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Posts posted by Machin3Doll

  1. On 2018-11-12 at 12:24 PM, EquinoxHazard said:

    Copied from my Reddit post here I hope it helps


    You will now need to mimic the call, you do this by following the indicator on the right side of your screen (using aim or ADS [PC:RMB; XB:LT; PS:L2] will slow the movement and make it easier to stay within the indicator).

    Exactly what I was looking for. It doesn't show the RMB as something that slows the movement. Thanks a bunch for this. 🙂

  2. My Gear Wheel has been floating between 48-50 items lately, but today I logged in and it's only showing 16, with a bunch missing.

    However, it does tell me in my Arsenal that there are 50 items on it, but I can only see 16. Most of the things that are on it have been popping on and off of it randomly when I go to look at it at different times.

    This Gear Wheel is absolute junk:

    1. There is no way to insert new items between current items, so 1) if you run out of a certain item, that spot is automatically erased and moved in by the next item in the line, and 2) this makes it tough if you have a ton of items in your Wheel, because then if you want to put that item back in it's original spot, you have to delete every single item in your Wheel to put that back in its spot.

    2. When you're choosing an item to put into your Gear Wheel from a huge list of items, you can't tell if that item is already in your Gear Wheel. There should be a check mark on your items when choosing, so that you know it's already in the Wheel.

    A fix to this is easy:

    1. There should be a page with all equipment that you can just click on or drag to move to the Wheel

    2. Add in Insert to be able to put items back into spots where you have a Function key for easy access, so that if an item is removed by running out (or by accident), you can actually put it back.

    There are a whole bunch of fixes to make this Gear Wheel easier to use that can be implemented, but I hesitate to even write anything because I haven't seen any fixes to this yet since it's implementation anyway.


  3. On 2018-11-12 at 3:53 PM, morningstar999 said:

    I may be stating the obvious here but for now just make sure you have extra things in the slot and make sure you leave one/don't use them all? Count 1 as your 0.

    Not saying de doesn't need to optimise key bindings but for now just use common sense? 

    If you'd like to talk about stating the obvious -- then think about that not always working out. It's obvious that if you have an auto-scanning companion, or if you're using med packs, or boosters, or whatever -- that they/you can accidentally go through your last one, especially if you're in the middle of a mission and you're not really paying attention (and you shouldn't have to) to your inventory numbers. Talking about common sense would mean that whomever coded this would at least have added in an "insert" option to put something betwixt two other items. 

    Your "obvious" and "common sense" options are just being condescending to every single person out there who might accidentally use all of their items without noticing -- which is pretty much everyone.

  4. Yeah, I'm having the same type of issue(s):

    Once I run out of a specific item, it removes that item from the gear wheel, and pulls the next in line to that location (so #6 turns into #5, etc..), so then all of my keybindings are off, and there's no way to insert the specific item back into that location; thus, I have to rebuild my entire 40 items on my gear wheel to fit my prior keybindings, and since there are only a finite amount of keybindings that you can use, having 40+ items on the gear wheel doesn't really help in rebuilding the keybindings or the items on the wheel itself.

    I like the idea of the gear wheel, but in practice it really doesn't work out very well if there's no way to insert items "between" current slots on the gear wheel.

  5. There are lots of times during missions that I, and teammates, are unable to use our Archwings or our K-Drives at all. It pops up with a message about not being able to active the vehicle. I haven't narrowed it down to a specific set of circumstances yet, but when you're halfway through a mission and have to run 1,500 million miles to finish up the mission, because you can't use your Archwing or your K-Drive, that kinda' sucks. 😛


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