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Posts posted by -GaMeR-

  1. Personally I would've preferred freedom of choice over linear yet super long/hard missions. I mean if we'd get such a huge map, let us enjoy it, why not? I don't know how I feel about limiting such a thing to "once in 3-6 months" either, even if it's once a day - it would feel like a waste of resources for such a large scale (and potentially sandbox) new game mode, I'm sure lots of people would love to play it all the time. I know I would.


    Just hop on and explore the planets with your mates, get some alert/mission notifications on the same planet every now and then from Lotus as you're still playing, or raid some randomly generated bases around while having the freedom to continue doing something elsewhere without leaving the instance, etc. It'd be like a replayable mini-mmo mode rather than some challenging endgame content, but that doesn't mean we can't have both either, I'm just not for the whole limiting/linearity thing. Just a thought :P

    The super long/hard missions will be like a nightmare mode since you will gain big rewards.Otherwise you will just kill a couple of gri/inf/cor and then spend HOURS exploring the map/planet. My thoughts will be that I think DE should start working on the engine to "fix it" to be able to create such maps. Because all of the maps are closed, and have very little to explore...Except phobos but still they are very limited.


    As for the missions on that map


  2. lol nice photoshop, looks brilliant though, I'd love something similar even if not as "vivid". I've been wanting an open world huge map with dynamic missions/objectives and such for a while now... could be nice if that sort of thing would get a dedicated server or something with support for more than 4 tenno maybe. One can dream indeed :P


    {you should probably expect some responses like: "if ye dun like it.. then go play [Random Game]!!!!"}

    Hah thanks for the feedback! My thoughts on huge misson. You will be eligible to do it once in 3 or 6 months,If you fail the mission you need to wait 1 week to try again.First you start exterminate = kill 500 grineer/corpus/infester > kill stalker > survival = 35min > sabotage = destroy 6 machines > destroy 5 reactors > defense = 20 waves > kill stalker > Rescue  3 hostages > kill harvester > kill 5 bosses > and finaly kill super mega buffed bad-a** lephantis and receive 1mil credits 100plat and 5 rare mods of your choice :D. Damn I sound like a retard.

  3. Is it possible to release such map?But I mean huge map,green,lots of enemies to exterminate.Like 500 kill exterminate mission, but after that you can enjoy the map just by exploring it. Maybe finding secrets, easter eggs, containers with rare mods. The map should be something like in crysis/far cry games, or unigine valley. I'm getting tired of orokin/grineer ships,towers...Or maybe new planet with bigger and open-world maps.More with trees,rivers,mountains,green grass...Also some wildlife/alien animals, running around.(like those displayed in the codex.)

    I mean these:



    Here are few raw images of what I have in mind.(Photoshop level = over 9000 :D)









  4. Before the update 12 I had around 239 mods in the codex, but now I have 125. The mods are still here, I can equip them and everything but they do not show up in codex. I've sent a ticket to support, waiting for reply...Anyone else having this same problem?





  5. Is this possible to obtain? I really like the physx effects on warframe, but can't enable them because I don't have nVidia GPU. I think some games have option to enable physx on the CPU, I'm not quite sure, but can this be implemented in warframe?

  6. ^THIS


    Also I think it would be nice to have option to separate the corrupted mods from the others or have some other marking that will make difference from the other mods.And remove the mods from codex from update 10.6 that some have received them from transmutation.I hate to see the red rectangles, and that you can't get that mods.

  7. Mods are unranked


    PM me ingame


    -Physique 10plat

    -Enemy Radar 10plat

    -Energy Siphon 10plat

    -Fired Up 10plat

    -Spared Parts 5plat

    -Guardian 5plat

    -Sundering Strike 5plat

    -Melee Channel 5plat

    -Spoiled Strike 10plat

    -Second Wind 5plat

    -Lethal Torrent 5plat

    -Magnum Force 10plat

    -Hollow Point 10plat

    -Seeker 10plat

    -Steady Hands 5plat

    -Stunning Speed 5plat

    -Heavy Caliber 15plat

    -Vital Sense 5plat

    -Hells Chamber 10plat

    -Shred 5plat

    -Charged Shell 5plat

    -Accelerated Blast 5plat

    -Ravage 5plat

    -Arrow/Sniper Mutation 5plat each

    -Streamline 5plat

    -Stretch 5plat

    -Vigor 5plat

    -Focus 5plat

    -Flow 5plat

    -Undying Will 10plat

    -Reflex Guard 5plat


  8. I think it would be nice to have multiple choice of selecting the mods. Most of us have 2-3-4k mods and want to sort/sold them out (we all have sh*tload of decoy, ammo drum, slash dash). Add "shift+click" option for selecting the mods, that way we will be able to select 20-30-50 mods in just 2 clicks. Also add search bar in the "mods" section for easier finding of required mod. I don't want my fellow tenno to wait 3hours as I search for the required mod for trading, when I can just type it in the search bar and get it in 2sec. 

  9. Where can I get this part? I have played countless survivals and defense missions and still can't get it. I have all the other parts except this. In the warframe wiki it says that you can get it on defense missions, but the other thing is that you can find it on the drop tables in the survival missions.


    The helmet and chassis, I got them from survivals on 20 or 40min just like it says in the survival drop tables. Although it says that the drop chance is ">0%". It says the same for the systems but still can't get them...




    Blueprint from defense rewards




    Tier 3 (Level > 20) 

    Chance >0%

  10. DE could you please add an option to send message to offline players, and when they log in they will receive it in inbox?(Just like rewards from invasion nodes or harvester marks)


    The only option to send message is when they are online, and if you try to send them if they are offline you get the following message "X is currently offline and will not receive this message".


    I think this is necessary option in warframe for communication.


    Thanks in advance

    • Like 1
  11. DE could you please add more info in the small window that appears when someone invites you. I want to know in what I'm getting in to.



    "James Bond invited you to play" below that

    "Jupiter - Themisto" 


    "Level 12-14"



    This way we can know what we are going to play...



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