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Posts posted by primetime112233

  1. Wouldn't it be great to be able to see your character and sniper rifle while zoomed in? As far as I know it is not possible in the game with sniper rifles except with this glitch that I found. While cloaked as Loki and zoomed in with the Lanka sniper rifle my character and gun were visible (covered with Loki's cloak power). I wonder if this works with other sniper rifles. Even though it is not much, its a start. What do you guys think?

  2. On 6/8/2016 at 0:24 PM, Squito said:

    I'll just copy-paste my idea from another Opticor post.

    I think the firing mechanism should change: let it be used as a semi-automatic rifle (with a 10-15 round mag) and as a charged rifle (as is now), don't make us charge it till atleast 1/3 of the circle to be able to fire it. Also the charging time should be lower like 1.5-2s instead of 2.5s and maybe when it's fully charged it should start loading/adding another round the the charge, pretty much like the staticor does (this could be bound to the the alternate fire key, so it wouldn't start loading another round if you don't want to).

    Hey, that sounds pretty cool.

  3. On 6/5/2016 at 7:35 PM, Nembilim said:

    Given the very little information you have shown about this idea, i can only see this being a nerf. It sounds like you want a non-hitscan (Lanka projectile) and weaker alt fire (low power setting.) I really dont see how this would help Opticor in any way possible.

    Thats why its alt fire. Maybe it can fire faster by just clicking the mouse instead of the charge.

  4. When I fire the Vulkar Wraith without the zoom it does not count as a combo hit. Why? The Rubico does not have this problem. I get great combos going with the Rubico while the Vulkar Wraith has to be zoomed in. Is it a bug?

  5. First thing that comes to mind is the Covenant Carbine of Halo. Enjoyed using that thing on ODST and Reach. Good times.


    Would be a nice touch, and could round out the Marksman rifles we have as we don't really have a Latron/Grinlok thing fitting the Elemental department. Magnetic, Electric...heck, how about Cold? We're still lacking on Cold based weapons other than Glaxion still.


    Would also be interesting to see an Infested Marksman rifle as well. Like Tysis' larger sibling for the dart deal.

    Oh man, don't get me started on the awesomeness of the Covenant Carbine!

  6. Until we get a proper semi-auto Corpus rifle, you can always just tap-fire the Lanka. The damage is a bit lower and the fire rate isn't nearly as quick (not a problem since most builds have Speed mods for the charge time anyways), but the 25% crit chance is nice.

    You know, that is exactly what i am using the lanka for. Its really cool but I wish the zoom was less.

  7. i would prefer DE to make a lanka syndicate mod (perrin? cephalon? whatever) that +% fire rate than a casual sniper mod because that would be useless on most of them

    I suppose that such a change would only affect the Lanka. I thought about syndicate mods too but it seems that corpus syndicate mods don't do as well compared to other syndicate mods.

  8. make it a hitscan weapon, a railgun not being hitscan is an insult to the base physics, the charge mechanic is fine for me, but a sniper with travel time is just ridiculous of you compare to its damage.

    True that.

    Make Lanka benefit from x2 boost and penalty of firerate mods like bows do, it's really just a bow in disguise.

    I kinda agree with you there.

  9. Well, it has somewat nicer critical chance and faster reload at base, plus the insane punchthrough.


    Im just gona say it: leave it alone, wait for the sniper buff. It happened to the shotguns and to the supra, so let just wait for it.


    And if you want some constructive feedback: make it autocharge + other sniper changes, or add the scaner scope so it can see enemys on cover, thats the 2 most requested buffs to it :P

    Sniper buff, I suppose that I could wait. Hopefully not a year though. Autocharge would be SUPER nice too. : )

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