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Posts posted by (XBOX)HD Dual


    2 hours ago, lyry19 said:

    So, you know how in warframe, the orokin wasted earth and it was unfit for life for millions of years until a few years before the tenno came back from their cryosleep and the grineers started colonizing it.

    Well, how do you explain the plains of eidolon lore now?

    The ostrons have been living there since the end of the old war through the story between the eidolon and gara, but they've also been living there a long time before the old war.

    How did they live on earth when it was a toxic ball of deadly gases?

    Maybe those shield thingys that prevent you from going outside the playable areas also stop toxic stuff from getting in? I don't think it says this anywhere in the lore but thats just my geuss

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