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Posts posted by Rhydion

  1. Week 1 of Nightwave: Series 2, I had 3 weekly missions spawn in already completed, which both locked me out of completing them for standing as well as unlocking the 'catch-up' missions (if they are still a thing after Intermission ended). 

    I was hoping that when Week 2 rolled around it would fix itself, but it has not. Indeed, one of this weeks missions (Catch 6 Rare Fish in the Plains of Eidolon) spawned in pre-completed as well. If this keeps up, I will be locked out of several reward tiers despite my playing nearly every single day. Honestly I'd be more willing to ignore it and just catch up later if there was any sort of word on this being worked on at all, but not a single one of the patch notes since Tennocon has even mentioned this being an issue, despite several other threads about this issue being made in the Bug Reports section.


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  2. I agree with the Forma challenge being an issue. Even just knowing that said challenge exists can be a bit of a hinderance, since you might pause yourself when you are about to Forma a weapon, since next week's missions might include the Forma one. The Lua Farm makes it more forgiving than it might be otherwise, but it's still a problem. Moreso, it's not a 'challenge' so much as it is a 'pointgate'. You can complete it within five seconds of seeing that it exists for that week, if you have the formas on hand and a collection of weapons at 30. It isn't difficult, it's just wasteful.

  3. Same problem here. Stuck at Rank 2, 2,500/10,000 after doing all the dailies and weeklies that it lets me.

    I think it might have something to do with the 'catch up' thing they did in the Intermission. I noticed that the three that bugged for me as pre-completed were ones that I did during the 'catch-up phase' after I finished everything for the week in Intermission. I might have been even further behind ,in fact, since there was a fourth mission it carried over, but I still had a little bit left to do on that one.

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