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Posts posted by (PSN)AxelHiggs

  1. Understand things were busier than expecting, hopefully DE will have things squared away soon. Putting my name in the hat here though for "didn't get Ash Prime", just so they're aware. Watched the whole hour, definitely have account linked (have received Prime With Prime, Twitch drops, etc. in the past).

  2. Some time in the last few months a few minor bugs have popped up on the Lua tileset on PS4, two that are specific to the Pavlov Spy Mission.

    1) Music Puzzle (Any) - The "Simon" music puzzle to get the Octavia Chassis Blueprint plays the same set of tones every time. From the starting console, it's Lower button on right side, Lower button on left side, Left button at start, Right Button at start, Left button on left side. This has been the pattern every time I have encountered the puzzle recently, and I know it used to be random.

    2) Orokin Spectator (Pavlov) - In the vault with the statue near the front, the one where the past has a Wall Latch puzzle, there is a bugged Orokin Spectator in the present time. The second Spectator no longer paths, instead sitting right at the far end pointed exactly where you need to go. You can narrowly glide in from the top, hugging the wall, and get in without being spotted, but it is a very tight window. The Spectator used to path back and forth over the pit, leaving openings where it was facing away from the hole in the wall. This seems distinct from the Sensor Regulators that occasionally get stuck pathing through Grineer vaults, as there is no obvious terrain object for the Spectator to get caught on.

    3) Hidden Room (Pavlov) - In the third vault, the room in the past with the ten lockers and a circle of containers is now always open. Previously you had to use explosives in the present to knock a boulder through the time rift and bust a hole in the door. Now the door is simply open. This may have been intentional, but it seems a shame to take little exploration prizes like that and just throw them out in the open.

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