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Posts posted by Delphineas

  1. 2 hours ago, Pizzarugi said:

    'm okay with invulnerability phases if they're left to the player to determine how long it stays on the enemy. Imagine if his invulnerability wasn't tied to his collar and is instead tied to random hive growths in his arena which you first have to destroy periodically. An example of this is Kela De Thaym's fight, where she hides in her room until you tag the buttons on the arena walls.

    I can see that. I had thought of some sort of gearscore where the enemy would either scale to your expected power level, so just caps and you couldn't enter unless you gear was between X-Y range. Way too clunky.



    Was a few hours after my post when I realized the answer:Sorties have bullS#&$ weapon disruptors that span entire maps. All DE needs to do is give the bosses prototype versions of these devices. Either on their person or in the room, as the source of their invulnerability. Give US agency in defeating the boss instead of RNG. 


  2. I just spent at least 10 minutes "fighting" Mutalist Alad V. I say "fighting" because it wasn't an actually difficult fight. 

    He spent 4-5 minutes of it in the pit under a piston, where I'd respawn if I followed, while hoping I could get through his shields with my 2 low level guns WHEN he'd remove his collar WHILE the piston was up. He did eventually port out of the pit, fortunately.

    Being Valkyr Prime, I wasn't too concerned with dying, but it still is extremely annoying to whale on an invincible dummy, HOPING he'd decide to make himself vulnerable, AND PRAYING the block Animation doesn't stop you from swinging at the exact moment he's vulnerable(while I can appreciate the change to the blocking system, make it a toggle to avoid things like this) OR staggered.

    Huge bosses like Exploiter or Razorback is fine, but androids like Mutalist Alad V or Kril being completely immune to Void magic and our small arms fire is just bullS#&$ design. 

    Give them Void armor, reflective shields, ablative armor that can't be Corroded and deflects 99% damage, autostims, anything that doesn't involve the player hoping that the boss will be kind and make himself vulnerable sometime this year. Else, why the #*!% haven't they won the war already?

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