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Posts posted by UltraNeros

  1. Hello,

    Just a small bug I noticed. The mods such as Rebound and Quick return say it is "Throwing Melee." Which extends behind the conclave rating. I suggest you change the words to "Thrown Melee" which would reduce the space it takes up just for housekeeping.




    Thanks for reading!

  2. Hello, 

    I was thinking of an idea for parkour that would make it more convenient and interesting. When you are jumping through the air and aiming at a target (slow-mo) and you hit a wall you just fall.


    My suggestion is if you are air gliding and hit a wall that you would go into a wall latch instead of just bumping off the wall.


    Short and Sweet.


    Thanks for Reading.

  3. When Archwing was first released, the #1 thing I wanted to see in Warframe was a massive scythe! So I created a concept. I have a few "special mechanics" for it as well. As for the scythe. Here is the concept I worked on. (not perfect, but a start)




    Then Here is the retraction of the scythe.




    The scythe concepts are subject to change and the scaling of the blade and the staff may be very "in-viable."

    I have another idea for when your a channeling your melee, the scythe adjusts to a different position. I think all the melee in Archwing should get a change such as this. 

    For this scythe concept I want the scythe's blade to turn as if it was retracted and you swing it with much more speed and similar to an axe. Here is a concept of what I am meaning.




    I'd like to hear from the community to see what they think of this idea. Or how I could change it. I'll check back every day! Thanks hope you enjoyed!

  4. I have been playing Warframe for about a year now, and I think it is one of the best games out there. I do however have something of concern to me and some fellow friends. I was around when the "Founder Packs" were available. This was a great money making idea for you guys at Warframe. During this founders pack the Excalibur was exclusive to those packs, and I watched the opportunity come and pass, and I missed my opportunity to get a Excalubur Prime which I gravely resent. I feel like having Excalibur Prime exclusive to founders is unfair. I think it's unfair to new players who get really into the game and want to collect all the warframes, but there will always be one missing. They never will have the opportunity to get Excalibur Prime again. I propose that you at Digital Extremes make Excalibur Prime avaliable. I feel as if you were to contact all of the Founders and ask for their permission to release the Excalibur Prime back to Warframe. I think there should be an rather large event around Excalibur Prime in the void. Even though this may take a lot of work, i feel as it would be a very positive thing to the Warframe community. I think that you could replace the Excalibur Prime with something else for the founders, like a special badge, or color pallet, just to compensate for what they are giving up. I don't want to be unfair to the Founders, cause I completely understand that you put in money to get it, but I think the opportunity for new players to get the Excalibur Prime is something that is important to.


    I hope to see a Dev respond to this, I wanted to see if this is possible. Thankyou for your time.


    - Neros

  5. I have been experimenting with the Oberon's abilities, I got it when it was released in update 11.5. It is a fun frame and smite and reckoning do a good job at destroying things! 


    Then we come to his 3rd ability... Renewal, well sounds cool, heals allies and with max power strength gives you 486 health back, I think that's great, but I decided to check the wiki and make sure I understand exactly what the ability does. "IT REVIVES DOWNED ALLIES?!?!?!" This is the best power on earth (maybe the rest of Warframe universe too, since I was on earth and I went afk to read the wiki.) Then, me and a friend decided to test this.

    • While active can resurrect a person from a downed state.
      • Remains after the revival of this player.
      • Bug: May cause players to get stuck in a downed state, unable to be revived because they already have health.

    Then we started to do it exactly as it says "While active can resurrect a person from downed state." So he grabbed a low frame and right before he went down. I activated it making sure the projectile reached him before he was downed. We tried it several times to make sure it got to him in time. He never revived. Even attempted to use the ability after he went down, but he never got back up.


    We then did a little research see what other people said/thought. We came upon a forum post (just like this one) that explained that the ability when active from time of death, through the bleed out stage would revive him after the timer. As expected I was presented with the following message "[user] Has died" FAILURE!!!


    My question to this is, Is this ability a bug? Or just an error that it's on the wiki? And with your help we can maybe get one of the devs to view this post and tell us weather it will be removed from the wiki or fix the bug that exists.


    Thanks for reading and up vote!

  6. EDIT III - Dec.12.13
    New Unique Synadas added!

    Suggestion 1 - Turbulance

    Looking like a gentleman with this elegant extension to the coat tails.

    Suggestion 2 - Sylph

    Nobility at its finest with the finest robes.

    Suggestion 3 - Mistral

    An aggressive alternative look with these feathery spines.

    Keep in touch, we will be updating more to Zephyr's design as time allows us. Next up is a modified full body Prime version!

    Although the syndana's are very wisely devised and applied. I feel as there isn't enough upper body to lower body ration. They feel like they are over weighing the uppber body (or lower body).

    I do agree they are still cool, but i believe they could be made better =)

    This is still a warframe that NEEDS to be added to our line-up! We don't have an air elemental so why take the time to design a new one, when they could absorb this one =)

    Happy Warframing! =)

  7. To that i say the following:


    I've been with warframe for well over 7 months (more or less) now and i know that we need to have some patience with the Devs and that these things are something that happen from time to time with a in-development game but sometimes there are certain decisions that simply get on one's nerves. 

    And yes i take some time of from warframe every so often when i get bored or when something is getting on my nerves about the game (the weekly changes to Damage 2.0 are an example), there is more to life than Warframe.


    I can see that u are rather new to the game (Initiate) so you'll probably aren't aware of the past crap that happened with the game in the past few months.


    P.S. Thanks for the concern but theres no need to come up with the whole Christmas and family time thing. :) 


    Merry Christmas

    I have been playing Warframe since update 8. So not that new, i realize some things get on your nerves i too feel the pain sometimes with suffering Warframes to the damage 2.0. But i don't know how to change my status from initiate. Anywho... I was just being encouraging and happy... I wasn't trying to be rude etc. 


    Warframe is still amazing never the less!


    Merry Christmas to you to!!! It's only 6 days away =D

  8. I find this a very intriguing idea. This could actually work. Looking at the whole way this is put together. I think it would be fun, but what must be changeable is the configuration. You should be able to change from a completely defensive stance to a tactical between missions.


    Although i have much more to say, i think this idea should be held to a later date, because of the difficulties the devs are having with Damage 2.0, they need to get that ironed out before we add something like this.


    Great Idea Though! =)

  9. First of all,


    Thanks Steve for the being honest and putting it all out (almost). Congratulations are in order for this awesome game and for U11 which was for the best part awesomeeee! But... there's always a but... 


    This whole Damage 2.0 thing was a good move and necessary move but now it's a huge mess... i don't even feel like playing till u guys come up with a final solution. Changing builds every other week for all weapons and for all the Warframes!? Really!? It's beyond frustrating!


    The Infested change i kinda understand and honestly get the idea behind it but it was imo a really bad move. 

    If the Infested was a new faction called Infested it would have been fine but doing it like this was a great way to &!$$ players off. The infested nodes were our favourites... of most players i believe, they were the reason to play regular missions on the starmap... now we lost Xini, Cyath and Palus!? What? U wanted for players to play in the Orokin voids and in the Derelicts!? The Orokin Voids droptables are all messed up (again!) and the Derelicts are only good for the Corrupted mods soo.... bad move with the infested thing!


    Regarding the warframe buffs... please, please be kind. Take a hard good look at Valkyr and the others that are in need. It's simply redic. to build a frame and level it up just to play with it for a couple of days (the same happened with Nekros) cause of her really &#!-low shields. The best looking warframes are simply lacking in stats (Valkyr and Nekros imo), so take in account some of the players tips before releasing the new one this week. 


    P.s. Whats up with the armor in this game!? Does it work or doesn't it work!? i really really can't understand why u guys insist with a armor system for the frames that doesn't work.


    Still love the Devs and this game but u guys really need to stop with this crap... 


    A commited player. 

    I know that the devs have been changing things frequently, implamenting new types of play and losing control of a few things. But I'm sure if we give them our patience and support they will straiten things out and find a solution that works great. They just need time. Maybe it's a good time to take a short break, but pay attention to the announcements for events and etc. A wise man once said "Stop doing something and you will become more fond of it" (Or something along those lines) Besides it's getting close to christmas, so maybe show your family a little more attention! =)

  10. This is a MUCH needed improvement to the game, and I think it needs lots of time and effort to get just right! I think some of the ideas are great in the mock-up but, I have a few ideas too!


    While i mention these ideas and comments, i do understand that this is subject for change.


    - STAMINA BAR : Was a GREAT idea! It would help so much for it to be right there instead of always taking my eyes of what I'm shooting to look at it.


    - COLORS : The colors MUST be changeable! Several reasons i say this is because first, color blind people can't see some colors second, because i don't like the colors being red and white, the colors are fighting each other.


    - EFFECTS : I also saw a mention with effects depending on your frame, and this is a wonderful idea! The style of the mock-up HUD resembles having your head in the helmet of the frame (slanted to the center of the screen) (of coarse without making it too obstructive


    - ABILITIES : Then there is the abilities and energy/mana. It is very cluttery and in the way. I suggest one of two things, shift the entire object down or clean it up (make it less boxy) and make it more transparent. IMPORTANT : There NEEDS to be time-outs on the abilities, we are technologically advanced space ninja's and we don't know how long our own abilities last? That is something that will be very effective and helpful.


    - PICTURES/PROFILE : At the bottom left i see there is pictures for each person in the game. If there will be pictures I would like them to be of their frame and NOT their profile pictures, because sometimes when playing online, i don't know what player has what frame, and showing you the frame helps a lot.


    - WEAPONS : I miss the little pictures of each weapon in your hud, i really like knowing what the weapons looks like at the side view. (Just a personal preference)


    - MINI-MAP : I think a round mini-map would fit this better, seeing a radius rather than an area. Which also could allow sight for the distance of your abilities such as World on Fire and having a enemy radar mod to see if the enemies are in the range of your ability.


    - ENEMY BARS : One thing i would love to see in the enemies bar is kind of hard to explain so i will ad a little graphic to better explain it.

    Having the shield bar higher than the health bar, making the shield easier to view and tell when it's gone.


    Other than that! I am excited to see what comes of this, i hope to see if any of my ideas are worthy of inspection!


    Hope this new HUD becomes amazing! =D


  11. I see what you are saying, partially the reason I remain vague with statistics is so the design and concept himself is focused more than nit picked details.


    Why don't you help me out by suggesting new and/or improved abilities beside your critiques?


    This is a GREAT concept design! I don't usually read through all of the abilities and specs of "suggested warframes" because there is usually NO pictures and even when there is, i find them scratchy. But when i saw this... I showed ALL of my friends! (Even some who didn't play Warframe) This concept is something that actually NEEDS to be among the warframes. It is thoroughly thought out and well designed, plus the pictures... Just amazing! (Grey Scale and All!)


    I noticed some of the people critiquing some of your abilities. I actually have a few suggestions of my own. One ability I thought of is since this warframe is wind/air element, it should be able to make the air un-breathable and in a certain radius of the frame it would deplete the air making all enemy factions sustain damage because of air not being breathable. This could also be implemented to do the opposite for the tenno's. Such as in a survival when your air is depleting, you could use this ability to make the air breathable for your team for a short time, therefore making them survive longer. I don't feel as this is an advantage in any way, because of the simple fact that Frost's Snow Globe blocks bullets from an area in defense missions.


    I think that Turbulence is a needed ability for this frame. Even tho it may copy Nyx's Absorb, it shouldn't just redirect the bullets back at the source of the shot, but instead have a chance of hitting a surrounding enemy. (Not 100%) I think is a very viable ability for this frame, but the first attack is a very complex situation. Since this ability is like so many others (Ice wave, Fireball, Soul punch) it is quite hard to determine an alternate since this is a very common action even tho presented in a different way. An idea i was thinking of was making the burst of air come from several different directions of the frame, such as in a "+" direction or maybe just three, so it would take some skill to aim them correctly, and have the possibility of hitting multiple targets. Searing Winds i don't quite understand. Is it just a designated area that is affected? Or a radius from the spiral.


    But in short. I think this is one of the best concepts for a warframe i have seen. Let alone any other concept for a different kind of game. Hopefully, i will get a comment back about the suggestions I made. The thought and idea's put into this warframe simply deserves to be put into the game. And WHEN it gets placed in, i will be excited to color it with my black and gold ;) Great Job to the artist and idea makers. I would be excited for other ideas from you guys! 

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