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Posts posted by Arriator

  1. Hey guys! Um... I'm a new forum person, so I'm not really sure what to say here, so I'll just detail what I was doing:

    I was going through the list of Quests in my Codex, and noticed I had two that I could unlock; The Silver Grove and The Glast Gambit. Having unlocked both, in that order, with Gambit set as active, I returned to my Orbiter only to find that Lotus wasn't talking to me (as she should have), the inbox message stating I'd received an item (the drawing, namely) was wrong and I did in fact not get the item, and the Quest itself had no objective. Figuring the node I'd needed was locked or something I just deleted the message, returned to the relay in an attempt to restart the quest, and when I returned to my Orbiter again Lotus finally talked to me and the objective updated -- but I still don't have the drawing.

    It's not BIG or anything, but it does kind of bother me? Sorry for the trouble.

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