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Posts posted by DarxideTheDevourer

  1. I just received a 50% off platinum coupon for logging in, but I get an error when I try to purchase telling me to return later. Not a huge issue for myself, as I probably don't need to spend the cash, but I figure it should be mentioned.

  2. Thanks DE, was just about to punt my router...

    2 minutes ago, Manmor_ said:

    You mean you don't enjoy being told to reset router, verify game integrity, reinstall windows, check drivers, check windows updates, delete system32 folder, and other generic advice the other companies would give you in this situation?

    what's worse is that it's become an ingrained thing to where I automatically think it's my fault


  3. 1 minute ago, Ibro156 said:

    My biggest suggestion in order are:

    1) Do Natah Quest by scanning blue Drones on Uranus.

    Suggest you do this while farming for Equinox during the Tyle Regor Boss Fight. +Make sure you have an Archwing.

    2) After completing the Natah Quest. You should have Second Quest deliver to via ingame Inbox. Trust me this quest best thing in Warframe IMO

    3) Relearn how Fissures and Starchart work.

    4) Align yourself with a Syndicate. You can have 1 at minimum and 5 at max.

    5) Do rest of the Quests. Just use the Warframe Wiki to help you.


    1) There a tutorial on Parkour 2.0 in the Codex Advance Movement.

    2) Try out Lunaro. It's Lacrosse with a bit of Rugby mixed into to it.

    3) Go check out Baro Ki'Teer the Void Trader. You can acquire cosmetics, weapons and Inaros Quest (again, worth playing).

    Thanks for the suggestions! I would always get the random urge to play when I drank a bit more than I should have, which would then lead me to being insanely overwhelmed.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Jeahanne said:

    Lol no worries, take your time. Today is my day off work so I should be on a little while at least. Are there any questions I can answer for you in the mean time?

    Not really that I can think of right now, I've read up on some things. My buddy also account transferred way back so he's caught up and I watch him every once in awhile, but he's another reason I quit because I missed the transfer window :(. But especially like the "alliance" type things, special mods, the void trader dude, and othe little random things that got implemented since ive been gone


  5. Hey guys, I know this is potentially kind of a big question, but... I used to play a lot back when the founders packages still existed, after grinding my butt off in the game we kind of drifted apart.

    Is anyone able to help me get back up to speed? the last time I played I believe was around the mesa update so I know a lot has changed.

    Any help would be appreciated, I just feel it's time to come back and play the game I spent so many hours and a lot of money enjoying and watching it grow.


    OG stands for "Original Gangster"


    He is an OG because he was here since the founders program.



    This made me laugh so hard it was unreal. You win today, I concede.

    Thanks for everything guys. I miss this game. I turn my back for one minute and it changes and becomes overwhelming lol.

  7. I havent played this game since the end of the nyx prime access and I feel ashamed being a master founder. can anyone give me a run down on the new features? Kinda trying to make a comeback lol. Hundreds of hours of grinding shouldn't go to waste, right?

  8. Other than Some having naming issues for the combos, it seems the combos with the up, down, or right mouse button don't work on controller. I know I'll catch enough flak for using a controller but it's what I prefer and it sucks I can't do all my combos with them. Please fix.

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