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Posts posted by Mogrom

  1. I think the A/B/C slots are for different mod configurations, if i've understood what you asked basicly you want custom loadout button that saves your frame, weapons, sentinel all with appearance and mods so you can quickly swap to another  presaved setup.



    Loadout One: banshee, paris, kunai, shade.

    Loadout Two: rhino, hek, afuris, wyrm.


    This honestly sounds like a great idea, having to swap all your items when changing frames is extra hastle with custom loadouts it would be much quicker.

  2. So i had a quick look in this forum didnt see anything that already sugests this and its probably somthing DE are working on anyway but its nice to bring things up just incase.


    Basicly i want more filters to apply when searching on basicly every window that has alot of icons for example:


    Mods section should be possible to filter Shotgun/Rifle/Bow rather than having them all piled into primary. That way you can have either no mods showing or only ones for the selected weapon.

    (filtering cards for each sentinel type would be another example)


    I can think of multiple ways this could be implemented; a manual search bar which lets you type "shotgun" and brings up appropriate cards.

    (could also work for elemental cards like fire)


    Alternativly, a series of tick boxes each one with a specific filter to show/hide that card type (selecting pistol+elemental you would be shown the appropriate cards).


    This propsed system(s) may need some work but if made universal in all ui elements it would be extremely useful. Being able to filter melee blueprints/weapons in the market, being able to filter items you already own or do not have enough credits/platinum to purchase there are so many varibles you could filter out it would make finding specific items easier.


    I have some badly done mock ups but coulnt figure out howto import the image into chat if somone can tell me this i'd be thankful. Untill then i've uploaded some to a website which you view with this link if you want.




    Final thoughts:


    As the development continues and more items, mods and warframes are added the current ui will only become more cluttered, anything that can be done to reduce this would be a great benifit.

  3. Let me preface this post by saying its damn early in the morning i've had little sleep and this idea suddenly occured to me as somthing that could be a fun concept for a frame even if its extremely imbalanced and not at all practical.


    Essentialy each of the powers would alter the frame in a passive manor and would be based on the different polarities


    Power 1 polarity V, boost frame muscle power granting melee damage and swing speed modifiers, it would also reduce recoil/spread for ranged weapons.


    Power 2 polarity D, boost frame recooperative powers granting faster shield recharge and health regeneration.


    Power 3 polarity -, thermal vision highlight enemies through objects, possibly granting puncture( i say possibly because puncture could be massivly imbalanced).


    Power 4 polarity =, rage granting 100% crit chance boost to weapons, while using melee attacks everything in a 360 degree radius around the player will be hit. when firing guns no ammunition is consumed.


    As for power cost, duration and frame stats im honestly too tired to even try.

  4. Nice concepts, flash bang seems a little redudant considering as mentioned two frames already blind enemies, it could perhaps be altered to a targetable ranged emp to disable shields or weapons for a brief time, this would still make the enemies more vulnerable but do so in a more unique fashion.


    Phalanx might be a little awkward to coordinate, even more so whilst moving, realy any ability that is based on player positioning is going to encountered problems because people dont generaly stop still for too long, can't realy think of a decent 'fix' for this so perhaps just change it a standard aoe like the rhino roar.


    Barrage, hovering seems like it would make you an easy target, i'd sugest scrapping the jetpack and just having the missiles fire upwards then home onto nearby targets automaticly.

  5. When i read the inital title for this thread i dived in asuming anything with the name Prism would have powers based on light manipulation, then i read your post... wow sounds complex and interesting, i get the feeling it would almost be considered THE endgame frame since it can from what i read basicly do anything depending on loadout, im not sure if this universal approach to skills and dammage types is a good idea because unless the abilities were significantly weaker when compared to traditional frames there would be no point in using any of the others.


    Interesting none the less.

  6. I was wondering if there cud be a "Air Based" warframe? the slot 1 skill can be something like "Gale"(using weapon in hand cut the air with such force sends a blade of air to targeted enemy)

    slot 2 can be  "Gust" (Increase Meele weapon damage + Area of Effact(meaning makes the weapon's hit box bigger i would love that on a glave btw :3)).

    Slot 3 "After Buner" i don't know the Proper Description  buuuut ( double jump on demand?)

    Slot4 Tempest (Causing a reaction of Super heated air and electricity with Devastating results to targeted Enemy). would be cool if it was a charged skill.


    All this and i can"t think of a name for it T_T


    The idea of an 'air or wind' based frame seems like a solid addition, considering there is already ember and frost, here some more ideas for attacks.


    (1)Air Pressure Cannon: (needs better name) a sphere of compressed air that blasts through enemies in a line.

    (2)Swift Winds: an area of effect buff that increases allied fire rate/reload, melee speed/charge speed

    (3)Tornado: a target able aoe knockback (ideal for moving enemies out of cover)

    (4)Oxygen Void: a targetable aoe/dome that destroys oxygen (like when you break reinforced glass)


    As for naming it you could maybe call it Gust, Flow, Breeze, Draft, Gale


    Thats all i got for now.

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