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Posts posted by ImmortalPony

  1. 4 часа назад, Elanair сказал:

    Whether comics or more story, looking forward to them.

    Good luck Tennoi ^^

    I'm gonna write some more episodes soon) Ok) I'll post it... right ...here? ^__^ And maybe they'll get their sweet happy end one day) Who knows?^__^

  2. 16 часов назад, Elanair сказал:

    A touching little story, I quite like it since we rarely realize that Tenno can still be 'human' and vulnerable when the situation warrants it.

    It is an important little detail that we tend to forget when playing the game, with the exception of the cinematic quests of course.


    True. And thanks for comment.

    Well. Role-playing is the most important part of content for me when I play computer games. So, Warframe gave me so much: gameplay that I like, stories, interesting characters, fashionframe! ^_^. 

    I started Warframe when Chains of Harrow was new quest. And I thought - that will be smth I'll like. Not like in fact - I love it! I love Rell's story and somehow it became the most important part of my operator personal lore. This story - just an illustration of moment. I planned more, but  have no time, and still don't know - what better - draw comics or write story (every var. needs more practicing skills writing and drawing) . So it's very important for me to know someone liked my "little fanfic". 

  3. 14 минут назад, Loza03 сказал:

    Bravo, OP.

    Thanks! I was so afraid of posting it here Т_Т Usually it stays in my head during I play Warframe (my Operator personal lore, etc). But, I did it)

  4. Soft and melodic hum of spaceship systems – is a sort of silence.

    She knows it.

    Everything drifts in peaceful silent dream. The Orbiter represents surrealistic kingdom of crystal pure air and endless hum. She is the one awakened, looking like frozen princess in this chilling loneliness.


    Whisper – is a sort of scream.

    She presses her hands to breast and whispers the name.



    "Operator, you need medical attention," - Ordis breaks the silence.  

    "There is no drug to cure heart, torn into pieces, Ordis" – she says with annoyance. She does not want anyone to interrupt her lunatic mumbling.



    "Love is a sort of madness," – they say.

    "You knew Rell," – guesses Palladino during their second meeting in Iron Wake, when she brings the Donda. She recognized it, and Palladino read everything in her eyes.

    No excuses. Everything she did, every step of her journey was made to hear this bullsh**: she has to kill Rell.

    No matter, how Palladino presents the fact.

    And she stays in stupor for a moment when she enters the Temple. And then she laughs with pain. She realizes.

    " What is Evil but indifference"? – "Illusion of choice".


    When she is back, she uses Void energy and turns her spaceship into chaos. She howls, and cries, and screams, and hurts herself until she can only sit on the floor, shivering and staring nowhere.

    "You need to go on", - Lotus says softly.

    In fact she really needs only knowledge that Rell is alive (and maybe some sort of sweet happy end). That’s impossible.

    She takes the Donda away from Palladino – there is no reason after all to let Red Veil keep the "relic".

    She rebuilds Harrow, and stares at it every day, but never uses it. It looks like she believes that Rell could be here again. In his warframe.

    "Operator, please, you know: that cannot be true!" – Ordis repeats this words again and again.

    She prays.



    She is sitting on the floor and touching the Donda with her cold fingers until she is too tired to continue. There is nothing to say and there is no way to change what had happened. But when she finally falling asleep right there, on the floor, something or maybe someone invisible touches her tousled hair and makes her sleep peacefully without nightmares.

    Something or someone?


    Love is a sort of immortality.



    Well... I'm so sorry, but I couldn't prevent myself from writing this little fanfic. English langauge is not native to me... I'm afraid I made a lot of mistakes. Sorry, sorry, sorry. 

    And thank you DE for the "Chains of Harrow" quest. It broken my heart and made me breath again. I'll never have enough words to say, how many it gave to me. Thank you, if you'll read this.

    • Like 1
  5. В 24.12.2018 в 16:34, .Digital_Shadow. сказал:

    4) Видимо тебе принципиально плевать на что идут твои вложения.
    Я же о своих тщательно пекусь и привык чтобы они себя окупали (отрабатывали). Если вложение себя не оправдывает - буду его отзывать, либо требовать его возмещения.

    Вы говорите так, как будто игра - это ваш бизнес, забывая о том, что все наши компьютерные поигрульки - это исключительно и единственно суть наше удовольствие в свободное от всяческой работоусловной занятости время. Оплачивая донат в игре, вы платите за удовольствие ровным счетом так же, как платите за ужин в ресторане, бутылку пива к просмотру телевизора и так далее, нужное подставить. Но  текстурки хотя бы остаются, в отличие от переработанной в шлак еды или вдарившего по печени вышедшего в тот же унитаз пива. Видимо, рестораны, пиво (нужное подчеркнуть) отрабатывают и окупают себя, отходами, не иначе.

    Даже если сравнивать донат с хобби уровня - коллекционирование чего-то, сбор моделек и прочее - как и в случае модельки, элемента коллекции, бжд-куклы, предметов для крафта и так далее - никто не заставляет вас слепо приобретать что-то. Смотрите, изучайте, отзывы сравнивайте. Берите по чуть-чуть, пробуйте на вкус. Так что ваши претензии о вложении 5к платины в игру "впустую" беспочвенны и наивны. Никто не держит дуло пистолета у виска с требованием "плати". А вливать донат в додзе не обязательно от слова совсем. Построили наше без платины вообще - и как-то никто не испытывал дискомфорта по этому поводу, донат можно и в более интересные вещи влить.

    Увы и ах.

    Во всем остальном согласна с каждым словом вашей актуальной собеседницы.

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  6. 17 часов назад, Cubewano сказал:

    Didn't Rell die of old age? U:

    No, he didn't. 

    We know, he had to put his soul (mind.. or how to call it?) into his warframe. But it's said that he did it bacause he could not sleep (?) as all tenno did. There was no details about the reasons. 

    And one more thing: our operators are not children. Even not teenagers I think. Comparing their height and height of Ostron people - operator - are young people. 

  7. 5 часов назад, SgtHotPepper сказал:

    For the survival mission without killing you can take a health regenerating frame (Nidus) with a healing (med-ray, sacrifice...) sentinel like Carrier (tanky) or Djinn (immortal)  and eventually equip a healing aura and some healing gear.

    What for? Ivara or Loki - best ones. No one can kill you, if no one can see you ^_^

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