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Posts posted by M-Tiger

  1. I've been working on breeding some Vulpaphylas lately and after the update there are a few bugs that have popped up sometimes.

    There are multiple bugs:

    1) The Genetic Tools menu sometimes disappears entirely, depending on your currently equipped pet (equipping a not-yet-gilded animal seems to only -sometimes- be the cause).

    2) The Genetic Tools new submenu for selecting which animal to imprint, does not always show the correct appearance of an animal when clicked on. The animal's size will change correctly but the antigen/mutagen effected appearance and breed traits will not always update between animals that have different appearances like it should.

    3) The Genetic Tools menu will sometimes allow you to create a Genetic Imprint of NON-GILDED animals. When you go to the new submenu for selecting which animal to imprint, NON-GILDED animals are available for selection, and selecting them DOES WORK.

    4) The Genetic Tools menu will sometimes NOT allow you to create a Genetic Imprint of GILDED animals. It will go to the new submenu for selecting which animal to imprint, but upon selecting a Gilded animal it may throw up an error message reading "Cannot make imprints of pets when they have not yet matured. Mature to an adult before creating imprint." despite the animal already being an adult and Gilded. Regressing and maturing the animal does not stop this error message from popping up, meaning imprints of the animal CANNOT be made.

  2. The unintended bug that let people use a heavy attack to throw a buffed Exodia Contagion projectile was removed back in September. They further ensured with this update that heavy attack in the air is doing a ground slam as is intended.

    Update 33.6.9

    • Fixed being able to buff Exodia Contagion's projectile damage with heavy attack multiplier by performing a series of specific parkour movements.
      • The movements in question allowed for heavy attacks to be performed mid-air instead of triggering the intended ground slam, which then caused the Heavy Attack damage multiplier to be applied to the projectile. In this Hotfix, we’ve specifically removed the interaction that buffed its damage, as heavy attacking mid-air is not possible otherwise. We understand that this was a popular combination due to its ability to land wild damage numbers, but it was dependent on a movement animation bug and went beyond the original design for the Arcane. 
  3. Completed this weekend's Alert for the Corrupted Mod (Transient Fortitude) and Stratos Emblem. Before going into the mission I checked my Profile to check how many Emblems I had earned so far because I was curious and it said 11.

    After finishing the mission, the Stratos Emblem was very clearly shown on the mission rewards screen, but upon checking the wearable Emblem I discovered it did NOT update the symbol. I then checked my Profile again and found that the number of Stratos Emblems earned did NOT increase to 12 like it should have.

    Playing on PC (main), I do have Cross-Save enabled with a linked Switch account, if that might somehow be relevant.

    • Like 3
    • TYPE: In-game UI
    • DESCRIPTION: On the Intrinsics screen, the mouse-over video for Tactical shows the old Railjack layout. Command is also showing the same mouse-over video that Tactical plays.
    • VISUALp2qYYu0.jpg
    • REPRODUCTION: Go to the Intrinsics screen, mouse over Tactical or Command, and watch the video.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: The video should be updated to show the new Railjack layout instead of the old one. Command should have it's own video.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: On the Intrinsics screen, the mouse-over video for Tactical shows the old Railjack layout. Command is also showing the same mouse-over video that Tactical plays.
    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: On NSU Grid in the Veil Proxima in Railjack, it is impossible to finish the mission due to a door in the Pulse Turbine refusing to open. The only way to leave the mission is to abort or get the railjack destroyed, which forfeits all loot obtained in the mission.
    • VISUALcIK3Urz.jpg
    • REPRODUCTION: I have attempted this mission multiple times now, and each time I get to the step in the Pulse Turbine where you have to go down and destroy the Radar Array, the door on the path leading to it refuses to open.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: The door should open, I should be able to walk through it and complete the objective.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Regardless of the order in which I completed the objectives, the door refuses to open.
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% of the time I have attempted this mission today.
    • TYPE: In-Game
    • DESCRIPTION: On NSU Grid in the Veil Proxima in Railjack, it is impossible to finish the mission due to a door in the Pulse Turbine refusing to open. The only way to leave the mission is to abort or get the railjack destroyed, which forfeits all loot obtained in the mission.
    • VISUALcIK3Urz.jpg
    • REPRODUCTION: I have attempted this mission multiple times now, and each time I get to the step in the Pulse Turbine where you have to go down and destroy the Radar Array, the door on the path leading to it refuses to open.
    • EXPECTED RESULT: The door should open, I should be able to walk through it and complete the objective.
    • OBSERVED RESULT: Regardless of the order in which I completed the objectives, the door refuses to open.
    • REPRODUCTION RATE: 100% of the time I have attempted this mission today.
  4. The easiest way to reproduce this is to go to the Simulacrum, equip any Warframe and any Zaw with the Exodia Contagion arcade equipped on it, then spawn 20x regular Lancer units. Level doesn't matter. Make sure Enemy AI is ON so they can shoot at you, and make sure Invincibility is OFF, as auto-blocking does not happen unless you are able to take damage. Pull out your Zaw by hitting the melee button, then bullet jump or double jump towards any group of Lancers that is firing at you, and hit the melee button while you are blocking bullets. Exodia Contagion will trigger if the timing is right and launch the projectile even though you are not holding the aim button to aim glide.

    It is reproducible without any mods whatsoever equipped on the Warframe or Zaw, though in the video below I used Physique on an unranked Inaros to get a little extra health to help stay alive. At no point during the video did I press or hold Mouse 2 to aim or aim glide. As you can see in the video, I was able to get Exodia Contagion to trigger several times, when it should not have triggered at all, because the auto-blocking forces the game to think you are aim gliding.


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  5. Since melee 2.99999 came out I noticed some occurrences where I would just instantly die while bullet jumping forward at a group of enemies to get closer and melee attack them with my Zaw. Usually I land the jump with a slide and melee to hit the whole group, specifically without aim gliding cause that slows down movement, in order to keep momentum going. I finally figured out what was going on.

    There was a change made to Exodia Contagion at the time to make it so it only triggers and launches the projectile if you double jump or bullet jump and then aim and hit melee while aim gliding, which was done to make it so people don't blow themselves up while trying to melee slam.

    However, if you initiate the double jump or bullet jump while you have your Zaw out, you will auto block projectiles in the air if enemies are shooting at you. If you hit melee at the same time as one of these automatic blocks happens, it will trigger Exodia Contagion, which will likely explode immediately in your face and, depending on mods, kill you instantly. This happens while NOT holding the aim button to aim glide. The auto-blocking apparently forces you into an aim glide state momentarily for some reason.

    I have now reproduced this by going into missions where there a lot of enemies swarming and shooting at you, and simply pulling out my Zaw, bullet jumping toward the enemies without touching my mouse buttons (thus not holding aim to aim glide) and hitting melee. If timed at the same time as an auto-block, instead of the expected melee attack Exodia Contagion will launch a projectile.

    Can we maybe get this unwanted behavior fixed by making Exodia Contagion only be triggerable while the player actually physically presses the aim button?

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