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Posts posted by Flannoit

  1. Adapting from this thread so the issue is clear:

    TLDR: Any gun that uses the "standard" aim (Acceltra, Steflos, etc) will get the aiming reticle blocked by the Doppline Prime Armor shoulder piece. My proposed fix is to do something akin to changing the posture slightly to the right so that the Doppline Armor will be just barely out of the way more like the non-standard aim

  2. Update: I did some testing of my own in the Simulacrum, and it looks like the issue is the standard gun aim!

    Tenet Ferrox (and by proxy Spearguns) don't have the issue:



    Akarius Prime (and assumedly most other sidearms) don't have the issue



    Acceltra Prime (which uses standard aim) does have an issue however, though it's only slight



    Bubonico (and other arm cannons) have no problem



    No problem from bows



    And finally, Steflos, which also uses standard aim therefor having the same problem as Acceltra Prime.



    It looks like a relatively easy fix would be to just... Either rotate the Frame's posture slightly to the right when aiming or something on that vein, cos it seems to only affect standard aim.

    I primarily use Tenet Ferrox & Akarius Prime which is probably why I haven't noticed the problem til now!

  3. That entirely depends on the console's capacity to support 120FPS. A lot of PCs can't even support 90FPS, let alone 120FPS. That's more of the console developers' question to answer than anything else.

  4. I've been playing around with my new Akarius Prime, since my luck with getting normal Akarius is still god-awful, and I've noticed something bizarre.

    Akarius Prime's self-stagger radius seems to be way bigger than it should be, making it so you are almost guaranteed to get self-staggered when you fire it without some self-stagger resistance ability or mod if you're firing at an enemy that's even remotely considered "near you".


    This seems like a pretty excessive amount of distance, but this is considered "close enough" to trigger the extreme self stagger.


    Video of the problem, not sure why it's not embedding.


    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, RyuScamander said:

    That's a lot of work lol. My concern is: will just one Augur mod alone & rolling guard is enough in the situation where enemies are raining bullets on me or I have to use invulnerability to escape? (it's not like I dislike that kind of playstyle, I just want to be mentally prepared for what's coming).

    Anyway, I think I will go for the Heat Chromatic Blade, but will Furious Javelin do better? I would still use Exalted Blade but if Furious Javelin is only better when enemies got primed then I would go Chromatic Blade. Also I don't understand the need for Ability Range (since melee buff are applied to the blade itself, not the beams (idk what are they called)), is it for Radial Howl to have some crowd control?

    But once again, that's a lot of work you did there, hope you a very good day!

    I don't usually die on most of my more-played frames unless if I'm distracted or outright unlucky! I keep Last Gasp from the Operator skill tree in my pocket as a backup which makes any good amp with an AoE effective at unkilling me.

    I believe you'll get more out of Heat Chromatic Blade but either one is fine. Wrathful Advance scales disgustingly well with however good the applying weapon is, so if your Exalted Blade is built well then you'll have no problem hitting hundreds of millions of damage in a single hit.

    And yes, range is for Radial Howl, it'll help keep you alive too against non-Eximus/special enemies!

    Thank you, you too! 😸

    • Like 1
  6. I think something to keep in mind to increase your modding options is that Archon Shards can outright replace mods, freeing up space for different mods while still hitting important thresholds.

    You can get up to 50% (75% with Tauforged) Strength or Duration using all 5 slots, though for most frames I prefer to do 1 Amber for Casting Speed and then apply Duration or Strength as needed. This can be used to bandaid certain stats (such as saccing your Duration and using Archon Shards to bring it back closer to 100%) or outright replace mods (I don't use a single Strength mod on my Gauss)

    And I understand disliking things that rely on kills to make use of, but Molt Augmented is just too good not to use on almost every single Warframe. That's 60% free Strength that only wears off if you die. My Gauss Prime build utilizes 1 Crimson Shard and Molt Augmented to reach 175% Strength which more than surpasses all the important thresholds very quickly even before hitting all 250 stacks.

    Another arcane I tend to use a lot is Arcane Steadfast, because it's relatively reliable and allows you to more free go wild with your abilities.

    If you're dead set on using Catalyzing Shields:


    With this, I would do 1 Amber for Cast Speed and at least 2 Crimson for Strength.

    I think this build actually suits closer to what you're wanting: (PSF actually negate self-stagger and knockdown, Handspring doesn't)


    As above, 1 Amber for Cast Speed and at least 2 Crimson for Strength

    Now if you want my personal recommendation:


    This will net you more consistent energy any time you aren't actively using your 4 (giving you more overall uptime for all of your abilities) while in my opinion being more useful because I personally thing Primed Sure Footed isn't mandatory for any build. (I don't use it on any of mine)

    Same as above, 1 amber for cast speed, at least 2 crimson for strength.

    EDIT: some links

    Arcane Steadfast | Molt Augmented | Archon Shards | Energy Nexus | Primed Sure-Footed | Archon Vitality | Archon Flow | Archon Continuity

    EDIT 2: if you decide you want to use Heat Chromatic Blade I recommend this


    If you decide to do Cold Chromatic Blade, I recommend keeping secrets/stretch and swap Primed Flow for Archon Flow.

    If you decide to do Toxic Chromatic Blade, I recommend keeping secrets/stretch and swap Primed Continuity for Archon Continuity.

    • Like 1
  7. With the addition of Kullervo, Dagath, and Qorvex, we're approaching an era where frames have both really high HP and decent shields while still having anywhere from average to spectacular armor. This places Dagath roughly in the middle at ~1443 effective hp (which will be shortened to ehp from now on), while Kullervo (who I may sometimes refer to as Klorbo because I'm too used to writing that instead) with ~3815 ehp and Qorvex with ~3341 ehp are a lot higher on the rung compared to most other frames.

    With Klorbo, I wasn't expecting any major changes to warframe health or anything, as high HP and good armor is pretty standard for a health frame. Dagath, however, with her max HP starting at 666 made me wonder if there was going to be a rework to HP values for older frames down the line.

    Qorvex, with his monstrous 700 HP and 875 armor (which is the highest in the game, currently!) while still getting only slightly below average shields (300 where the average is 370), on the other hand makes me really curious if one's going to happen or not. Obviously, one has yet to happen, but I am hoping for one eventually.

    Obviously not every frame needs its Health/Armor/Shields revisited and it'll definitely be kind of touch and go, but just for some comparison, here's a few frames using Umbral Fiber, Intensify, and Vitality with Primed Redirection:

    (Average Health is 370, Shields is 370, Armor is 135)
    (Let me also preface this by me outright blanket stating - I am not saying every single frame needs a self-heal, damage reduction, or death defy. These are just being taken into account as part of a frame's kit and up to your interpretation on whether or not that justifies the HP/Shields/Armor to you)

    Sustain = Ability to heal themselves either by directly impacting HP, providing HP-related buffs, generating Health Orbs, or generating Overguard or shields.
    Damage Reduction = Ability to reduce incoming damage by a certain amount, regardless if it's to all or only a few sources. (ex. Kinetic Plating) Overguard and Shields do not count for Damage Reduction because these are not unique to the tenno.
    Death Defy = Ability to shrug off what would have been counted as a death demanding a revival else mission failure. (ex. Wukong's Techniques passive)

    • Excalibur Umbra - Base Health of 370, base Shields of 370, base Armor of 315, Effective HP of 1252
      • Modded Health of 1036, Shields 1036, and Armor 882, Effective HP 5463
      • Base Frame released 10/2012
        • Average HP, average shields, above average armor, no sustain or damage reduction or death defy
    • Nidus Prime - Base Health of 650, base Shields of 0, base Armor of 525, Effective HP of 1788
      • Modded Health of 1820, Shields 0, Armor 1470, Effective HP 10738
      • Base Frame released 12/2016
        • Greatly above average HP, no shields, greatly above average armor, no damage reduction secondary-resource locked sustain but has death defy
    • Gauss Prime - Base Health of 370, Shields of 650, Armor of 185, Effective HP of 1465
      • Modded Health of 1036, Shields 1820, Armor 518, Effective HP 5251
      • Base Frame released 8/2019
        • Average HP, Greatly above average shields, slightly above average armor, has a damage reduction but no sustain or death defy
    • Yareli - Base Health of 370, Shields of 555, Armor of 105, Effective HP of 1240
      • Modded Health of 1036, Shields 1554, Armor 294, Effective HP of 4123
      • Base Frame released 7/2021
        • Average HP, above average shields, below average armor, has a damage reduction but no sustain or death defy
    • Citrine - Base Health of 500, Shields of 370, Armor of 265, Effective HP of 1435
      • Modded Health of 1400, Shields 1036, Armor 742, Effective HP 6244
      • Base Frame released 2/2023
        • Above average HP, average shields, above average armor, has a damage reduction and a sustain, but no death defy
    • Kullervo - Base Health of 1205, Shields of 0, Armor of 650, Effective HP of  3816
      • Modded Health of 3374, Shields 0, Armor 1820, Effective HP 23843
      • Base Frame released 6/2023
        • Drastically above average HP, no shields, drastically above average armor, has a sustain, but otherwise no damage reduction or death defy
    • Dagath - Base Health of 666, Shields of 250, Armor of 125, Effective HP of 1277
      • Modded Health of 1564, Shields 700, Armor 350, Effective HP 4974
      • Base Frame released 10/2023
        • Greatly above average HP, slightly below average shields, slightly below average armor, no sustain or damage reduction but has a death defy
    • Qorvex - Base Health of 700, Shields of 300, Armor of 875, Effective HP of 3142
      • Modded Health of 1960, Shields 840, Armor 2450, Effective HP 19087
      • Base Frame released 12/2023
        • Greatly above average HP, slightly below average Shields, drastically above average armor, no sustain or damage reduction or death defy

    Admittedly the more I kept working on this, the less I started to care, but ultimately this is just me prodding at DE to see if we're going to be getting changes to Warframe HP like we did with Armor a while back. (Shoutout to when the lowest armor a frame had was 0 and ~30 armor was the average)

    Also just keeping this here because it's also just interesting to me to compare the different warframes throughout time even after what have been considered at-the-time buffs.

    Any frames in particular you'd like for them to revisit the survivability of?

  8. I've been working towards this ever since he came out (including saving up whatever money I could manage for his prime accessories since the day he first came out) and I'm finally almost done!!

    Literally just missing the Altra Syandana & regular Akarius (which I've been farming for in Ur, Uranus for ages with zero luck) and I'll hit 100%! :D (This isn't including owning all exclusive weapon skins, glyphs, or stuff like the Kresnik horse armor, though I do own the all but the Day of the Dead skin for Acceltra!)







    I'm so happy to almost have my favoritest boy ever fully collected!

    EDIT: YAY I am down to the LAST THING NEEDED for 100% collection!! :D


    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

    There actually already is a visual cue tho its not exactly the most accurate thing in the world and could maybe use a couple tweaks, the sound cue could also use a few tweaks because from what Ive noticed sometimes the sound bugs out on certain tiles. I also do find it kinda dumb that the transmissions go on as long and happen as frequently as they do considering how you have to track down the demos by listening for the beeps. 

    Oh and if it helps the demos are affected by enemy radar, with enough of it u should be able to see them on the map before u can even hear them.

    Unfortunately, Enemy Radar is still not a perfect solution for it, I have pretty high enemy radar and I still have issues finding it.

    • Like 1
  10. This is not a difficulty feedback, as the general difficulty of Disruption is relatively good and is currently placed well across the star chart.

    So what's this about, you wonder? Disruption is not accessible to neurodivergent or hard of hearing/deaf players.

    As it stands, the cue is entirely audio for locating Demolitionists. For someone with good hearing, this isn't a problem, but for people who don't this is an immediate problem.

    Currently, Disruption can be equated, more or less, to a sensory deprivation chamber. I had to stop playing for almost two days because I can't play literally anything alongside the Disruption alongside the game-provided sounds with the one exception of turning Transmission audio off.

    There is a lot of noise saturation for a level that heavily relies on hearing, which I understand is meant to add to the difficulty but it better serves to make Disruption inaccessible to people like me who are both hard of hearing and neurodivergent.

    The way I normally keep my brain from hitting a critical mass meltdown is by watching videos or listening to music, but neither of them are an option when I need to be able to hear the Demolitionist beeps, as my brain will quite literally lose the ability to keep track of the beeping. The reason I have to turn Transmission audio completely off is because Little Duck's dialogue overlaps so heavily with the Demolitionist beeps (to the degree that she has literally monologued for 80% of a Demo's lifespan from spawn to Conduit many times before) that I'm unable to even identify the beeps in the first place even when I have eyes on the Demolitionist enough for it to be automatically marked as the target.

    I understand that balancing it with accessibility can be hard, but my suggestion is adding functionality to the Codex Scanner that is clear and identifiable (such as a red version of the Synthesis Target particles or a vague color throb that points in a mostly ambiguous direction) as that gives players an already in-game tool to ease the suffering of Demolitionists without having to colossally rebalance how Disruptions work.

    i'm already prepared to get an insane amount flak for this post and i'm just gonna tune out any bad actors

    • Like 12
  11. This has been a long-standing issue and it only becomes more and more glaring as relics come out that are best farmed in an Orokin Moon A rotation.

    There is an issue preventing Orokin Moon tileset disruptions from behaving correctly, leading to multiple issues namely with the behavior and pathing of Demolishers.

    These include but aren't limited to:

    • Demolishers suddenly stopping and losing their AI entirely
      • I've had demolishers literally stand next to a Conduit, not even try to shoot me, and not even try to explode.
    • Demolishers spawning without Demolisher AI
      • They'll attack me like normal enemies but will prioritize fighting me over pathing to a conduit to a degree where it will literally chase me as I'm going AWAY from the conduit.
    • Demolishers getting stuck on terrain, preventing them from getting to the conduit
      • This is a separate issue from the first listed one solely because if you can successfully dislodge them (which is hard) they will actually continue pathing to the conduit.  They may or may not fire at you while in their stuck state, though.
    • Demolisher Bursa prioritizing shielding over demolishing
      • Their AI seems to be heavily prioritizing standard Bursa behavior over demolisher behavior so if you're ANYWHERE near them they are liable to infinite loop entering and exiting bunker mode.

    Bursa Demolitionists seem to be the biggest offenders, but it can happen with ALL of the Demolition units. I've experienced it firsthand several times with the MOA, the dog, and the actual Cropus dude.

  12. 13 hours ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

    So Albrecht's Labs have another Warframe hidden within them. The real question though is will its name start with a J or a U?

    Gauss Prime is tomorrow. 

    Oh I know, I'm fully aware. I just love to see him 😸

  13. 46 minutes ago, Renzo said:

    This is exactly what I am experiencing. I mostly play kullervo and nezha and occasionally I want to have some fun with hydroid like today and it is just that, I need to spam plunder to make it work even if I am literally standing next to enemies.

    It's textbook "ability that's great on paper and bad in execution" because it SHOULD by all means be a really powerful, feel-good ability but it's made to feel so... Awkward, messy, and tedious. I hope they can fix these almost-definitely bugs.

  14. I've had tons of issues with Plunder myself as well. It seems it's inconsistent with walls that are otherwise ignored for sight checks (such as railing), and the sight check seems like it behaves rather inappropriately when conditions should be prime for it to work correctly.

    I've had many instances where I've had to spam Plunder because the first few casts were just... Ignoring some enemies for some reason, and they weren't even Eximus units.

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  15. 36 minutes ago, Pakaku said:

    Well, Yareli was built for this sort of thing… I couldn’t imagine trying to navigate standard maps on a K-Drive without all of the immense QoL buffs Merulina got

    And even beyond that, she is unfortunately severely buggy explicitly when Merulina is involved. Until they can resolve it for Yareli, I'd rather they hold off on giving it to everyone else.

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