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Posts posted by Karasokami

  1. I was planning to ignore Intrinsics, but I just found out they give MR, and since my current goal in Warframe is to get maximum MR I now want (need) to farm them. So, what is the fastest way? The Ivara strat has been nerfed as far as I know. My Railjack has MK 3 Parts, so thats no problem.

    • Like 1
  2. (I'm not a native english speaker, so my english might be a little bit rough, sry)

    Can we please get an proper Ingame market system, and not this way to laborious Trade chat system? Why not something as easy, uncomlicated and relaxed as other MMOs like, for example BDO. Just an easy trade console somewehere in the orbiter, where you can upload the stuff you want to sell, for the price you want to sell it, and when it's sold, you get a message and then go and recieve your Platinum from said console. And when you want to buy something? You just search for it, then get a list with prices, you search for the best price, click a "buy" button, and BOOM, it's yours. Would make trading a lot easier and better. Currently, you have either use Trade chat, and hope that someone has the item you want or someone wants the item you want to sell, then message them, wait for an reply, then get into a group, then go to Dojo, and then you can sell him with one of your limited trades for the day. Or use Warframe market and hope for a good price, just to wait 1hour for an reply. With an proper market system, it's just 2 clicks. Which leaves more time to actually play the game and farm stuff = Grofit.


    Edit: I did not mean copying the BDO Trading market one to one into Warframe, just wanted to give an example of an ingame Market. If you dont like BDO, here's another example: Escape From Tarkov. Yes, it's a completeley differnt game, but this is just about the basic function of a market system.

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  3. Simple as that. Just let us have the option to auto refill the Railjack supplys when we go back to the Drydock, so that Little Timmy dont has to leave the mission cause he forgot the refill his Revolit after an 8 hour long session last Night. (The option would be optional of course and would consume the normal amount of Ressources)











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  4. So, I just recently noticed, that Kuva Weapons give MR till they are Lvl 40, and for Lvl 40 You need 5 Forma on a weapon. That result in some problems, let me explain:

    There are currently 13 Kuva weapons in the game, and 2 new are confirmed for the next Update which leaves us with 15 Kuva weapons(There will be definetly more in the Future, but we will go with that for now).

    15 x 5 = 75, so you need 75 Forma in total if you want maximum MR for now, so, every Forma has a crafting time of 12 Hours which leaves us with 900 hours in crafting time, or 36 Days. Thats a whole month, and only if you perfectly craft 2 Forma a day with 12 Hours each. If you like only have time to log onto Warframe once a day with like 2-6 Hours a session you can only craft one Forma a day, that leaves us with 72 Days. Thats over two Months! And there are simlpy better ways to spend Forma than to waste it on weapons only for maximum MR (Not saying that Kuva weapons are bad, but not everyone is interested in an 5 Forma Kraken).

    I know this is not an very complicated or hard Grind, but it just seems like an unreasonable and dry way to force Players to either be patience and wait 1-2 Months will driving insane, or have them spend all the sweet Platinum one got by Selling an overpriced Rhino Prime set to an newbie last night on Forma.

    Lvl 40 is not the Problem here, it worked on the Paracesis, it was an special original Orokin Weapon, made by Ballas himself, the Famous sentient slayer, and as such, it was the first and only Weapon with Lvl 40. Now, we got an whole system based on Lvl 40 Grinner weapons, as an lazy excuse for there not being any Grineer Prime weapons.

    The problem simply is that Forma is not desinged in way of it being something mass farmed for something like MR. More as a way to make a weapon you really care about even better. I had no problem putting 5 Forma on my Paracesis, first because I am a Lore fanatic, second because it was just a good weapon, where I gladly Investet (It currently is my most played Melee weapon)

    So, lets not just Complain here, lets give some suggestion on how to fix that.


    An easy and obvious solution would problably be to either make the Weapons accesible to Lvl 40 with less (1-2) or even without Forma. Or to let it only give MR points till Lvl 30, and the additinal ten levels are just an extra.

    Or simply remove Lvl 40 from Kuva weapons, there are others ways to make Weapons Special. The Valence Transfer, where you can Infuse weapons with each other is a system that could be built on for example. Or, if it should be something based on Forma, how about this: Mods on polarized Slots on Kuva weapons are Stronger. Let me give an quick and simple example:

    Serration on an Normal Slot: +165% Damge

    Serration on an polarized Kuve weapon slot: +200% Damge

    Somthing like this i think could be interesting, if balanced correctly.


    Or lets take an whole another approach. Let's fix Forma. (Or the way to obtain it, to be more precisly).

    My first suggestion in not only something that would fix this problem in an instant, but would also be a big Quality if Life chage to the complete Game. Let us Craft multtiple intsances of the same Item at the same time. 

    Many people complain about crafting times, but while that never bothers me, (A warframe just cant be assembled in an instant, 3 days still a lot though), what bothers me the whole time, is that our Foundry can craft 10 different weapons and 5 different Warframes at the same time, but not Multiple Forma at once (Not only Forma, but its the best example for this thread).

    What would make this even better, would be the possibility to abtain Forma from Syndicates. Maybe something like 5k - 10k Standing for a blueprint on like lvl 2 or 3 with the syndicate of your choice. And then on Lvl 5 for like 20k - 30k for an already finished Forma.

    Last but not least, an sollution that will probably never make it into the game, but that I want to talk about anyway, Simply remove the Forma Blueprint. Let us get an already build, ready to use Forma out of Relics, just like that.

    DE, I understand that you want to make Kuva weapons something special, but please dont do that by making them especially Grindy. Obtaining them is already hard enough.

    So, this is all I wanted to say. I think I should apologize for my bad english, I'm not an native speaker. Anyway, thank you for reading my post, have a great day, and may RNG be in your favor.




  5. I dont know, but I dont have public matchmaking on the Derelict. I can play with a friend in my Group, but thats the only way to play with other people. When I start matchmaking on the Derelict, i have the 10sec colldown, but no 2Waiting for player" next to it. And the + icon next to the Profile Picture is gone too. And yes, i checked it multiple times, and i tryed it more than ones over my playtime. Hope somebody can help me with this issue.  :awkward:

  6. Ich habe ein Proble mit der Europa Brücke. unter den Quest, die man erledigen muss um sie freizuschalten steht auch die Quest "Stelle ein Warframe Phantom her", alle Phantome die ich habe,  (Clem, Stürmer, Korrumpierter Sturmsoldat und Phasenhaftes) brauchen zum Herstellen Nanosporen, um diese zu bekommen muss ich aber auf weitere Planeten kommen, und dafür brauch ich,    wer hätts gedacht, die Europa Brücke. Ich verstehe nicht ganz, wie ich das anstellen soll, fehlt mir irgendwie ne Blaupause oder so?

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