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Posts posted by Zamir622

  1. 19 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Fixed not being able to trade Kubrow imprints.

    this issue/bug is fixed... before you wasn't able to trade them, now you can trade them BUT we got a new problem now and that is if you trade for 2 imprints... after trade when you check you got only 1 imprint in your inventory, so that means 1 imprint is missing now. this issue is really...........    

                                                                                                                             FIX IT PLEASE!!   large.gif


  2. i thought this Update U1.1 is gonna announce the fix for the boosters bug or mission bugs but sadly no. 

    Disappointed!                                                                                                                                  62276025.jpg




    Let’s face it, when you first equipped that brick wall of a Warframe, you were a little intimidated yourself. Rhino’s presence makes even the sturdiest MOA shake in terror. He can be a fearless pack leader, your reliable backup, and not to mention he barrels through enemies like a train without brakes! Which is why his Rhino Charge makes the perfect candidate for our newest form of entertainment, Tenno-Pin Bowling!
    How to enter:
    Record a game clip of your best Rhino Charge bowling strike and submit it to this thread for judgement!
    PC: Record your game clip (you can use the Raptr client, DXtory, Fraps, Open Broadcaster, etc). Upload your video to a hosting site like YouTube, and link the video in your submission post. 
    Xbox One: Upload your video to OneDrive and link the video in your submission post.
    PS4: Share your recorded game clips right to YouTube and post the link in your submission post.
    One submission per player
    Video can include voice over, text, or special effects
    Video can be a maximum of 20 seconds
    Video must show Rhino using only Rhino Charge to bowl over enemies
    1st place – 1 Limited Edition Rhino Statue for your real life Arsenal! 
    2nd place – 500 Platinum
    3rd place – 250 Platinum  
    Winners are determined by their creative use and execution of Rhino Charge to bowl over enemies.
    This contest starts April 24 at 1 p.m. EDT, and ends April 30 at 1 p.m. EDT!
    Don’t strike out on this chance to grab a Limited Edition Rhino Statue!


    well... i hope i win that limited Edition Rhino statue! since i like Rhino and i use it always x)

  4. dude Excalibur prime is only for that people which was playing from long time ago and they buy it from prime access with cash and it means you was able to buy it only on that time but for now it is finish because it is a rare frame and if they give it to people again for free or for cash that will be sucks because every new players will buy it and there is no point for being an old player of WARFRAME  and if they do that better we leave this game because after that no one will know that you are a old player, they will think you buy it just now, and yeah for other primes you have to wait and don't worry it may take a little time but still you will have them . =)

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