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Posts posted by jormaakkeli

  1. Well just an idea. I think people have not released the amazing content of how mario run best runs. Or 007 best runs. Yes would need to be also same tileset. Could be also by warframe. This is how fast can you move thing...

    Well just idea.. I consider it being very nice to have an agility game how fast can you move with certain difficulty. There is no that kind of game in fortnite.

  2. Hello,

    My idea to add little bit more end game content for warframe would be to give spy missions a nice competitive nature. If you go solo, have perfect score, the time of the run will be visible in some page where you can compare your own results and also other players results.

    Months fastest would get some small prize. Personally I would do a picture of the frame and name to somewhere in the world. But anything would be fine, or just fame :)

    Thats all.

    Br, Jormaakkeli

  3. Hi,


    I have config A with prost prime with following mods which take all capasity:

    Rejuvenation, stretch, constitution, continiuty, streamline, snow globe, vigor, vitality, redirection, flow


    I try to create config B. I add lvl 0 Reflex Guard to it.

    Then I try to fusion it up, I get following error:


    "Fusion not possible: Installed Mod would exceed capacity of Frost Prime (Config A)".


    I don't know how can leveling Reflex Guard affect to Config A if it does not have it. 


    Br, jormaakkeli

  4. Hi,


    I just think it would be more better if loot radar would not show point in minimap after you have picked up the loot. When for example playing mobile defence you have like 100 points on minimap and you don't have any idea which you have already picked. Notice that I always play multiplayer, not sure if the same problem occurs in private.


    Br, Jormaakkeli

  5. I just though that it would be good addition for those who still like to pvp and not use tricks these. if you wanna max out your pvp frame potential in any conclave level you need to do this. I'm not complaining, it was suggestion.

  6. The point is that now people like be benefit from this as they find the trick to drop your conclave as low as possible by buying the the basic weps lvl1 and equipping those. I think its more clear for most people that they could just unequip. :)


    But what ever, it was just suggestion to make it more clear for people who play it casually.

  7. I have sentinel and I going to remove it to lower my conclave rating:

    My total rating before removing sentinel:


    Total conclave before removing sentinel 438.

    Sentinel + sentinels rifle conclave = 92 + 37 = 129


    Expected results after remove sentinel : 438 - 129 = 309

    Actual results after removing sentinel with equip none:= 345


    So I reequipped sentinel, removed all mods from sentinel rifle and requipped.

    Results after this 310 as the rifle without mods still takes 1 conclave.









  8. Nukes are most boring spells in the game. Pull used to be fun as it was so totally different. Now its just "insta" killing nuke on lower lvls and decent damage on higher lvls. But I'm off. Have fun with new mag. Atleast some persons agree with me.

  9. What are you talking about? Pull works fine now as it actually has decent damage. It still does pull enemies towards Mag. Pulling enemies towards Mag in melee range is actually dangerous in higher level missions so WTH?

    I dont think you play with 1000 shields and so on... And I don't think you play mag against 60-100lvls mobs. The pulling is only dangerous against higher lvl poison mobs and even then you can pull enemies in away that the poison mobs don't hit you.


    Mag used to be fun. Now it has some aoe damage spell which does not do damage at higher lvls and does not help anymore to relocate properly the enemies. Well anyway this change was the final thing for me. ggs.

  10. "I don't know if this is intended but Mag's pull isn't pulling enemies into melee range, they only move a short distance towards her."

    This was total nerf for mag. The only good thing with mag was that he was able to pull enemies to melee range often. And now they even nerfed it and gave back stupid aoe spell


     problem with mag is that when you go higher level missions then crush does not do damage. The shield polarize is okey but too long cast. It gives you back something like 700 shield so its ok. The bullet atractor is not really use full as mags mana pool you cannot spam it.


    And THEN PULL. It used to be good as you could stack enemies for aoes like nova, you could get them close to your melee range, you could get them away from injured friends, you could pull them away in defenses. Pull was the mag basically. But now mag does not exists anymore. All the fun thing what mag used to be is gone.

  11. Ok ok I see that the thing is with all the weapons and the dual zorens is just a graphical thing.


    But when soloing pluto level mission, mag needs to chain use his pull to disable enemies before uber gear. Mag can cast 7 pulls in a row to disable enemies. And when chain disabling enemies, mag will constantly use this "special ground attack" which is more than 50% slower than normal attack.

    You see my point, mags pull + melee weapon is completely useless as its nerfs the melee damage too much compared to normal damage.

  12. Hi,


    I play mag as main character. I just bought these dual zorens. Now I found the weapon completely useless with mag. Mag first ability pull makes enemies to drop down. And when the enemy is on the ground and I attack with melee attack. What happens it is that the dual zorens attack some kind of special attack to ground. After the attack I always see animation how the dual zorens are unequipped and my shotgun is equipped. Even I'm constantly hitting e. The dual zorens works fine if I don't use pull but that's kinda the best thing mag.. The special attack to ground happens always if the enemy is on the ground and its slow and it makes the weapon unequip.


    My dual zorens are at the moment lvl 10 and I also have 50% fury mod.


    Br, Jormaakkeli

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