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Posts posted by TheDidact

  1. So I may get yelled at for this saying it's impossible, let me just tell you now this is just something that IF they could work into the Dojo it would be pretty cool. Either an archwing obstacle course or like a 1v1 to 4v4 archwing sparring. I think it would also be pretty amazing if we could add archwing fights into the attack and defense of Dark Sector Solar Rail Conflicts. Tell me what you all think.

  2. I'm adding a bit to my theory.


    I think that Volt will be the first out of the two male frames that come after this next female frame. In addition to Volt prime, I think the weapons that will also be Primed will be the Soma, Kunai and either the Dual Heat swords or the Nikana. I'm just spitballing with the melee weapons.

  3. List of warframes which haven't gotten a prime version yet: 
















    Vauban will most likely be one of the last warframes to be primed as he is currently an Alert only warframe (unless you buy it from the shop for plat). I am not sure, but the next prime will probably be one of these: 


    Oberon, Trinity, Ash and Nova. 

    I think you forgot Volt, dear friend.

  4. HA! Calm down, man, I was kidding from the first post. You probably haven't seen all the "Fabulous Volt" jokes that been bee floating around - I suggest starting with Yuikami's comic thread.

    My bad man, I have bad luck with some nasty people on this game. I shouldn't have gotten so defensive. I will most definitely will check that thread out. Tanks!

  5. Waiwaitwaitwaitwaitwait. You need feminine features to be female?

    Stop with that, all of the female 'Frames are noticeably female friend. It was an observation, if it came off rude or like I was attacking you I'm sorry. I assure you that was not what I intended. But the male 'Frames are noticeably male and ditto with the female 'Frames.

  6. ...Trinity fits best with Christmas or New Year theme. Besides, she's been long overdue. I also like to collect another awesome prime armor.... or maybe this time some very first syandana prime; super fluid gold flowing energy. Who knows.

    I may or may not have stared at "syandana prime" for a few minutes. That sounds amazing. Hopefully there is a new Prime sentinel that will be released with it.

  7. Haha, that's Lotus for you!


    Rebecca would have my cat ears if she heard about me calling Lotus "lazy".


    She'd even take my Prism... Can't have that happening.

    If she takes away the Prism how will we have our Funky Tenno Dance-Offs?


    Just for that the Lotus isn't invited to the next one. I'll get Sargas Ruk to be our bouncer. lol


    I was already thinking about not inviting her because she keeps telling us that oxygen capsules are on the way and 10 minutes later we're sucking vacuum.

  8. dafaq? Nyx JUST came out and people are already wondering who the next prime will be? Come back in 3 months bub.

    Dude, chill. This is just someplace for people to come up with theories, if you don't like it you don't have to post but do NOT start being rude. I made this thread so people can actually speculate and not feel like they're being looked down upon because it "too early."

  9. "Who will be the next primed warframe"?


    I don't know, whoever Lotus decides to look for next I suppose; or when she decides to do it, you know how lazy Lotus can be.

    So not only is see a big ol' liar, but she is also lazy?


    Wow, Big Momma Lotus is kind of a let down xD

  10. I find it kind of funny how there is literally no lore justification for committing mass murder against the Corpus.

    There really isn't though. We have all the reasons in the universe to kill the Grineer, but we just kill the Corpus because, "Eh, they have shiny that we want and generally, we just feel like it." Urgh The lore for this whole game needs to be played out more.

  11. My ship is such a mess with all these weapons hanging off the walls, on the floor, they're all over the place.  My dark dagger fell off the ceiling and almost stabbed me while I was sleeping.  And all the latron sword fights waiting for U15 to come out.  Ordis is always angry with me, wondering why I'm not doing enough missions or anything... well, when I can see out the front window without several weapons in front of my face, I'll go do something.


    And where the heck are those hikou pouches?


    Oh, and in case you can't tell, I'm a Collector.

    Greatest. Post. Ever.

  12. I've been having discussions about this for the longest time with my clan. This is always a topic that sparks great debates and theories, as well as sheds some light on the subject in certain areas. So let me launch into who I think is going to be the next Prime 'Frame.


    DE, as I'm sure most know by now, releases 2 male or female Primes at a time (meaning they released, Excalibur and Frost, Ember and Mag, Rhino and Loki, and now Nyx.) So it is most likely that the next Primed 'Frame is a female.


    A lot of my clanfolk want it to be either Trinity or Saryn, which would be a popular choice, but I believe that the next one will be Banshee Prime. Here's why I think that.


    Banshee is underplayed and brings a different mix into the squad tactics part of the game. Not many people that I have met that play this really enjoy being the squishy support character. 


    She would benefit very much for getting a Prime and I think would draw more people toward her.

  13. So I have been thinking a lot about this. I don't know if DE has any plans on making Primes for other Frames, or if it's only for a select few, maybe there could be a different form of the Warframes that were made stronger my the Tenno, the Lotus, or even the Corpus to compensate for the lack of Primes. I would love to hear anyone else's thoughts on this subject.

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