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Posts posted by LiquidSorrow

  1. Another nice banner, a much better read. I love the Supra, but yes it could indeed use some quality of life buffs. Like an ammo overhaul or an overheating system with infinite ammo. 

    Looking forward to next week again. 

  2. I understand. You want unaimed fire to be levitating blade, aimed fire to be the projectile blade. I upvote this.

    Yes, that's what i meant. That way we can have these nice altfire modes and not have to sacrifice aiming the weapon itself down the sights. 

    It's just a quality-of-life fix that i'd like to see come out. I mean sure it'd change the way people currently use a weapon, but it'd be much better this way rather than what we currently have where we're just shooting from the hip right? 

  3. Why can't i just have the current floating buzzsaw alt fire be on the normal click and have my secondary fire be "AIM" and while aiming be able to shoot the said blade disc out? 

    Instead of having secondary fire be the levitating blade thing we currently have at the moment. 


    You could probably even do this mechanic with the Quanta family. That way we'd have aim and it's secondary fire as well. 

    I sure hope people understand what i'm trying to say though. ._.

  4. I agree,

    The scythes now feel like they're anchors. 

    So a Hydroid running around with a Hate looks fitting. lol

    But yeah, i do wish scythes worked like how the grim reaper would use it, not like how it's being used like the Kama. 

  5. I main Frost. 

    I wish Freeze was hitscan or had a faster projectile and splashed slow to whatever it hits aside from completely freezing the target. 

    I wish Ice Wave had a lower casting cost but this thing is probably the most balanced skill Frost has in his arsenal atm. 

    I wish Snow Globe's slow inside the globe CC expanded as far as how large the globe is stretched. I also wish it had better armor multipliers. 

    I wish Avalanche had CC. 

    I wouldn't mind a few buffs here and there to Frost's kit as of now, but honestly these things aren't all that game breaking for me.
    I just opt to use whatever skill is useful at the time.
    Like how the only time i really use Freeze is when i reload out of cover in front of an Elite/Eximus or when i try to stop a VIP when i'm trying to capture them. If there's a bunch of enemies i just use Ice Wave instead of Freeze, since it slows and damages enemies in front of me. 

    I barely use Avalanche if it won't clear the zone since enemies who live just run away after. Much like how Mag's Crush works atm. Hope they add CC to her Ult as well.

  6. I dusted mine off when i saw this post. 

    He's right, the Ballistica doesn't do it's intended 4-shot burst anymore.

    It sometimes does burst on the first shot after a reload but succeeding shots only shoot a single uncharged shot. 

    So this is either a bug after the burst fire weapons were fixed or it's intended. ._.

  7. This is weird, i heard them mention that once you have that, Warframe it's idle animations should be interchangeable with the other Warframes you have. They even scoffed at the idea to charge players for just being able to use them once you have them which is good and in my opinion as it should be, so this is possibly a bug.

    It came from DE_Steve and DE_Geoff on DevStream 36.

    It starts at 14:10 and ends at 15:55

    So, is this working as intended or a bug?
  8. This is weird, i heard them mention that once you have that Warframe it should be interchangeable with the ones you have. They even scoffed at the idea to charge players for just being able to use them once you have them. This is possibly a bug.


    I was right, it came from DE_Steve and DE_Geoff.

    It starts at 14:10 and ends at 15:55
  9. Tutorials:

    I want more Tutorials in game.
    For every aspect if possible.
    Also make them replay-able and skip-able.
    With added voiceovers and lore as well if at all possible.


    My favorite bosses on this list are Phorid, Lephantis, Vay Hek, The Hyena Pack and Jackal.

    The ones not on the list that i really really REALLY love are Sprag and Ven'kra Tel.
    I want to see more of them, maybe pair them up with Kela De Thaym.
    Oh and please more voice overs, Sprag is adorable. :D

    Sigils are okay i guess.
    But i do love the whole sidequest tie in to the sigils.
    Looking forward to doing the secret missions to get this and that. 

    Excalibur Changes:
    Excalibur is Warframe's posterboy, why on earth is he unpopular then? His kit needed an upgrade.

    I dunno about the whole invisible stunning jump thing, was it supposed to replace Radial Blind's CC aspect?
    Changes were needed to Super Jump and the CC it's getting is awesome and all, but it doesn't fit in with Excalibur. 
    Wouldn't it fit better to his theme if he made an upper swing of his melee, ala-slash-dash upwards whilst performing Super Jump instead of an invisibility mechanic? You guys can make it so enemies would be lifted upwards and ragdolled. Like a Shoryuu~ken. mebe... ._. 

    His Slash Dash needs a 2nd look too, don't overlook it!
    Make him pass through enemies while using Slash Dash!
    Have it force Slash proc and count towards his melee counter when he does it in Sword Alone Mode. :D

    The Tiberon is a good solid upgrade! I love how it builds off from the Latron!
    I'm hoping to see more of this build pattern in the future for other weapons.

    Pets are time sinks, more pets would mean more people staying to play in Warframe. So i agree with the whole more wildlife in game. 
    Also, why do Sentinels not have any idle animations? They only have like, 1 each and the just repeat it over and over. Also, i'd like sentinels to make more distinct sounds. Sort of like an R2-D2 thing. It doesn't have to be complicated or have any special meaning. 

    Edit: Typo. 

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