and unbalance the game more. If they would just give one time only colors, or other cosmetics.  They are more flashy and people can brag to their hearts delight.  More importantly, they wouldn't alienate most of your game community (and thus, is good game design).

  12. Open beta resets ARE NOT common in the FTP world, since most "Open Betas" are actually just soft launches (just like DE said this one was).  Its nice that they are doing optional resets, but they are near useless, as losing 100+ hours of farming warfarmes, weapons, etc for free doesn't make up for getting 40 plat back from the bad catalysts I bought for some bad weapons.

    And that's exactly why DE made the reset the way they did.  They don't want you to have a chance to save a few plat since you tested their weapons in beta.  They want to have you think they are doing you a favor, but really putting you in the position where you want to buy / spend more plat.  Its not a favor, its a formality because they already promised an optional reset.  If they wanted to do a real reset to thank beta players for testing their game, they would just do a reset of everything bought with plat.  But apparently they seem desperate for money already =/

  13. Its not hard to deal with them, but the mechanic isn't fun, and like many things in this game, is not explained at all. So its very understandable that some players want them removed.

    You people that are being obnoxious to the people making a request and trolling in general are going to kill this game. People are being exposed to this game for the first time (its on the front page of steam) and this game has virtually no tutorial or material to teach them how to play. Then when they come to the forums they get something like DalaiLama's or rogorn's response and then they quit. After update 7, its very difficult to get new players to play this game for more than a few hours because the mod system is based on luck and is unforgiving (even with something like health and shield). First impressions are everything and this game is already losing potential players every day due to the mistakes made by DE releasing this game on Steam when it's not ready. Some of you elitists will be like "Yea, get rid of those noobs" but guess what? Those noobs are no longer going to give DE any money. The community further suffers, and this game (like so many FTPs) gets its servers shut down within a year.

    So take the age old advice your parents gave you. If you don't have something nice to say, say nothing at all. You'll be doing yourself (and this game) a favor.

  14. For those crashing with Nvidia cards, I've done some extensive testing. Update to the latest Nvidia Drivers (released yesterday) and turn off Nvidia Physx in game.

    This fix has worked for all 5 people i've tried it on (including myself) so far.

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