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Posts posted by (PSN)DNGamesKCHS

  1. 1 minute ago, Thaylien said:

    It's a bit of a long-shot.

    In the past, DE looked for a Warframe from the Community to put in the game. The result was... well... Zephyr.

    If DE call for another one, which I'm not sure they will, but it's a possibility, then concepts like this one can be pitched to DE and the amount of similarly themed or enthusiastically recommended threads will figure into how DE decides.

    You'll see if there's going to be something in the future, it'll be a big deal on the Forums.

    The point of a Warframe is to have 4 complimentary abilities for its own kit, so yeah, we have another frame that can proc Slow on enemies using an ability, we don't have one that does it in this mechanical manner, nor do we have one that then buffs its own damage by combo-ing this kind of ability with another.

    And... pardon me, but no, we don't have another frame that does a stealth screen. Yeah we have stealth frames, we have frames that turn invisible, but I deliberately picked a method of being 'unseen' that no other frame uses, gave it drawbacks and strengths, and used it to play into the overall theme.

    Too many people play the 'creeping, snaring, silent hunter' angle for spiders, there are plenty of breeds of spiders that sprint, hunting down their prey, that leap and are large enough to catch and eat birds, and there are plenty that actually camouflage into their environments so that you can't see them as they hide or move.

    That's where a Spider would fit into Warframe; actively, not passively ^^

    Thx for the info 😄

  2. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)XenoLee147smosh said:

    show it to everyone you now that plays warframe and if you can draw then some art of this frame would be nice but that's really up to you so just spread word!!!

    i literally just sent it to everyone i know that plays Warframe lol

  3. On 2018-08-13 at 7:18 PM, (PS4)XenoLee147smosh said:

    Arachnae is a spider based warframe

    Ability 1. Shoots a ball of webbing, clicking again while  it's in the air makes it explode into a bubble of web that makes enemies struggle to remove the web

    Ability 2. Puts a single targetted enemy into a cacoon,enemies in a cacoon are drained for which is given to an aoe of the team,alternatively you can kill the cacoon to release the remaining hp as damage

    Ability 3. Screams releasing a slowly expanding bubble around the frame which causes fear,enemies which are feared have to run away from the frame for duration

    Ability 4.Transform into a giant spider or summons a spider which scales depending on how many enemies are currently under any ccing effects including the web show,the cacoon, or the fear. Spider sorta act like a kavat,but prioritizes CC'd enemies,which it can use finishers on

    Passive-Frame is invisible in webbing

    I would like alot of people,including partners, to have a look and get DE's attention on this because i would like this to please be a thing. I know i'm asking for alot probably but please just please give this a shot

    Very nice idea ! I would rlly like to see this Frame successfully make it into the game :D. If it comes out I would totally cop it :D.

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