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Posts posted by bromeatmeco

  1. Those are artsy loading screens.  The game is loading the area you are walking into while the elevator is going, because it's funner and more interactive for the player to be in the elevator instead of a loading screen.  At least, it's supposed to be.  The reality is if you have a good PC, it ends up taking longer because the rides have a minimum duration, and if you can load faster than the elevator takes you there, then it's basically just wasting time.  I'd honestly rather have a loading screen myself.


    That said, I like the Mass Effect 1 elevators better because of the funny conversations and news headlines.

  2. For farming relics, it can depend on which type of relics you want.

    • The relics containing the items currently in the prime vault only drop from Orb Vallis/Plains of Eidolon bounties and from missions in the void.  The former is better for getting those relics while farming standing as well, and the latter will probably be better if you just want the relics.  Speedrunning Hepit capture for the Lith/Meso unvaulted relics, Ukko capture for the Meso/Neo, and either Marduk sabotage or Aten mobile defense for the Axis (Marduk for getting it done slightly faster, Aten if you have a minimum range Limbo so you can set up and go AFK while you farm).  These will get you the current most valuable relics.  You won't get them all the time, sometimes you'll get regular relics, but it's the fastest way to get these.
    • For relics in general, it again depends on whether you want Lith, Meso, Neo or Axi, and after that will depend on what else you want to get done.  I recommend you go to the wiki and look at the reward tables for various mission types to see what missions drop what and how often.  For instance, here is the drop table for the Europa excavation: every third excavator will give us a Meso relic half the time, and every fourth excavator will give us a Neo relic 3/4 of the time (if you don't know how the rotations work, you will do yourself a huge favor by reading this page).  The type of relics you want will determine whether you end up on Earth or on Pluto, but the ideas are the same.  Your decision of where to farm them will probably come from what else you need.
      • Excavation, in addition to being a fantastic relic farm on its own, is a great way to get Cryotic.  If you're playing the long game and want to build stuff like Vauban Prime or even the Sibear, you're going to need a lot of cryotic.
      • Defense missions can give you a lot of affinity while also giving relics in their drop table.  Helene is a common spot to farm this, and drops Orokin cells as well.
      • If you need relics that are already radiant, Elite Sanctuary Onslaught gives pre-Radianted relics.  It's not a fast way to get relics, but it will also drop a lot of affinity and some rare parts.  Regular Sanctuary Onslaught is easier, gives a lot of affinity and drops Khora parts.  These two methods don't give a lot of relics, but more the type of thing where you end up getting a lot of relics while farming for something else (e.g. Khora).
      • Spy missions usually have relics in one or two of their rotations, check the reward pages on the wiki and see if there's any relics in a mission that also has mods or other parts you're looking for.
      • If you really just want relics and nothing else, you can consider doing the capture missions in the void for Lith, Meso or Neo relics.  These missions don't normally drop void relics, but they do while the prime vault is open.  If you can Volt speedrun these in a minute, that's basically a relic per minute most of the time.  For the Axi's, though, you probably want to stick to high level (Pluto or Neptune) excavation.  For when the Prime vault isn't open, Helene defense on Saturn is great for Mesos and Neos, and for Lith, Earth excavation is a great choice.
    • Another note: syndicate standing can be used to trade for relics.  20k standing will give you a relic, one of which is guaranteed to be Neo or Axi, and the void relics can be gotten here as well.  Consider this method if you have a lot left over.

    As for companion affinity, it is mostly the same way you get regular affinity.  There might be some ways to boost it but it would be minor and get in your way more than otherwise.  Just grind elite or normal sanctuary onslaught, or Saturn/Sedna defense for relics.  Always do the daily Sortie for the chance at an affinity booster, or get a 1 month booster for 200 plat if you have some laying around; playing the trade chat game right can make 200 plat not particularly difficult to acquire if you know how to do it.

  3. There's a number of UI bugs that have been in the game for a while now and may not be realistic to solve forever.  Some examples:

    • On interception, if you join another party, you will occasionally find that the progress on the node your capturing as a percentage isn't visible (except the line on the ground), the letters under the minimap won't be updated when a node is being captured or already has been, etc.  These are pretty well known on PC.
    • Copy paste will stop working in the chat box every once and a while, to the chagrin of trade chat frequenters.  This will require either restarting the game or resetting the game's display to fullscreen (or something else) and back.
    • The marker towards the next objective/extraction will, in rare occasions, be placed exactly where the objective is and not on the door that leads to it, when the player is not in the same room.  This requires the player to find the path to the objective themselves, which is sometimes unintuitive and can take a while.

    It's not uncommon for these sorts of hiccups to occur on maps they normally don't happen on as well ("I can't see the progress on the crates").


    Similar to a command like /unstuck, and command like /resetui might be very helpful in resolving these quickly without impairing the player.

  4. I started playing Warframe after DE removed raids.  I want to complete the whole codex, but after asking, it turns out that there's no current way to scan J3 Jordas Golem at all in the Codex.  It seems a little unfair, and I don't think I could stand doing all that only to have 1 thing forever unobtainable.  Can there be a way to scan him, or could he be removed from the codex?

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