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Posts posted by VrounBroun

  1. For as long as I can remember, Tenno worshipped the season of the passing. In where the souls of fallen Tenno take their rite of passage into the void, to join the past, the future and the present that never was. It is my solemn duty that the souls of our fallen and tormented Tenno kin are delivered to their peace.


    For every battle I enter. I mutter these words: “Thou hast delivered unto me the empty corpses of our brethren. Fear not the rampaging souls the bodies once housed in their sacred temple, for I shall soothe their sorrows, calm their hearts, and shield them from the plight. They shalt not know fear, as fear has run a flee. Thy enemies will shed crimson tears for every fallen brother and sister they hath slain.” 


    I sit on top of my spire singing a song of silence. I spy into the void, watching the Corpus’ experimentation on the girl: Valkyr. My scythe sings through the air, taking away the humanity its foes meet; hollowing them from the inside out. With the skull of Alad at my leisure, I make my way to Valkyr. Oh tortured soul of Corpus, you too will know my silent song.



  2. Let's be honest here. This is going to be a long ride to the next thread. That being said. You sir and/or ma'am have won a free thing, all you have to do is post on this thread. Then, you will win your thing. The thing is a beautiful thing. All you have to do is post on this thread. That's right! Post on this thread and you win a free thing. Once more! Post on this thread. And the thing will be yours today! But be carful! If another person post after you, they get the thing. Keep posting. The thing awaits you.

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