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Posts posted by WoundedWolf

  1. nova's molecular prime, enemy explosions not working as intended when playing as client (no chain reaction at all) (working fine when host)

    Worth noting that neither is anti matter drop, so I think it's an explosion based bug, but that part is speculation.

  2. I think the extended alert would be the best way to handle this problem. I'll admit that my original idea was too giving, but the goal was availability, which is easily met with an extended alert time. I hope the Dev's get a chance to see this thread, because this idea seems sound and reasonable. if the objective is to be fair, then no problem, everyone has a chance at a potato. If the objective is simply there as a technicality as someone else earlier on in the thread suggested, then they obviously won't consider this. That isn't to say it would be the only reason they wouldn't accept this idea. However, I doubt their intentions are so malicious.


    But I'd be foolish to assume I'm right.

  3. Its all RNG so no use complaining about it.And you have to remember something: while it may be at a bad time for you its going to be at a good time for people on the other side of the world.You aren't the in the only timezone playing this game, and to try to get more alerts centered around your timezone just shows how egocentric you are.As for saying "the alerts are in a timezone where most people are asleep", again please try to remember that there are a *lot* of players in other timezones, and they deserve a fair chance at getting everything as well.And its not like DE chooses the alerts or anything. The *only* alerts which DE has control over are special alerts, such as for the last event, and the alerts right after a live stream. The RNG determines when an alert pops up, how long it lasts, and what the reward is for. Its perfectly fair.

    I believe I addressed this as well, saying that if. It was based in another country, I get it. It makes sense, and it's not solely about the time at which a single blueprint proc'd. It's about a repeating problem, and about it being so scarce in the first place that (I'll admit to it) you may feel cheated when you wake up and see you missed an alert at 4am central time (5am est, 3am mst, or 2am pst, which by the way are all early morning times that usually most people in America would be foolish to be awake during if they have responsibilities during the day, withholding outstanding cases. Hence understanding if this system was based on a European or Asian market, which would make far more sense as to why these alerts are popping up at these times). My goal here is not *@##$ing about what makes me unhappy, which to be fair it does, but I don't think anyone can really say they don't feel a little negative emotion when they know they've missed that opportunity. My goal is to bring it to attention, and propose a solution.

    Also, I left it out in my original post, but I should add that I was under the impression that what I'm experiencing is actually an abundance, and not a shortage, which added a fair amount of hesitation to me making this post. I understand that things used to be worse before I started playing, but they've improved, which is a testament to what can happen if we continue to address our opinions in a proper form on the feedback forums.

    This isn't about being right or wrong, or spoiled or hardened through starvation, but about trying to improve the game and community through the channels that have been allowed to us as beta testers. The developers have requested our feedback, and this is feedback. Good or bad, skewed or otherwise, this is simply something I am providing to start a conversation that will hopefully end up furthering the game. We shouldn't take these opinions personally as attacks, or feel the need to champion or defend something.

    To summarize:

    This is a discussion, not an attack, or me listing off butthurt. I simply want the game to be improved in a way that (personally, not pretending to have some omnipotent sense of justice) I think may improve player activity, morale, and return rate.

  4. buy plat. buy orokin/catalyst.


    devs are peole and they want to eat food and drink drinks.

    Sure, and I might, but this is beta, and things a bound to change. If this was release, or if I had the money to drop on a preorder, maybe I would, but spending money on something that might be fixed is hedonistic, and I'd like to save what little money my college student income has for when things are more concrete. I do support them, just not financially; that comes later. And for those who do wish to support them now, they have the founders pack.

    Spending money isn't the solution, because the problem is the underlying structure of the alerts system.

  5. They don't decide when potatoes are available unless it's after a livestream. It is completely randomly generated. Suck it up like everyone else. Yes, the drop rate is low, maybe too low. But they are essentially the most powerful thing in game.

    I get that they are powerful, and I know they are difficult to obtain for a reason, but what I. Doing here is trying to promote change the way they want us to, through the feedback forums. It won't be changed if no one says anything, so I'm throwing my hat in the ring, and simply being honest about how I feel, and what I think a solution might be (because posting a problem without a solution is what makes you a whiny *@##$).

  6. Allow me to preface this with saying I've had an incredibly busy week, and as a new play who had already maxed out his warframe and go-to weapons within days of beginning the game, I gave up on waiting up until 3 AM hoping that maybe I'd be around for a potato blueprint, hungrily stalking twitter. I've only played in 9.5 and up, and cannot have played for more than two weeks (if I have, go me!). The point I'm trying to get to is...

    These never happen at reasonable hours, and there are too few of them. It honestly feels like once a week on these, and I think the last one was at some absurd time like 4-6 am depending on time zone. If these are based in Europe or another country, I get it, but then you are only catering to one crowd, and clearly displaying favorites.

    There is not enough content in your game right now to justify these potatoes being so scarce, as they are the closest thing you have to end game right now. Some might argue void missions, but I'd like to point out you can get keys to the void as soon as Venus. Void missions are more bonus levels than end game. While I can appreciate that the void missions are the right amount of grind and farm, the point I'm trying to get to is that right now Potatoes are the symbol of competent players, and once a week at an incredibly inconvenient time is not fair to anyone to anyone who doesn't want to spend serious money on your game.

    I understand that supporting the game is important, and paying for things is how the game keeps running, but making players pay for potatoes is crossing the threshold into pay-to-win. Which is either extorted business, poor game design, or isolating and alienating most of your players.

    As a preference, I'd think that if you were to drop blueprints you drop them on the same random day at several different times, there are two significant reasons why. First, so that people in all time zones and sleep schedules can have a chance at them. Second, so that if they start to drop at midnight (in an example where they would drop at 12am, 6am, 12pm, 6pm) people are aware. They should be online and on the lookout. The argument against this would be scarcity, absence from play at any other time, or the fallacy argument that I'm a whiny *@##$.

    To the first, your fair market pricing for potatoes isn't far from the fair market price of control modules on your store, which means they could and should share the same level of supply.

    To the Second, I imply that this midnight time is simply the signifier, and that beyond that one, all other drops are random, but accommodate time schedules that vary. This gives players the notice to be around, and online, meaning it could actually stir some of the activity back into warframe (from people like me who are either on the verge or have already quit the game over aging nothing better to do than wait around for potatoes).

    To the third, I'd simply like to point out that simply because someone complains, does not inherently mean that they are wrong, or weak willed. Most of the time there is at least some truth to what they say. I don't normally find myself on forums making lengthy posts or responses about things, but I figure now is the best time, while warframe is still in beta.


    I'm cross about the frequency and inconvenience of the potato blueprint drop rate, and made several points as to why, so if you actually care you should go up and read them before responding, so that you can understand my stance on it.

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