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Posts posted by -Clas5icChaos-

  1. Did anyone test this with a controller? Parkour 2.0 is pretty much unplayable with an xbox controller. In essence its nerfed mobility by adding too many button combinations. Please fix asap 


    Yes I play with a controller the game has native controller support so please keep your omg a controller guy comments to yourself! just because you play with a keyboard and mouse doesn't mean everyone does!

  2. If you like constant grind for nothing thats your enjoyment...... but a lot of players are leaving or have left because we don't. We all like the grind but without reward other games are seeming a better option. I've lost about 16 veteran players recently because they're bored. Even a cosmetic reward would keep most of these guys in the game and give them something to work for....

  3. How are things in our community?


    For a while now I've been thinking of quitting Warframe. The main reason for this is the lack of end game content for veteran players. Now before I start to explain this I'll first explain that there's a difference between a veteran player and a high mastery ranked player.


    Mastery rank in Warframe means little more than a player has collected everything and level'd it up. Its a common misconception by a lot of newer players that mastery denotes skill or time played it doesn't. A lot of the guys I've played with consistently over the last two years aren't mastery 19 or even close to it, but that doesn't in any way mean they aren't veteran players. They've played the game constantly, know more about it than anyone and have given more to the communities they are part of than higher mastery ranked players.


    I have a warlord in our clan that's been playing every day for two years who is lower in mastery than a player who joined the game three months ago. Just proof that mastery rank doesn't denote experience. This said, I think that it posses a real problem to DE in the way they try to implement end game content. which up till now focused on mastery and not the players that have made its community what it is. 



    The first attempt was the syndicates which started off great there was lots to work through and the levelling seemed hard but fair, the higher mastery rank guys could get these new rare mods and the lower guys could but it'd take a lot more time.

    However that didn't last long the community moaned as they do and DE (I think wrongly) made collecting syndicate xp easier for all, meaning that pretty much everyone now can collect these mods with no real challenge. What made it even easier is that they are also tradeable, meaning you don't need to even gain the xp you can just buy them.

    The mastery rank requirement didn't and still doesn't reward veteran players either meaning that as far as end game content the syndicates really doesn't work at all, as they pose no challenge. 



    The Second attempt as far as most of us where concerned was the raids. The raids promised us something meaty to get our teeth into and the promise of excellent rewards that we could level and trade for platinum and give a unique look to our Warframes. There wasn't any real mastery rank requirements for the raids but the promise of a raid in Warframe seemed like a great idea. Well for me and a lot of the guys in our community the raids proved too much, not because they we're hard far from it. It was the fact they were so well repetitive.... 

    The raid is based too much on puzzle solving and the boss is way to easy to be a challenge. In most raids you tend to get overwhelmed with enemies and really have to fight your way out. In the Warframe raid however you can use the abilities of the frames to negate that whole principle. In fact its easier to do that than even try to kill an enemy meaning this is what everyone does. The puzzles for a lot of people are fun at first but once you've run them 50 times you never want to see them again. They are so repetitive I can single handedly attribute this to Warfame burnout for around 20-30 people I played with on a regular basis( most of which are now playing other games).  The Boss fight for a lot of people is too easy as well, Vay Hek is too much of a bullet sponge and not an overwhelming badass that most people are used to. Yes Vay Hek is harder than other bosses but for a raid boss he feels a little lame. He doesn't pose a significant threat to veteran players at all even in the nightmare raid.


    Arcwing Raids

    I'm not sure about everyone but from my experiance a lot of us hate arcwing, I'd say around 40% of the people I play with find it a chore and not pleasant at all. I'd rather play nightmare survivals with no weapons than arcwing missions So the introduction of an arcwing raid will echo the repetitiveness of the normal raid but worse as a bunch of players hate arcwing already. 



    So how do you reward veteran players and keep them playing Warframe?

    We chatted about this at length and one of our Warlords Shadow Optics gave us the solution. Not only how to reward veteran players but also with systems DE already has in place. The key to the system is easy three things....


    1) Reward veteran players who have made the community what it is

    2) Make these rewards exclusive so only veterans are rewarded

    3) Make it so that these challenges are fun and don't fall in to the same repetitiveness the raids


    Veteran players are hard to distinguish they don't stand out in the normal way a mastery rank 19 player does with a big shiny emblem. However there are two systems in place that allow DE to recognise and reward them. 



    The first tool is the Player Statistic Menu This is a great tool showing how long players have played, kills, operations completed, cash generated, map progression even the average cipher time and much more. This is a valued combat log of everything that player has done and most players are familiar with it. 

    The second tool we have is the Player Challenges Menu this again shows everything from which bosses have been killed to which planets have been completed. It also shows weapon proficiencies, revives, warframe slots purchased and again much more. Both of these systems together can be used to provide veteran players with some much needed end game content in warframe simply and easily and won't cause too much work for DE with nasty rebuilds etc etc. 



    End Game Content

    So how do we use these systems? Simple......... Combat Based Exclusive Rewards.


    Utilising Player Statistics and Challenges DE could award players based on in game achievements and not mastery rank. Players could be rewarded for a multitude of statistics for example....

    100,000 grineer kills

    50 days played

    1000 corpus boss kills

    solar map completion

    10,000 revives

    10,000 heals

    1,000,000 kills


    Cipher time

    the list is endless


    These challenges people can achieve in anyway they want to, they can work with friends or even play solo if they like. This removes any form of repetitiveness from the challenges themselves. 

    You can even reward a player for playing a certain weapon type if you'd like 100,000 Soma kills for example is easy to read on peoples profiles so why cant we be rewarded for this?


    The rewards although have to remain exclusive without this its not end game content at all.

    Ranging from custom sigils, skins or even mods rewards make the players feel that they've worked hard for something worthy, something that makes them unique.


    So a mastery rank 19 player has a nice shiny Sigil to show he's collected everything..........

    Why can a Veteran player have one too?


    ok thats the idea take it or leave it, I'm a mastery rank 19 veteran with 82 days in game played but I don't feel the need to rub it in peoples faces I just think others should be rewarded for the work they've given to the community and this seems like the best way to do it. I hope DE comes up with something because for a lot of the veteran guys there's really not a lot left to do when you've finished the raids and the solar system :(

    any way thanks for reading guys and hopefully play with you at some point. 


  4. So recently I've been pretty annoyed at not having anything to do in warframe. For all the shiny weapons and items coming out just seems yet more things to level and never use again. When you get to a high mastery there's almost no end game content. I've chatted it over with a lot of players similar level and we feel that there's just nothing to keep us entertained. I recently voiced this on the previous DEV stream, I didn't swearing or anything just voicing the fact that the new items look terrible an that they need more end gme content and not new things that don't appeal to the higher MR players. So anyway I decided to leave the game because although I've played since the first week of open beta and have one of the most played accounts in warframe. Without end game content I really feel like logging on every day is a chore and not fun at all anymore.

    So yeah that was it I decided to leave, I've been building new communities in GTA V, Planetside and even the new skyforge game to keep me entertained..........but I've played warframe for so long I thought I'd give it one more go.........so I logged on to todays DEV stream just to check out and see if anything is changing to help high level players feel more rewarded in game.............and guess what?..........because I dared voice the opinion that Warframe was losing luster and that the new content was in all honesty rubbish compared to the excellent work they started this game with. They perma banned my twitch account from their page!

    Now I know that this post will more than likely be taken down and that most of you wont read it but I'd like to just point out I've bought every prime access pack in the game given away 10's of thousands in plat and prizes and am a warlord of one of the most active moon clans around. I also host a gaming community website, TS and Clan site for warframe.  Ifeel a bit sour that DE feels the need to silence my opinion that their new design only direction is ruining the game and think others should know that this is how people that don't like the game are treated. Well either way I'm not bothered I just thought other would like to know. I'll be righting this in reviews for the game and informing all the clan as well. Its shocking you feel that one negative comment needs to be perma silenced

  5. 1) Can we have more Dojo content? mostly things to put in Dojo rooms. They still feel empty and repetitive  

    2) Snipers are something that people keep saying will get buffed but a single shot sniper in such a fast moving, enemy swarming game seems pointless imho. Is there any plans to bring out a fast semi or fully auto sniper riffle? As this would be much more useful in large crowds of enemies. something with maybe a 3 round burst and 30-40 ammo? just one example of styling   https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2549/4255653977_c8f6cd4a61_z.jpg?zz=1 

    3) Weapon optics are used in game on some of the weapons the buzzlock, lanka, vectis for example could these be extended to some of the other ranged weapons latrons, grinlock, sybaris etc this would give them more appeal to use as the long range weapons they were intended to be?

    4) Warframe concept:  I can't draw and I can't paint however I do have a concept for a warframe that would use....  Kinetic Energy

    This Warframe would honour the traditional Japanese style of Warframe and also its futuristic cyber image as well.... 


    Warframe name: DE can choose

    Warframe Powers:

    1) Kinetic Blades    

    Use's the kinetic energy in the surrounding area to sharpen Melee weapons and add slash, puncture or impact base damage to them. Like preparing a good samurai sword for battle it should be sharp and prepared for blood. This would make Melee weapons the favoured choice for the Warframe and open up lots of new possibilities for melee combat for this frame. Large swords and staves would impact more, and slashing weapons would cut harded. This would also mean choosing a weapon would also be key to a good build of the frame.

    2)  PinBall

    Pinball would manipulate the flying bullets in the area and redirect them away the Warframe by using the Warframes traditional Sunshade hat. The hat could spin off the Warframe head and deflect bullets away from surrounding Warframes for a few seconds. This would be a breathing space power designed not to make people invincible but give a much needed break in some tricky rooms. I'd keep this to just a few seconds so its not too powerful. The Sunshad style hat of the Warframe would be metalic and bounce around the room making the pinging noise similar to a pinball in a pinball machine

    3) Precise Force 

    Warframe would stamp in the ground planting itself. It would defend itself with its melee weapon and charge up using the kinetic damage of the bullets hiting it. After it has charge it would release the energy in a single samurai style swipe, beheading enemies in a cone around it. This Power is designed to simulate a samurai making one precise hit rather than a multitude of shots like a ninja would. When its planted it would have lower movement speed and higher defence meaning it could be tweaked at will to balance the frame.

    4) Hyperkinetic Charge

    Hyperkinetic Charging would charge an enemy with the kinetic energy of everything else in the area. The charged enemy would then run off terrified and after a delay explode dealing massive damage to the surrounding enemies. This effect would be unique because the selection of the enemy would effect where the explosion would happen, and the explosion would be centred on an enemy and not on the warframe. A Warframe based proximity could also be added meaning if the player was too close they'd also take damage similar to an Ogris or Penta backfire. This would make the power very fun to use but also require skill and tactics. This power would require a delay to make it unique and would also require selection of the right enemy. Choose wrong and it could kill you instead of others. 


    Warframe looks:

    As I've said I can't draw however the Styling of the Warframe should be a Japanese Cyber Samurai. A traditional Sunshade hat would complete the look and could also be used for its second power. I feel the Warframe should be bulky but fast like a nimble rhino type frame. It should feel honed and athletic like Excalibur but also strong and refined like Rhino. I'd also like it to fit with the Techy side of Warframe and be very Advanced to give it a distinct look and feel, I cant draw but I've googled some ideas that look similar something like this.... 




    but more traditional like this....




    I think this Warframe would be unique enough not to look or sound like any current Warframe and also be fun and interesting to play and add a different dynamic to current Warframe gameplay. I imagine one or two of the powers maybe tricky to do, but I'm sure you wizards at DE could come up with something epic. One of the things I've thought was missing from Warframe for a while was a samurai and given the current expansion of melee frames such as excal, and expansion of the sentinels and Orokin Lore a hidden Samurai frame would fit perfectly at this time. 

  6. Ok so two simple things to ask about/ fix..............


    1) Why have we so many shades of blue in the dojo and no other colours? nine blues but one orange and only two reds?

    Please can we have some colours that everyone would like. Maybe nine of each, green, pink, red, orange, yellow, purple etc. Oh and on a final note can we please have black as well as a colour, you could even make it something devious to find like a super rare black Kubrow or something? maybe a black MOA?



    2) Why are we still collecting Cryotic and Oxium? Oxium is used in a few items but on the whole Cryotic now seems to be filling my inventory. I've asked around and everyone seems to have it too, Alloy plate also seems to be quite under used with people now carrying millions of these. Could we use these in something in the future? a Cryotic Alloy Oxium something maybe? or just create another key or item that uses it?



    Just some ideas for you guys :) 

  7. Posted Today, 12:16 PM

    W.A.R or .....We Are Radical (only for W.A.R.frames )



    Basicly the idea comes from just how epic the warframe universe has become, the different factions and technology etc.

    The universe now is a long way from what it was at the begining of open beta and this idea showcases just how far DE have come and the potential still to be had within Warframe



    but something I feel missing still is the might of the factions war machines.............



    The Problem..


    Survivals for a lot of players have always been fun, kinda like the meat of Warfame gameplay. Although with the realisation that the life support system in some instances wasn't lore friendly, a lot of the survival matches have been changed to new tile sets.

    These new tilesets have been increasingly more fun to play but still lack the awe inspiring numbers of enemies that players liked in survival matches. It wasn't so much about chasing life support, but more the numbers of enemies swarming you with increasing difficulty levels. We have bosses sure but there very like a very short lived high alot of players loved the adrenalin of a huge battle


    So how do we get our adrenalin kick now?



    INTRODUCING W.A.R (aka We Are Radical)



    Basicly W.A.R or We Are Radical is a new game mode that changes a particular dynamic of Warframe to something a little more lore friendly.

    W.A.R would be a colaboration of all DE's work so far, a showcase if you like of the biggest and badest creations available. One true battle area between Grineer and Corpus, a single map area were both Grineer and Corpus A.I. battle out in large numbers with the players put right in the middle :) 


    Imagine finding the conflict between Grineer and Corpus on a planet that has gotten way out of hand instead of a skirmish, both sides have found something to fight for and don't want to let it go?

    They've been battling for weaks and using the endless resources of both empires to maintain the battle. Both sides unwilling to give up both sides as pig headed and stubborn as the other,a conflict that shows no sign of stopping, with ever increasing violence and ferocity.

    And in to this battle you land down...........


    Imagine landing down to find not just grineer marines, and bombards but tanks and aircraft assaults? Imagine the corpus responses with hyena packs stalking and hunting, and corpus artillery bombing the ground to keep back the grineer invaders?

    Imagine being in amidst this total anarchy with just you and the three other WARframes you came in with.......

    Imagine your response............would you flee or fight?



    W.A.R would pit the two factions against each other in a way to re-create  the original adrenalin kick of survival matches. Difficulty levels would be steadily increased until the game mode becomes unbearable, this would also give the might of the Warframes a chance to shine and make full use of the mod system to create the best (surviving) teams.


    The game mode could start with an Ordis drop and end when the Warframes call for extraction. sort of like the marines pitching signal flares etc


    The bulk of the units have been made already, the battle grounds could be open sparse and large to allow mass spawnings.


    Teamwork would be key to surviving, it would be adrenalin filled and epic :)


    W.A.R. Would also give DE a chance to show off new units at a battle line, to try out currently unexplored avenues A.I artillery tanks bombers etc....


    And mostly it would give somewhere to showcase just how awesome DE have become as gamedevelopers the full various aspects of all units in one place (or the bulk of them). An Area were all players can shout proudly We Are Radical.



    ok guys tell me now that you hate it.............lol :)

  8. W.A.R or .....We Are Radical (only for W.A.R.frames )



    Basicly the idea comes from just how epic the warframe universe has become, the different factions and technology etc.

    The universe now is a long way from what it was at the begining of open beta and this idea showcases just how far DE have come and the potential still to be had within Warframe



    but something I feel missing still is the might of the factions war machines.............



    The Problem..


    Survivals for a lot of players have always been fun, kinda like the meat of Warfame gameplay. Although with the realisation that the life support system in some instances wasn't lore friendly, a lot of the survival matches have been changed to new tile sets.

    These new tilesets have been increasingly more fun to play but still lack the awe inspiring numbers of enemies that players liked in survival matches. It wasn't so much about chasing life support, but more the numbers of enemies swarming you with increasing difficulty levels. We have bosses sure but there very like a very short lived high alot of players loved the adrenalin of a huge battle


    So how do we get our adrenalin kick now?



    INTRODUCING W.A.R (aka We Are Radical)



    Basicly W.A.R or We Are Radical is a new game mode that changes a particular dynamic of Warframe to something a little more lore friendly.

    W.A.R would be a colaboration of all DE's work so far, a showcase if you like of the biggest and badest creations available. One true battle area between Grineer and Corpus, a single map area were both Grineer and Corpus A.I. battle out in large numbers with the players put right in the middle :) 


    Imagine finding the conflict between Grineer and Corpus on a planet that has gotten way out of hand instead of a skirmish, both sides have found something to fight for and don't want to let it go?

    They've been battling for weaks and using the endless resources of both empires to maintain the battle. Both sides unwilling to give up both sides as pig headed and stubborn as the other,a conflict that shows no sign of stopping, with ever increasing violence and ferocity.

    And in to this battle you land down...........


    Imagine landing down to find not just grineer marines, and bombards but tanks and aircraft assaults? Imagine the corpus responses with hyena packs stalking and hunting, and corpus artillery bombing the ground to keep back the grineer invaders?

    Imagine being in amidst this total anarchy with just you and the three other WARframes you came in with.......

    Imagine your response............would you flee or fight?



    W.A.R would pit the two factions against each other in a way to re-create  the original adrenalin kick of survival matches. Difficulty levels would be steadily increased until the game mode becomes unbearable, this would also give the might of the Warframes a chance to shine and make full use of the mod system to create the best (surviving) teams.


    The game mode could start with an Ordis drop and end when the Warframes call for extraction. sort of like the marines pitching signal flares etc


    The bulk of the units have been made already, the battle grounds could be open sparse and large to allow mass spawnings.


    Teamwork would be key to surviving, it would be adrenalin filled and epic :)


    W.A.R. Would also give DE a chance to show off new units at a battle line, to try out currently unexplored avenues A.I artillery tanks bombers etc....


    And mostly it would give somewhere to showcase just how awesome DE have become as gamedevelopers the full various aspects of all units in one place (or the bulk of them). An Area were all players can shout proudly We Are Radical.



    ok guys tell me now that you hate it.............lol :)




  9. I am chaos and my clan Imbibe Chaos with me I have been looking for an alliance to bring our chaotic plans to fruition. If the warframe world will bring order let us bring back chaos to its brutally undeveloped chicken head!

    We are 150+ all active members with just the right mixture of chaos............seriously its like 75/36% or something

    So anyway I'm interested in your theory the last theory I got behind was something about the tidal reflection syndromes of mating bananas in the tropics, But I digress how about you PM me in game good fellow and we can work out exactly were we can cause chaos to this retched system.....


    my in game ID=


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