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Posts posted by (XBOX)Sheym1257

  1. 1 minute ago, RavingRoman said:

    The main issue about boss fights is that they do not pose enough of a challenge to most players in terms of damage unless at a really high level, even without defensive measures. Alright, say there is no insta-death. There should be enough incentive to avoid getting struck by boss attacks. Usually, a large amount of damage or otherwise. If we look back to older video games, bosses had mechanics like those mixed in with conditions for their vulnerability.

    In a similar vein to the insta-death falls, the arena could have several areas covered with electric mines, maybe even have him replenish them as his shields go back up after you have him vulnerable for an attack. That would make players have to both pay more attention to their surroundings and be wary of his knockbacks and knockdowns since the potential for damage would range from high to lethal.

  2. 20 hours ago, RavingRoman said:

    Again, I personally disagree. Just knowing I could fall to my death makes me think "Oh crap, I should avoid getting blasted off the side, I need watch what this dude (Boss) is doing"

    Insta-death mechanics are more infuriating than difficult. For the most part people tend to understand that the CC of a large knockdown is a big enough inconvenience, if every CC the enemy does can instantly kill you that doesn't raise the difficulty level it just adds to the frustration of being hit by something already annoying when it happens too often.There are a lot of ways to add difficulty to boss fights without making players think the boss fight isn't worth the effort because of them. That being said the boss fight does sound like a lot of fun, I'd be down for taking down a mech two-to-three times the size of my frame and then having to fight it's pilot. Been wondering if/when they would implement more boss fights involving mechs or pseudo-mechs since the closest we really have is Hek.

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