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Posts posted by Sae-River

  1. maxxed out loadout, specced for grinner, was farming MB defense on ceres. Was good fun to solo, but even with a group, mission failed twice... and that was just last´s night beacon farming. Amazes me that a disicple has finished the hardest planets.(remove taxi plxplx(sryforengliimnotengli))




    hmmm i take it he might be higher then a disciple in-game since im just an initiate on forums, was certain it was linked to the game, soz.

  2. So was going to trade this Boltor Prime Blueprint, and the person i was trading with only had 6000 / 8000 credits required for the trade, so i told him to do a mission and come back to me. a moment later i saw someone else wanting it so i invited that person to my Dojo... And the blueprint was just gone, i tried leaving the dojo and checking inventory... and it was still missing. 

    (I tried restarting the game as well)

  3. Thanks for asking fello tenno. Nothing really about the game, i like this game to much to complain. But the connectivety between myself and certain people within the game, etc having to abandon mission's cause you cant shoot blink-hacking mobs. (sorry for my english, totally not english :))

    P.s, Initiate? whaat im rank 14 almost! hax...

  4. Could anyone help a player out, and name the highest propable palce to get these keys at?

    3 days now, alitte under 18 hours of pure farming and i got 1 from Xini at wave 20. Farming Outer terminus/narcissus on pluto, Xini and Gnathos on Eris, and some survival mission cause i read somehwere that if you survive long enough there might be a change of the tier 3 keys  dropping there. (1 key for 3 days of my life, and it dropping latron prime stuff, is such a disapointment)

    All suggestion appreciated!

  5. Have everything so far but systems, the wiki is pretty unclear on this, but supposedly the system can only drop from tower 3 ,only done 3 survival tower 3 mission so far, and all dropped latron prime stock, had to do atleast 20 of the tower 2 for Main blueprint, chassis and helmet. (p.s it took me 11 hours over 2 days getting 2 survival tower 3 keys, had 1 from the turnover the made...) hope your luck will exceed mine  ;)

  6. 1 = I would play whatever i want to play with, having the absolute best something is not really top priority in my mind. (for me its Latron prime, cause damn that gun is fine as hell)
    2 = im in a clan with a buddie, and having spent 9 formas myself to get to the research of supra i must say, i cant wait another damn day!, not as hot as latron prime obviously but... pretty damn cool and yes i think the cost is worth it.
    3 = Money come's money goes, spend it on somethign that will progress you or make time fly while waiting on somethign new in this game, maby a warframe slot to test out something new?, probaply what i  will do :P

    Goodluck with your decisions fellow computer using human!

  7. Confusing headline i know... but, especially in the void i notice that items (oxygen/ammunation/mod's) get stuck in the seiling? (the roof) i dont think im spelling this right, but yeah, it can be quite annoying having to wallclimb/backjump for 1 oxygen tank whilst trying to survive vs countless enemies, im not sure if this is the way you guys wanted it but, just trying to help! :)

  8. this update was weird for me, said 5 mb and after i downloaded that then a 8mb download appeared out of nowhere, also i didnt get the message's you usually send warning of an update, anywho, after the update the warframe site & game didnt work for me for atleast 20 min's.     p.s, I have noticed when i exit the game it surely shuts off, but its still running something at  half a gigabyte ddr... Sorry if this is poorly written, i am but a humble Icelander.

  9. OP how many hours do you have in game?


    Help me out here, do you mean original poster aswell?, is this supposed to be some kind of suffisticated "noob" comment?, anyways, sorry for the english, im just a humble Icelander. Actually checking, right now... 208 hours roughly and i started in update, uhm 8, something close to 9 i belive.

    Just so i dont reply to everyone seperatly, it was just a suggestion, no need to go all internet on me! ( It was a dumb idea, the game is still in beta so, they really shouldnt be thinking about silly stuff at the moment)

    My deepest apoligize i guess, for creating this horror.

  10. I would like to see some emote's in this game, for example some simple victory dance's! you know, to ease those time inbetween waves, and just to look gorgeous. Also ,pretty off this topic but, I vote you make the next boss like... super hardcore, if id make a game, why would i want the people playing it just killing it the first time they encouter it?, id want them to struggle for like 3 months and then finally getting everything right and perhaps some lucky crits, they would beat him, and as a game addict, id say its... a really nice feeling to get... better then sex baby, better then sex!

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