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Posts posted by (XBOX)BPanda4

  1. Hi if anyone is reading this, I recently grinned the new Dog Days game mode love the drunk  Kayla by the way and I bought the Sunrise Roller  Floof. I placed it down in my ship laughed at how my cleaning drowns played with and had some fun of my own. A few seconds later it got caught in my pet incubator and I got off, I log back on in the morning and it’s no where to be found in my ship or decorations. I go to Nakak and it says I still own it but it’s no were to be found, so at the end of this spiel I was hoping someone at DE could help me find it if it glitched out of the inner ship or maybe fix the glitch so it doesn’t happen again, if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated love the game. 

    Thank you and have a good day.

  2. Okay, so I hope this gets fixed, when I am using  Valkyr's fourth ability and try to aim she brings out the primary and is vulnerable to damage but energy is still being drained as if it is being used then I have to turn off the ability and turn it back on without accidentally aiming again, Megan please help it is happening on xbox.

  3. This is going to be short and somewhat sweet, the only relics I’ve been getting are Z1 Meso and H2 Lith when hunting for nyx and rhino in the void, how do I fix that before it’s to late?

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