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Posts posted by CoalFire_

  1. Heya! Just wanted to let the team know that the new Omnia Murmur Survival missions have had some issues with spawn rates. I've played four or five of them in the last week and was unable to collect enough reactant in all of them in at least one rotation in order to open a relic. I repeatedly ask my team not to kill uncorrupted enemies but that kind of defeats the purpose of a survival mission. Just wanted to make sure the team was aware of the issue! It makes those missions not worth running due to how often you can't get a relic opened.

  2. Passive affinity gain in dojo. I was changing the appearance of my smeeta kavat in my dojo just after finishing up some decorations and I started getting the UI notification that he was gaining affinity for an ability. I took some screenshots and it's still just counting away as I type this, over 15k affinity at this point ticking up at about 100 every 2 seconds. Using Gara at the time if that helps.

    Update, seems to stop after about 30 sec but resumes on moving or going to another room.


  3. This might be a plague zaw range issue, but in the simulacrum I was testing some condition overload builds and found out that the initial upswing on my zaw quick melee attack did no damage. I tested at multiple ranges and figured there seemingly no hitbox on the animation at all, only the second swing was able to make contact. Haven't tested to see if this is only in the simulacrum though.MYu5pVC.jpgDJMJYVI.jpg

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