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Posts posted by QuipSilver

  1. TLDR - Long time player, straw breaking camels back, what the S#&$?


    I've only put 1.5k hours into this game so that exempts me from the "long time player" thing that veterans cling to, however, I enjoy my time in the game mostly.  I've put a crap ton of time into most aspects of the game (outside of conclave) but sometimes the farm to get to actual plot points can be absurd even for a free2play game.


    I've been slogging through the preparation quests to get my Railjack built but when I reached the part to farm a ton of argon crystals, I finally stepped back and was like "wait, this is stupid" and that's from somebody that normally likes a good ol' grindfest.  I know some of you hardcore players have dragged your asses through these stupid farm quests but I think I'm burnt right out and any thoughts of pushing through it are pushed back by the apparent failure of Railjack due to matchmaking issues, repair costs, forced Coop etc.


    Blah, I had to get my thoughts on there, do with it what you will.  The quest lines for Railjack prep are utter bullS#&$.  I think I might just be clinging to the magic of the 2nd dream quest and hoping there is more like it in the future but I wonder if I can be arsed chasing the potentially impossible dream.



  2. Hey all,


    I have been trying to power level my Zenurik skills so I (using my ash prime) equipped a gunblade only (No primary and secondary equipped) and equipped a greater zenurik lens on both the Ash Prime and also the Gunblade and set off into MOT to farm like hell so I could get some affinity into it to start unlocking its abilities.

    I farmed like hell for ages only attacking from stealth and picking up the focus booster when available and after like 40mins I came out and it appeared to get like, I dunno, 2-3k focus in total.

    So I bought an affinity booster for plat and did the exact same again with the same conditions and, I'm pretty sure I got roughly the same again.  I must be doing something insanely wrong otherwise reaching the daily focus cap must require farming ability beyond that of (most) humans. 


    Lastly, when there is focus in the focus pool, does it serve any purpose other to increase it (for example) from 32/33 to 33/33?  There is like 10k focus in the focus pool but it seems to do nothing as when I try out (but not saving changes) to draw from that amount, it just draws it from my primary tree focus instead.


    Hopefully I didn't just blow 100+plat (2 greater Zenurik Lens + Affinity Booster) on a tiny increase.  Any info is welcome as, when I tried to look into this, everything seems to suggest I am doing it the same as everybody else but they seem to be  gaining an obscenely high amount of focus, and I am getting not even a fraction of the amount.



  3. Man...


    It WORKED!!! It actually worked!!!


    Thanks dude, we are now friends! 😛


    EDIT:  I use a steam controller at the moment so I did you recommended and then relaunched steam, opened big picture, made sure the config was good, closed big picture then opened the game and now it works.  Literally a life saver! ❤️

  4. Hey bud, thanks for getting back to me on this.


    I've unfortunately tried all of these, even tried a full reboot of the fibre in my appartment and tried a reconnect without any other devices/ background programs etc running and as an admin.  It's honestly such a confusing bug, but I have absolutely no idea how to fix it.  Hopefully the tech support team can shed some light on it.



    Thanks either way though Tenno. 🙂

  5. Hi Tenno,


    I've not really posted here before but the support ticket I made hasn't been checked yet so I figured to defer to you guys, see if anybody can shed some light.


    Basically, once I've logged into the game (typing the login details totally fine), I can't seem to enter any kinda typing function..  When I open my chat/ codex, anything in game where you can click mouse/  press controller button (both xbox and steam controllers), it appears to do nothing in terms of opening up a text box to type anything in.   Oddly enough, when you click on the text box at the bottom left, you can actually type in there (without pressing anything to open any text box) but it won't let you press enter etc to send it.


    It sucks super bad since I can't speak to anybody in game about trades, search my codex, search mods, search market etc at all and it's just happened outta nowhere.  It's worth noting that I can try binding the button etc to enter a text box to anything at all and, when pressing said button, you can hear the button press in game but nothing happens.  Also worth noting that the buttons/ keys that I have tried binding to text box entry seem to do their job when it relates to literally any other in game function, so I'm basically bamboozed.  I've ticketed support about it and went into as much detail as humanly possible including checks on connection etc and admin privilages upon opening the game etc but nothing has been answered yet and it sucks as I can't respond to trade questions in game.


    Any constructive feedback is mega appreciated.



    TLDR:  Can't get text boxes working, checked everything, god dammit.

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