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Posts posted by WarRaider

  1. I dont know much about excalibur :P

    So far so good. I like your ideas. But not knowing about the Excalibur?! o.O

    Aight here is your next task. Go farm Arn Etina and get yourself a Excalibur Warframe. Sheer madness that thing, the thirst for blood of that warframe can not be satiated.

  2. After you finish a level and come back to the main screen you are able to click on all the tabs like arsenal market etc but not able to click on anyplanet to start another mission. You need to clos the game and restart it again to do so.

    Happened to me 5 times in a row now.

  3. As for whether warframes need a re-do/re-calibration, I agree they do. They're all the same in all but powers atm, so some work should be done to differentiate them with different base stats, possibly warframe specific mods, and skill trees in general need tweaking so that not everyone maxxes out every slot. Powers/energy also need some fine tuning.

    Exactly. Totally agree on that. The warframe's should be different from eachother even when they are stock.

    Rhino should have more armor than energy cuz its a tank based warframe.

    The Volt or mag should have more energy and less usage of energy when used power since they are kinda misc warframes.

    Excalibur is good as it is since it's a balanced all arounder and so on and so on.

    wrong wrong and wrong, sorry

    shuriken kills as many enemies as possible when it flies, if theyre lined up, blade storm basically deals over 3000 dmg on multiple enemies (one slash per enemy tho).

    Rhino charge causes all enemies in its way to xplode, same as radial blast, enemies in its radius explode.

    I dont want to be rude, but its not our fault that you dont know how to mod a warframe (at least those two you're so disappointed with).

    My point is that if you compare them with the Excalibur, the excalibur beats them. It's way more efficient when it comes to power usage. Uses the same amount of power but deals mor damage. If you want to get the full potential out of the blade storm, you need to make them swarm you. But like i said, thats not the point. Even if they are all cool, they are under powered for non-starter warframes. They need to be buffed.

    The new ones shouldn't be buffed, the old ones should have been weaker on realease.

    If they get nerfed now nothing will seem as powerfull (which is fun to many people), so there will be a big uproar and then changed back.

    They could buff the new Warframes if they just make sure the enemies also gets some kind of buff imo

    Well there will be new solar systems as new levels (I hope). I think that the NPC's over there will be killer hard to kill. Think of it like diablo and stuff like that. The solar system of our sun, is the first act of diablo. The enemys will get harder. Of course the skill tree of the warframes and weapons should be more sophisticated. Like you sould be able to spend skill points either on power, damge or armor. Instead of making it as simple as it is right now.

  4. Well i cant agree on that cuz i've played with the Excalibur first. And comparing the Rhino Charge with the slahs dash is kinda erm, i dunno.

    Talking about CC, Radial Javelin will do the trick or the overload skill of the Volt. But definitely not Rhino. It's a solo tanker, he is good against mob bosses or bosses in general though. 1 vs 1 he is a killer but anything else than that. Definiely not a warframe i would recommend.

    Well thats not the point of this thread.

    Do you actually believe that the non-starter warframes need a re-do/re-calibration(Adding more damage, amount, less usage of energy or range) of skills?

  5. So as you all may know, it doesent matter what warframe you have, they are all the same at the start. Even if you have Rhino, which looks like a tank and you espect them to be, they still have the same armor rate as the Excalibur or any other warframe.

    I for myself have started the game with the Excalibur. I loved it when i first started to play with it. Which was not the case when i tried the Ash and Rhino warframes. It is kind of disappointing that those warframes you work so hard to get, turn out to have crapier offensive skills than the warframe you get at the start.


    1.Skill : Slash Dash - Can cut through multiple enemies *Perfect

    4.Skill : Radial Javelin - A power that launches bolts and impales every single enemy in your radius. Very effective against infected and bosses. Kills tyl regor with two runs of it. İgnores shield. *Awesome


    1.Skill : Shiruken - Throws a single ninja star that impales only a single target. And that is only if the raget is low level enough to get killed by one strike of it. Medium damage, you have to aim with it like a shooting weapon and only effective on enemys who stay still. *Lame

    4.Skill : Blade Storm - As you would expect from the name of the skill, you should whipe your enemies out with your sword while moving like a tornado. But that is not the case. If they are in your radius, which is like nothing., you just teleport from one enemy to another. It is cool but the Excaliburs 4.skill would still beat it. Mmkay*


    1.Skill : Rhino Charge - Knocksback enemies withouth dealing any noticable damage. He is not facerolling them or running through them like you expect a rhino to do. Just one single enemy he knocks down. *Lame

    3.Skill: Radial Blast - It knocks down the enemys surrounding you in a small radius and deals them medium damage. Only benefitial against infected. It could be a good tactic against bosses. Shooting the bosses shield down, kocking him down with it and shooting the S#&$ out of him with a gorgon or whatever. *Mmkay

    I think they definitaly should re-do or re-calibrate the skills of those warframes.

  6. You know you don't need to put a blank line between... every single line that you have writen... just saying.

    now back to the points of your "review"

    >This is an online game that is for people to play online and not at some offline LAN party... this isn't the type of game that needs a LAN option.

    >The enamies deaths in this game are animated you just clearly didn't play enough of the game to realise this as you didn't seem to play any of the content on your own in the "Solo" mode of the game as you would be connected to the game and hosting that current session on your own connection that I hope, wouldn't lag as you would see the deaths are very humorous at times for example hitting an enamie with a BO (melee wepaon) woould... when it kills them hit them into the air like you are playing baseball with their heads, other times it would most likely be your "knife" (its a sword because I dought you played enough of the game to get one of the verious daggers ) that gets the kills and it would most likely split the enamie in half as he is decapitated on the floor.

    >you have no timer to resurrect yourself as you don't revive from killing any enamies while down it's just a timer for the people in your group to revive you othervise when you die you have the option of using 1 of 4 daily revives you are given.

    so back onto it... I Thank you for taking your time to do a review but I don't agree with your layout or the fact it seems very... well rushed in aspects you apprntly didn't take your time to explore all the aspects this game has to offer and you just state one online game by the looks of it where you had a bad host or your connection itself was off and caused a major lag issue when it came to the AI / Animations, oh and your password issue was funny got to say, you should really invest in a password you can remeber and use but I kind of agree that the login needs a remeber password button because hey... i'm lazy

    I'll edit this if I think of anymore points...

    Totally agreed.

    Giving it a 6/10 is just more ridiculous than your review itself. This game will be apex among the same type of online games.

    Sorry if im speaking plain but your review is just ''idiotic''.

  7. Felt pretty sad reading your comment as i can still solo just fine with below 300 shield. Including some bosses. If you need 12000 shield to do stuff, you're really really bad..

    Well my dear friend it would be my pleasure to invite you to a game with me. But that wasnt my point. We had it easy with that op shield to lvl up our stuff. The new players that will join this game will have it too hard though. What my point is. Yes it was to high in the begining and what im saying now is that its too low. With these kind of shield rates you are forced to take cover and mainly use your gun or rifle. You are not able to use the full potential of your warframe this way. Of course you have to take cover and not faceroll every living and moving thing in the map. But going in a corner and wait till your shield is up again after you pulled off 3 or 4 sword moves sucks too, which i think you would agree on.

  8. I'd like to see them remove the regen. Fight or die!

    Yay!!! I can see the team chats coming.

    x: Hey Loki, stay in that corner and go invisible whenever i go down and revive me.

    y: 10/4

    The loki is going to be golden from now on. :D

  9. Yeah, i felt offended with your ''Helloo this is a co-op game'' statement fine sir.

    Now back on topic;

    We will surely see a lot of Rhino Warframes running around after this. Since i do own myself one i know how it rolls. And it's a shame that most of the people will have a hard time with the others. I really did enjoy my Excalibur and Ash warframe. It's a shame that it runed into a covered shooter game for now, instead of a mixed sword + weapon game.

  10. Well with these changes the Ash warframe became pretty useless. The warframes you have to craft are pretty much U.P. compared to the stock warframes. Except for the rhino. Which means that you will see a lot of Rhino Warframes running around.

  11. I agree with you on that one. Okay it was a bit too much and i thought they should reduce the shield capacity or stack rate. But this is just beyond ridiclous now.

    Before The Update: 12000 Shield (Which was not okay, i admit it)

    After The Update: 625 Shield

    I mean, hellooOOoo. You can get killed by lvl 10 npc evene if you have everything on Rank 30.

  12. I kinda thought myself that the shield should be reduced but man... they just went crazy with that.

    Before: 12000 Shield

    After: 625 Shield

    They reduced it massively. Like i said, i thought that they should reduce it but that is just wrong man. You can be killed by lvl 10 npc's with a 30Rank warframe by those rates. Needs totally i make over.

  13. Well, it's supposed to be an element of the (background)story of the game. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong, can't find the topic where this was explained. I'm not that far in my progress, but I suppose you mean infested vs Grineer? Yeah, they fight each other.

    Nope i actually mean Cropus(the robot dudes with the flying drones and sh!t) vs Grineer. Well if it's in the plot. Nothing much to do about it but to seperate them in the mission as far away as ya can so they dont all kill each other. Or just let a small group of the NPC's fight instead of all of'em.

    #10 The number of your shield capacity will drop 50% when you start a mission sometimes. Forcing you to abort and restart it again.

    Thats a level with a Ice, the ice drops your shield to 50%, so no bug there, you have been aborting missions for nothing.

    Thx. Never paid attention to that. I'll do from now on.

  14. Aight, i've been playing this game a week, straight. For the stage it is in right now, i must say, very well done.

    Graphics are pretty good, gameplay is fine, atmosphere bla bla are all really good. This game will be smashing and whiping the floor with it's rivals at game conventions.

    Most of the players do forget that they just started the closed beta version and start whinging about the bugs like it is fully grown out yet.

    Well besides my good thoughts and trust in its future, i'll just do my part and report the bugs that crossedmy way;


    #1 The experience toolbar(The Rank For Your Character) is changing a lot.

    Example; You've actually made 17,500 experience points, when you log in and log out it can change sometimes. It's droping or going up.

    #2 Sometimes you start a mission, it's foggy. Drops your visual massively.

    #3 I've crafted the ash warframe and it was a total disappointment. I mean the warframes you have to craft and you work so hard to get to the blueprints and materials for should have better skills, right? So far i have not seen a warframe better than the excalibur.(Rhino Warframe is about to be crafted, will add to this post when tested)

    #4 The blueprint drop rate is not just low it's ridiculous too. You will hunt the parts for 2 days but find nothing, suddenly you'll find all parts in an hour. It needs an order.

    #5 When you are online and a friend of yours from your contacts join the game. You are not able to see them online unless both parties refresh their game by logging out and in again.

    #6 It's too easy to get to the blueprints and craft all warframes so far. Hope that there will be more options btw.

    #7 NPC's seem to freeze and dont attack you sometimes.

    #8 Although you are doing a corpus mission, it can get mixed up with Grineer all of a sudden. They start to shoot eachother.

    #9 During a private co-op level with a friend, the mission marker can freeze. It will show the same door even if you pass through it.

    #10 The number of your shield capacity will drop 50% when you start a mission sometimes. Forcing you to abort and restart it again.

    #11 i've bought the avatar packs but none of them appeared on the avatar selection option.


    #1 The inventory will totally need a make over or extra features like;

    - Having an option that allows you to align the items in your inventory by type and with that by the specific effect of that type of item. Like ''Only show Warfram Mods'' or ''only show warframe mods with +armor effect''.

    #2 I am pretty sure that the guys at the headquarters are having ideas and thoughts or maybe even started to work on them when it comes to levels. Well i'll just say what i have in mind. There is not just one solar system in the milkyway galaxy. Since the most of us already finished all the levels on each planet. I think it would be more facilely if you'd have to jump to another system for the upcoming missions.

    #3 An easier way to compare the weapons or any other equipment.

    #4 Being able to see the changes when you install a mod into your warframe or weapons. I dunno maybe like a little picture up on the right of the screen with a xrayed body, showing the changes when you put on the mod.

    #5 Being able to cancel a craft in progress.

    #6 Being able to discard or sell blueprints. (So you do not accidently click on build something you didnt intend to craft and lose valuable materials)

    #7 Plz remove the blue bubbley things of the warframe and weapons which shows how many mods are on.

    Guess thats all for now. Wish the best for the warframe team and thanking them for such a blessing to the gaming world. Keep it up.

  15. Hello everyone.

    Im experiencing a problem with my mods. They seem not to be not active during mission even though they are attached to my gear. They totally have no effect.

    For an instance; I have 250 Shield points on my stock warframe. Even if i attache 2 x 51% shield capacity mods it does not change. It's still stays at 250 shield points. And i am experiencing this problem/malfunction with every single equipment of mine.

    Please help and thanks in advance.

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