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Posts posted by Shadedwalk

  1. Some of the players I have run with made a solid suggestion for this weapon:

    It NEEDS a mod to make it a thrown weapon. This could easily be adaped to be used for some of the other dagger weapons but for the most part giving them an Alt-fire posibility to just be chucked at a target might make them even more fun and reduce some of the penalty of the truly close range weapons.



    5 ranks as per normal.

    Ranks give it a range of 1/6th the base range of Glaive and such.

    -possibly allowing the installment of Power throw and Whirlwind. Not sure how many issues that would cause.

  2. (I have no idea if there is a more appropriate place to post this so if a moderator feels that it requires relocation, thank you for your vigilance.)

    I used to play WoW and there was one particular guy who I got to know fairly well who lived out in Georgia. (US State, not country.) I went out to visit and remember him showing me some of the early stuff for this game. (There was a conversation about whether or not the warframes were actually manned by a person and there was a bit of back and forth based on Frost and his Squall helmet,... seriously, there is no room for a head in there.)

    Time passed, we fell out of touch as things go. I have been playing this for a bit over a year and it finally clicked that the guy I used to know might still be playing this.

    So here'here's the pitch (and reason I thought to post in "tenno helping teno"): Please help me find the gentleman matching this description if you know of them. (Gamers talk, so the assumption that other games may have been brought up in conversation is not outside of reason.)

    The tag I used to be known by in WoW was, Yoman - troll warrior, almost always tank spec, and nearly always under geared for the crap we got away with.

    I am looking for the guy who ran as Nairic. A professional Priest and master of keeping scrubs off the floor. Claims to fame: doing s*** as a shadow priest that no one should have been able to do, leveling another priest just so he wouldn't have to keep paying for respecs, only griping a little bit when asked, "Hey Nair, how much mana you got?", surviving the pulls associated with that messed up question, usually keeping Hmmbeef up when he inevitably pulled aggro, and in general making it a pleasure to run instances.

    I have a great deal more information about this person but posting it on the Internet could never be healthy.

    If you think you might know this person please pass the word that, "Yoman is in LFG throwing a shout out." Send a friend request to Shadedwalk in game if you get this message, we'll catch up.

    (If this kind of post isn't a "thing" it really needs to be. Warframe as a game and a community is the kind of place where I can see a lot of people reconnecting over a new (or old) past time. Thank you to those of you who read this. Regardless of outcome, the community of Warframe makes this game as great as it is.)

  3. After counting it up. I have 7 ability polarities forma'ed. The idea of getting "Legendary Forma" back for this does not sound like a bad one. I have been breaking it down a bit to try and figure out how much time/effort is being eaten by this change and it looks like between 1-5 hrs. of game play per forma. (This is taking into account efficiency of affinity gain and the use of affinity boosters if applicable.)


    So people who weren't using Affinity boosters and were pretty lax in their level grind would obviously be getting a much greater return for that "Legendary Forma" idea. 

  4. I can appreciate the frustration of the original poster at the choice of which sentinel to prime, but that is really just a matter of opinion. The key, valid, point in this thread is the horrible implementation of the T4 keys and their horrendous drop tables. 


    I'm not worried about the concept of progression. That is something that you can either love or hate about the game as it stands. Figuring out how to make the "old vs. new player base excited to keep playing" is something with which almost all developers will struggle. DE will have its ups and downs on this one and I'm more than happy to be along for the ride. (Assuming some changes.)


    I also do not care one way or the other about the mission types. Interception is by far the most mind numbing mission type. It does not have the activity of a Survival or a Defense, and lacks that directness of the other types, i.e. go here kill, capture, or help hack this. It does require you to be fairly on your toes, since there is usually an inexplicable jump in difficulty at various point. Just standing around doing nothing with occasional sprays of gun fire and then suddenly the location gets raided by a serious hail of ****. I keep trying them occasionally to see if this is being looked into for balancing; hasn't happened yet. ... All that being said, I don't care that you have added them to the void. Good on you, it is now another place for you to place prime parts and other goodies in the void. They may be the most hatted runs out there but that will make it all the sweeter when you finally get the part you have been trying to get.


    But that just brings me to the actual point. Whoever made the calls on this patch was solely looking at this as a money maker. With each Prime Access patch, the rewards that are available in those patches become harder and harder to get via normal game play. Ember Prime: Not a problem, it took a bit to get the "rare" piece for a lot of people but when it came out there was no major push, other than sheer impatience, to buy the Prime Access Patch. Rhino Prime: The parts where placed mostly on Survival missions, arguably the most diluted reward table in the game. That took a long while to farm up for most, I am fairly sure that they amount of income from that Prime Access was a fair bit more than the one for Ember. Now you have Loki Prime: The compound RNG pain for this one is staggering. I haven't even started to go out farming for any of this yet. Here's why: The parts for some of them are on fairly benign keys, i.e. T2 Capture (Awesome, been looking for a use for those other than as a way to get forma at an amazing rate.), but the parts to complete them are on the 2nd tier of a particularly messed up set of RNG. First you have to farm up the T4 Keys. These have a chance to drop on the Third round of interception. This is almost as bad as farming for the Delta Beacons for Vay Hek. (Haven't tried many Interception yet, it may actually be worse depending on how generous DE was feeling about the % chance of a T4 dropping over a T3 or other.) It doesn't even matter if you get the key you want. You will still be at this for a very long time because you will need more than just one. Now that you have your Key, you are looking at a Drop table that is, if it is as listed, nearly the exact same as the T3 list with one or two additions. You remember all the time it took to farm up the Rhino Prime Chassis, how many keys you when through,.. not just yours though, you ran out and had to jump into Recruiting to finally get it done. We are now looking at that same farming process only with harder enemies, and a significantly lower % chance to get what you need. 


    DE has had some practice at screwing with the Drop Tables. The derelicts were introduced to expand them and make more room for the crowed lists. The T4 keys seem to have been added in the hopes of doing this same thing. Here the problem though. Rather than making it easier to space things out and make the drops all fairly reasonable, you know better than 10% chance to get what you need (Hell, I might almost get excited by a 10% chance about now.), the tables have been diluted with the chance to get other keys, "Rare" resources that are much better farmed somewhere else, and Cores. The credit prizes were probably one of the worst thing I saw during this process, thankfully those seem to been mostly gone at last report. 


    I am a Founder; a late one but one regardless. When I was introduced to this game, I liked it enough to drop a lot of money on supporting it. I did not need Excalibur Prime. I didn't need the Skana Prime. I didn't need the Lato Prime. (Though honestly the shiny is awesome.) I wanted to see DE succeed at making a really awesome game. Had I not gone ***** deep on the Founder pack I would probably still have dropped money on this game. I like it. I really like it. Some of the frames need some serious work and "balancing" but that IS happening and I could not be happier. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.


    Given everything I have seen happening over that last couple months I feel the need to know if DE is actually losing money on this venture. Are enough people just leeching off the work of the developers that it isn't financially viable as a Free to play game? If that is the case, the community needs to know. For the most part, we as a community want this game to succeed. ( I am aware of the haters, they can **** a *** **** for all I care.) I'm not going to go all bleeding heart on this one and back DE blindly though. DE is a business. They are probably not anywhere near the red on this one. I know enough people who have purchased plat or packs, that I'm fairly sure they are solidly in the black with a mile wide cushion. Given that probability, I'm really hoping that the people running the development of this game take the financial wizard(s) that is behind these choices and castrates them. This latest Pack Release is a clear step in the right direction if you are trying to show your player base that you are really only in it for the money. If that is the case, please keep it up, I have a list or developers I black list, Blizzard right at the top, I'd like to know if I need to add DE to that list. 


    If you find that some aspect of this has touch a nerve and actually want input on a solution to balancing the drop tables I will gladly offer what input I have. Please feel free to message me if you want it, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get that kind of attention. 

  5. Consuming Ancient


    When this mob spawns with other infested it absorbs them. Each other type of infested unit it absorbs ype of bonus I.e. chargers = speed bonus, runners = health bonus, etc. Makes a distinctive bone cracking and flesh rending sound when it consumes. Base speed and HP need to be lower than normal ancients to account for eventual bonuses. Attacks mostly through aura if applicable and active or bites.


    Two vertices slit mouths on either side of a flesh colored quadroped, frame. Each maw would extend slightly and angle toward victims. Suction draws enemies in.

    Restrictions: This could spawn anywhere. Logic would need to make the consumption power work regardless of rag dolling. Like the Toxic ancients aura, which it would absorb and duplicate. This would become terrible in defense missions where corralling enemies is popular. By Design, I would assume anything consumed would cease to exist and not drop loot.

  6. Got to talking with a friend of mine and a similar notion came up, CY13ERPUNK.


    The though being, individuals would be in runs for the launch of Infestation alerts. Just running along and all of a sudden one of the enemy units would just start warping, as you kill it (or even if you don't), it explodes outward and all the other units start changing. Basically changing the enemy of the mission to infested and then that node would come up as an Infestation alert.


    This also brought up the issue with the infested, I am aware that there are a few, the ancients just aren't scary until you have gotten to a point where all of them are. I'm on the side of significantly decreasing their incidence and drastically increasing their difficulty. I recall a time when hearing then coming was a bit unnerving, but now they are more of a speed bump until you are knocked down and devoured by their faster moving counter parts.


    The idea of making them more like a "boss" unit in endless defense would make them significantly more horrific.


    The flip side of this is that for the most part these ideas don't actually mean much until they tweak the AI a bit to make enemies more of a threat. Making things bullet sponges doesn't make them more difficult in itself, just a bigger speed bump. Once they get to the point where killing them requires you to have a Nyx on hand to use the units against themselves, you have effectively made the speed bump a mountain, and really only useful for bragging rights.


    A bit of an aside,... sorry.

  7. Though I know that there are many people (one of my clan mates included) who dislike the Mission interrupt encounters, i.e. Stalker, Harvester, I actually think they add a lot to this game. (Especially if you get all three scans on Stalker. That Lore is epic.) 


    With that in mind, I had a thought about an Infested version of these run jumpers. Here is the rough concept:


    You are going through a mission, doesn't matter what kind really, but an invasion mission would give it more of an OS factor. You get a message from a faceless entity, or writhing tentacles or what not, going something like this, 


    "You cannot evade us. We are eternal life."


    "You cannot understand with out becoming. We are in all things." 


    "We spoke once as Phorid and Lephantus. We are now Initra."


    (Intra is the Latin for "within", silly yes but lacking naming conventions its all I had.)


    At the start of the messages, a wave, not a big one necessarily, would start to spawn and charge. Perhaps just in ones or twos. The Bodies would not despawn when they die. (Considered unusable for the purposes of desecrate.) At the end of the message one a brief cut scene would show one of the bodies start melting away and writhing up into a unique monstrosity that would then charge the person to whom it had whispered. 


    A kicker, This could be instituted for some of the living Allies to turn as well. Running through an invasion and then having one of your Allies melt and come after you sounds like the good clean fun we should expect from the infested.


    Obviously this is not fully fleshed out. I am fairly certain that a player initiated "Stalker" is not the kind of thing that DE wants happening. Terrifying assassins are their baby after all. 


    Still I wanted to throw the idea out there just in case it was a Lore allowable issue. And to see what the community would think of adding in that type of walking infested nightmare. (I have plenty of ideas for appearance but lack the ability to draw them.)


    P.S. The Grineer variant would probably be a Kela fangirl who took to the shadows. But that is a who nother nasty.

  8. I like a lot of your ideas. Some of those sound exceptionally fun. Though I think the biggest benefit to them would be the team building aspect. One of the biggest failings I run into on a regular basis is a lack of group minded play. (I can appreciate soloists, they have a time and a place, Co-Op games are neither.)


    Though I don't think that having a farm spot for Stalker is going to happen, it would be neat if you could treat the event with him like a "Boss" encounter for that set of missions. Thought to be honest, Stalker is a pain now, (When you are not prepared,.. he eats you. Take your holier-than-thou elitist BS and shove it if you don't agree. It just means that you have way too much over formed and potato'd gear.) to have a Boss level encounter with him would have to be nightmarish to live up to that concept.


    I'd honestly like to see some of the Devs feedback on how possible these ideas are.

  9. First off,... this isn't Wow, or any other MMO type that needs that distinction creeping in. Second, as pointed out, the requirements to rank up a mod increase with rarity. If you create something that is more rare than Rare, the Credit and component cost would be staggering.


    As for the, "We need more Mod slots." Hell no. It is hard enough to balance the game with the availability of Mods currently available. If you add in even one more slot, the power level of each piece of equipment will go up massively. If all things were fully balanced I'd be interested to see it just for the versatility it would enable but for right now, that's not smart.

  10. I'm Amused by the way that Martialis is turning out after you changed the way the Rewards were going. This tells me that there is a massive split in the player base between Old players and New. I'm gonna guess that almost all the older players are saying, "Eh, Reactors are nice but all my Frames are already kitted out, what I need is a Catalyst for a new weapon." Where as, Newer ones are saying oh nice now I can potato X frame."


    Just amused by it really. :)

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