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Posts posted by ArchXDiablo

  1. It is a vast improvement over PoE and I honestly hope they translate it to PoE. I've yet to have as much fun as I do when maxing out the wanted level. It's chaotic, and if you use a frame where you don't have an auto god mode nor super high DPS such as Mesa, it's a blast where you can actually die. I want more of these enemies everywhere. I want (wishful thinking) every encounter to be as dynamic as it is in Fortuna. I want more units that use skills against us. Given how the scaling is so basic in WF, and how the AI can only be so "smart" at the onslaught of Tenno weaponry, the way some of the enemies use things like the Vauban jump trap or the ice wave, is really fun IMO. 

  2. Hell no. Gara is fine. The damage output requires tedious build up, there are other frames that can clear the tileset better. On top of that you need to get close and move to enemies, other frames can simply tap a key and that's it. Gara IS strong, but she is not OP nor needs a nerf.

  3. Just now, (XB1)Clockwork Geoff said:

    The perfect caricature of this whole argument which completely lacks perspective for large swathes of other players. 

    I'm sure DE will make the change so it's more fun to you, yet less accessible to most - good business model.

    Ironic that you talk about perspective. There are 5 tiered bounties for different gears and capabilities. Where did working towards better gear to be able to do a mission go? Or improving in general?

    Imagine if Sorties were public. Then undergeared people would jump in, get rekt, then ask for a nerf. Same idea, there's plenty to do for everyone, and if you can't do something, improve. Oh no, that concept is gone..Now you automatically must be able to do everything with MK-Kunai. Fortuna has low level bounties you know. It's called progression. And I sure as hell am not alone in that opinion.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

    How does that inconvenience YOU exactly? You can't sleep at night cause a "scrub" managed to do a Level 50 Bounty? Please.

    If you're so desperate to fail, there are ways for you to do that. But don't thrust your desperation for failure upon others.

    Way to miss the point completely. The nerf likely happened because of people failing the bounties. It was much more fun pre nerf. Because of THOSE people it was nerfed, so yes it inconvenienced me because the whole thing was nerfed. When did I mention it bothers me that a "scrub" did a lvl 50 bounty? People are complaining about some people being unable to do said bounties, it is nonsense to complain about them being able to. I wish they could have, then maybe we wouldn't have had this nerf. Before lashing out, learn how to read and comprehend.

  5. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)Clockwork Geoff said:

    SO it already was a snooze fest? Why change it back then? Just to make it a little bit more enjoyable for you, and more restrictive to some players? You don't sound like you enjoyed the challenge much before anyway.

    Read the first reply. It allowed to not steamroll with your eyes closed, and the enemies used more tools, more traps, mini bosses, some flavor. You don't seem to grasp the concept, that sometimes some sort of challenge makes a game entertaining, and in a game where almost everything is so easy, freaking out over a little bit of challenge is nuts. Did you know you could grab a staticor fresh off a dojo and melt every enemy with that secondary? You do not need meta, hell at MR8 you could be wrecking everything in the star chart and beyond.

    Oh but no, EVERY player must be able to do max bounties lvl 50 in Fortuna and not die. Oh please.

  6. 1 minute ago, (XB1)Clockwork Geoff said:

    Your lack of perspective here...I'm sure it's a snooze fest for 20+ MRs with optimal builds. But what about regular joes who have decent stuff (MRS 7-18) and not the meta melter builds you guys have? Should they be denied access because they haven't got premo builds just so  you can find the level 5 bounty 'somewhat challenging?'.  

    Thank goodness DE disagrees with you and made this patch. 


    Regular joe here, MR14, it was and is a snooze fest with non meta. Why are you assuming meta builds were required to steamroll lvl50 enemies? 

  7. Meta gear to steamroll pre nerf Orb Vallis? LOL what? You could do max rank bounty with a melee Nekros running a Guandao, a Zarr, a frost, anything. If you think we needed meta builds for Fortuna you are crazy. The game is easy, and Fortuna pre nerf was enjoyable enough to not allow you to steamroll with your eyes closed. Now it's once again another non challenging area. Give us an elite bounty option, even without the rewards it was so damn fun and chaotic. And no I'm not a vet I have been playing for maybe 3-4 months.



  8. I expected more from an Eidolon infused warframe tbh. Danse Macabre is the only skill he has that fits destruction and can melt lvl 150 corrupted heavy gunners relatively fast. His 1 should be able to summon vombalysts (capped at 6-8 if able to survive/damage scale properly) where upon death they turn into their ghost form, but instead they dash and explode a target. His 2 is very nice, his 3 is very niche. I'd have been happier if all his toolset was mostly DD. Eidolon stomp, Eidolon scream, Eidolon Air Bombardment, etc. Oh well.

  9. I will never understand the whole "go play CoD if you want PvP" obtuse mentality. What if I want PvP in the environment WF is? What if I want PvP with WF's movement system, diversity of warframes, weapon customization, etc. No, there aren't many alternatives to it because WF is quite unique. Conclave is a great concept because it does NOT force PvP into PvE. So those "PvE only" folks don't need to scream about it if they cannot handle not 1 shotting a room at the press of a button. 

    OP, we are the vast minority at least in the forums. I've played many games not centered around PvP so acting like WF is the one game to be PvE centered is utter nonsense. I am in favor of diversity, of a game offering more things to do, something to spice up the usual PvE. I am in favor of development, and while some people want Conclave gone because of fear of toxicity (or is it fear of not being a powerhouse all the time?), I call those people toxic, very toxic to the development of the game. If we were suggesting forcing PvP inside PvE, I could understand, but suggesting Conclave to be expanded and worked on is very reasonable. If you add something to a game, then it isn't an afterthought.

  10. 58 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    The issue is that this isn't a mobile game like clash of clans or something, spending hours and hoping for RNG to be in your favour for you to get the parts you need, only to be forced to wait a further 12+76=88 hours before you can actually play with your new toy should've never been in this game at all. Yes I've heard the whole "but this is a F2P hurr hurr DE has to make money" stories already and I call bs, sure they were supposedly not doing so well at the beginning but things have changed and they're hosting tours and expos and such which costs a lot of money I assume, something they wouldn't do if they were desperate enough to timegate foundry items and add a huge plat price for rushing it in the hopes that someone will buy more plat

    And why are you assuming that part of that money they've made does not come from rushing (or at least that it has been profitable enough to generate a nice stream of reliable and needed $)? Sure, for a lot of us we are told to never waste plat on rushing, but what about the silent majority? 

    Time-gating in this game is pretty harmless. Unless you are at a point with most things in the game, 2k+ hours, etc., I don't see myself ever waiting for an item to be crafted. At the very least I can be grinding plat if nothing else, but there's usually something to be doing.

  11. 42 minutes ago, nokinoks said:

    I actually kinda feel sad, does DE even read forum posts if it's got like less than 500 views and comments?

    They probably do, yet for something of this magnitude to even be considered it'd have to have the community screaming for it. This is no easy feat to code and balance. On top of that they have so many projects in their pipeline that they easily have their hands full, and to be honest other than this thread I've never ever seen anyone even mention something like this. So chances of this even getting recognized  are, IMO, very slim to non existant.

  12. I don't see the issue here. I'm not a veteran and I was just missing 7 nodes. I enjoy Archwing missions. Either way clearing the star chart is extremely easy. But hey, always gotta complain. Had they made it MR locked a whole array of other people would have complained as well. You just can't win. 

  13. Nerfed Danse Macabre........




    DE, I'm going to guess Pablo hasn't touched Revenant. This makes no sense. Revenant is nowhere near OP. His Mesmer Skin is a hassle anywhere multiple enemies shoot you, it goes down very quick and can mean certain death if you don't keep an eye on it. His 3 is too niche. His 1 is useless in teams. His 4 is the only thing he had for him, then you made it cost a lot of energy. Alright, fair point as now it's more situational instead of constant spam, but now this? Omegawut?

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