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  1. I think this is simply the coherent continuation of a trend that has been going on for a couple of years now. I see that many in the gaming industry when something goes wrong they blame the publisher, ugly and bad, and never wonder if the fault is not in principle the developer himself. In this case it's Tencent's fault, isn't it? I think no. Tencent will probably want to see more revenue but how it comes is up to DE to decide. Obligating 60 euros for 2 deluxes for me is simply the coherent and new way of generating monetary income since the management has changed within DE itself (not the publisher). But in the same way I see many who buy because they justify the temporal exclusivity of something that would cost 165pl. That's fine so if it sells the developer is right, I wouldn't see much to discuss. It's simply not the last time this kind of situation will be seen.
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