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Posts posted by HappyCactus56

  1. I only just got Dante 2 days ago so I barely got to even experience what he could do but I can tell you now I ain't having fun with him anymore. I was really looking forward to his unique kit of combining "spells" to make different outcomes and I was having a blast with him before today. This nerf is completely unnecessary and at the very least part of it should be reverted.

    I say part of it because I actually like the changes to overguard generation. The total amount you can gain hasn't really changed, it just takes a bit more effort to build it up. If people are really angry about all this overguard then where was the nerf for Styanax? Just make it so his overguard only applies to himself and maybe his pet if this is really that big of an issue.After this change I actually have to be more proactive to reach those huge overguard numbers which is not bad at all.

    The tragedy nerf on the other hand is just bad and feels bad to use. Why would they make tragedy line of sight when dark verse goes through walls? If you're gonna nerf something at least be consistant, but please don't take this as I want dark verse nerfed too. The line of sight check just feels way too harsh on Dante when there are half a dozen other frames that can do what he did before or even better. Saryn spore, gauss thermal sunder, volt discharge, equinox mend/main just to name a few. All of these abilities not only don't have line of sight but are easier to use than tragedy since they only require 1 button compared to the 3 for tragedy.

    Dante had so much potential and it was just squashed overnight for no reason. I really want to like Dante but these changes make him feel so much worse that it really killed the hype I had for him. Revert the line of sign change on tragedy at the very least. This attempt at "balance" is so far off the mark and sudden that it really shows they didn't think this through. There are many other new warframe releases that released in an underpowered state but they never got buffs as fast as this nerf was rushed out.

    I never would have spent my hard earned platinum on the Dante pack if this the vision they have for him.

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  2. Noticed a bug in which when I started a mission with only a secondary and glaive equipped that the glaive would not be "folded out" like normal. This didn't happen when I had a primary and then swapped, and it also didn't happen in a solo mission, only when in muliplayer. Tested with glaive prime and orvius, both stayed shrunken in the characters hand.

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