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Posts posted by AlphaHorseman

  1. 7 minutes ago, Surly4Panda said:

    Whole this topic certainly went on for a while. The changes proposed by the OP sounds too heavy-handed to work. The reason this change is viable for Ash is because Ash is fairly durable and he also can go invisible and get energy discount for BS when he mark while invisible. So basically the change is okay in consideration to rest of Ash's kit. Frost and Rhino may be able to take his change since Frost can safely mark inside his bubble and Rhino can do it while Ironskinned. For frames like Nyx and Nova, this change will pretty much neuter the frames in sorties. Those frames will not survive long enough to mark anything at high levels which means that DE need to give them some defensive ability to allow them to do it while marking which in term makes every frame more similar to each others. So yeah, what's good for the goose is not necessary good for the gander in this situation.

    Oh I realize that an argument can be made that just have the fragile frames go in as a group with other frames that can protect them. But there are solo players out there and random is usually how people get into groups so you can never plan for what frame you got so that's not a viable strategy either.

    Dude you rock, like, so hard.

  2. This would not make sense on many of the warframes, both as a strategic item and as a practical item. Frost's Avalanche is an ability that provides CC and damage, reliably, I might add. The point of the ability is to hold up an area and be able to fight within that area with relative efficiency. That's kind of what Frost is all about, and altering AOE abilities in this sense would do nothing other than compromise the abilities that these are applied to. For instance, a Rhino Stomp where you have to choose the targets you stomp doesn't really make sense does it? Practically you might as well just spray and pray with your weapons, rather than deal with the meticulous times it takes to actually aim at each enemy while channeling your power. Imagine this on a Nova? Poor girl doesn't have survivability in terms of health, shields, or armor, she's a spritely frame that can't be in view of many enemies at once trying to mark each one for a Molecular Prime, or else they will kill her faster than she can mark targets.

    The point of an AOE ability is for it to be an AOE ability. Bladestorm is not an AOE ability anymore, it is a multi-target channeling ability, as best as I can discern. Although its execution seems a bit wonky in my personal opinion, it does tie well into the rest of his kit. Ashe is now completely an assassin in many aspects of his powers, and bladestorm complements this. This ability change makes sense on Ashe because his powers are centered around stealth and assassination, specifically single targets. That is why this concept is one that works well on him. Conversely, other frames do not have the same luxury of invisibility or teleportation, and thus their window for actually using this kind of mechanic isn't something that would be indicative of healthy gameplay, or enjoyable gameplay.

    Therein, I am sorry to say that no, this concept should not be applied to other powers within warframe.

  3. What is the actual argument for getting an augment slot?


    The only one I see is "I really want one."

    Or, a variation:

    "I really want to use this augment, but I can't figure out what to drop so that I can fit it, so PLZ HELP DE."

    Well I guess that's one way people look at it.


    For me, it's something about build diversity and power usage diversity. If we had dedicated augment slots, along with having multiple augments for one power, it would allow us to diversify what kinds of power would be used on the battlefield and which affects are accentuated through the augments.


    Of course, in this situation, it would have to be where each augment slot applies solely to one power, and that's it. In essence this means four augment slots, but also having it to where these slots cost mod capacity would help to also balance it. Further balancing in terms of cost would be to have them level locked to the level of the frame. Every 10 levels you unlock the augment slot for your next power. Meaning level 0 is the augment slot for power 1, level 10 is the augment slot for power 2, and so far and so on. Further costs come in when players want to be able to use those augment slots into their builds. As I propose they still cost mod points, this would mean that players would still have to forma their WarFrames if they want to flesh out all mod slots.


    In terms of balancing for performance, having each augment of a power accentuate one play style over another could help to diversify what situations players would use them in. For instance, giving Freeze an augment allowing it to split into 3 pieces on impact allows it to turn into an even more effective AoE control ability. However, giving it an augment that allows it to Pierce through, and freeze, targets and terrain turns it into an even more strongly offensive ability. One augment supplements his defensive capabilities, the other his offensive capabilities. Depending on the type of play style and player, they would gravitate towards one or the other. The opportunity cost of not having one is another balancing point.


    Now that balance is somewhat explained (I'll be happy to talk with others or elaborate further if need be), the call for them, in my perspective, is to allow for further build diversity and power diversity on the field. I am an advocate of having all powers be scale able and usable at any level of play, and at that same accord I hope that augments accentuate and amplify the characteristics of powers, or add an interesting dynamic to them that allows for another dimension of usage.


    Having a dedicated augment slot per each power would allow for the diversity of power usage, more in-depth build diversity, and also a more immersive gaming experience.

  4. I do agree with you, OP.


    However, I would even go so far as to say that maybe even 4 augment slots would be useful, not just the one. But of course, this needs to be balanced. For such balance, something along the lines of having each slot cost players mod capacity, but also having each slot only apply to one power would also have to be another limitation. Even then, mayhap mastery locking the slots could be a possibility to add on to that layer as well. (Of course, with how mastery stands now, it needs an entire rework before looking at using it as a gauge as an option).


    Thus, when more mods are put into the system for one power, players not only have to push through a good portion of the game before unlocking all four slots, but the opportunity cost of having one augment or another is also something that balances and diversifies the system.


    Overall, it would allow players to not only strike a balance when it comes to augments, but also diversifies power usage and build styles through the expansion of augments.

  5. They did say they're working on refining the quest release system so pester them about it on Friday -

    But there's a lot of core gameplay issues with Warframe, we just had an update whose focus was on that, and we're getting Starchart 3.0 and I don't want them to stop. I want them to keep fixing stuff so we get a proper progression system and fix mods and fix scaling and all that good stuff. I want less content.

    I want reworks.


  6. mostly just bragging rights atm :P i the only use i get from ranking up is higher rep caps for the day, otherwise literally nooooo features.. there should be special unique weapons awarded, and only obtainable at certain mastery levels and maybe some cosmetics. i can see a cool ! cape coming in this way...

    For the weapons, you mean something like Tiers of Weapons like in the OP?


    I can see cosmetic rewards being a thing, that would be great for player progression!

  7. yes the AFK system prevents rewards while AFK. However that system can be circumvented by using Macros. Some more advanced Mice include built in macro software, or one could easily google "Macro Programs". Their are tons of programs out there. The idea behind a macro program is to link together a string of tasks into a single action. This action can then be single use, multiple use, or infinite.


    So... AFK system says "Player doesn't move, deny Affinity,Credits, etc."


    Macro system says "hold w (x) seconds, release w, hold s (x) seconds, release s, Hold 4, release 4." Set to repeat endlessly. (moves you forward and back in a straight line then uses skill.)


    Now... AFK system says "Player moved, therefore player is active, take no action."


    Although a rather crude and rudimentary explanation, it should be easily understandable.


    Since we now have the knowledge of how to avoid being AFK by the system, let us look at the rest of the equation.


    For a trinity build you would not use shields, you would use Rage (generates energy when damage to HP is taken). If you are in a locked room with a single enemy, that enemy would never stop attacking. They don't run out of ammo. When he damages Trinity, she gains energy by Rage, the macro includes the command to cast blessing, thus she heals herself. Because the enemy will keep attacking, she can keep gaining energy, and keep healing. 


    Right now, this scenario has little relevance in Warframe and would more or less serve no purpose. However if a person could gain Mastery Rank XP just by using skills, than hopefully you can see how this situation could be sorely abused.





    I think this is one of the fundamental flaws. People just carry weapons around never use them, leech xp and supposedly have "Mastered" the weapon. 


    It would make more sense if Mastery Rank was based of kills using a specific weapon. Sure you could level a weapon to 30, but if you never used it you would gain no Mastery. But it wouldn't be pointless to do this, as a lvl 30 weapon holds more mods and therefore generally kills better than a lvl 0 weapon.


    Each weapon could have a set mastery cap. This could even be Tiered so that adding Forma to a weapon would allow users to generate additional mastery. Although it should probably have diminishing returns with a max cap after like 4-5 Forma.


    Something along these lines would allow players to specialize with weapons rather than just blanket leveling everything, while still gaining the same amount of Mastery Rank. Possibly cap the amount of mastery you can get from each type. So you couldn't level just purely shotguns, you might have to also level a couple rifles. I would think if DE wanted to they could add additional incentives to get people to try different weapons. Perhaps something like if you have (x) kills in shotguns, the next weapon type used will gain MR and double the normal rate... or something.


    I really haven't put any thought into Mastery Rank improvements and this is just the first idea off the top of my head. Its similar to OP's suggestion, but without tying kills into specific types of actions.


    In all honesty it's still a very flawed idea. I don't like players fighting over kills, even if it is almost encouraged in the current system of things. However forced weapon usage to gain mastery might help to reduce skill spamming and encourage more creative weapon usage and builds.


    I'm sure if the community got together and discussed it we could probably come up with some Great Ideas!

    Haha, you've really thought out how to get the most out of the system without having to do much, huh? No offense, it's just interesting to see how players find ways to get more experience quickly. It's quite insightful, actually!


    You seem quite knowledgeable in this, and I thank you for getting involved in this conversation, as I feel your point of view would be crucial in looking at Mastery.


    Other than the set cap, as it does feel limiting, what would getting specific kills entail for the weapons in question?

  8. Frost and Rhino are both the Tank Frames, along with Valkyr, that 300 is supposed to be there.


    This also assists with his passive, of which allows for more melee combat.


    Also, this improves Snow Globe, as Frosts' armor rating is multiplied by 5 and added on to the total HP of Snow Globe.

  9. Mastery reflects how many Warframes, Weapons, and Zones you have Mastered. Therefore the name. It does not reflect your level of specialization within a chosen field but rather the diversity and versatility you have demonstrated capable of handling.

    Yet, does the Mastery Gain actually show that a player has mastered the weapon, or just leveled it to 30? That's the issue with it, it doesn't reflect a players' mastery of an item, just their leveling of an item to 30.

  10. We have a WarFrame that switches between being a woman and a man on a whim by doing a two second seance, and you're trying to apply logic to this game? Being able to use whatever weapon you want is a good thing, not a bad thing.

  11. Icewave should also destroy boxes :D


    My passive for frost is


    Harden Shield: A buff that granted to him after he cast power (last 3s) that applies half of armor value to shield


    Battle mage for you right there.  This would make him the first shield tank frame (and the highest shield)

    Well dang, talk about awesome! It could be extremely useful for prolonged engagements! +1!

  12. I am in total agreement. Mastery Rank is an issue.


    Mastery Rank has no bearing on experience. Mastery Rank is purely an obstacle that must be overcome to gain "higher level content". Does it really need a rework? 




    There are things about MR (Mastery Rank) i find purely superfluous. 


    If you do the Grind, a MR 0 character can have access to all Warframes but Rhino, Rhino Prime, Hydroid (unless you can find someone with old hek keys), and of course the new Equinox (Archwing is Rank 2 req.). However all but Rhino Prime can be purchased through the market. What about weapons? Many Rank specific weapons can be purchased through the market merely by buying bundles. While soma has Rank 6 req., the Supreme Soma set has Rank 6 req., the Update 10 Mega Bundle has no Rank req. This means a Rank 0 player can easily get a Soma. This is also true for all the Update mega bundles. So if you want a Jat Kittag at Rank 0 all you have to do is drop a bit of platinum or get someone to gift you and it's yours. 


    So what does Mastery Rank really represent? Not much of anything.


    Currently it is just a wall placed to lock out players from content such as Archwing, Trading, weapons and most recently chat (specifically the ability to PM others to ask to be friends, join a clan, or ask for game invite).


    Under the current system, the point of weapons is to gain mastery rank. Tenno, level weapons to gain mastery to have access to more weapons to gain more mastery, repeat. If you ignore mastery rank, the entire system become irrelevant. 


    All a players is really denied are several "end game tier" weapons. These weapons however have minimal bearing on endgame content unless the player is striving for record breaking stats.


    A rank 0 player has access to Nami Skyla (base spin attk dmg of 300 which is massive and higher than Dragon Nikana), Akvastos (Amazing Crits), and for a Primary... Latron, Paris, Braton Prime, or even Dread. These weapons will easily get you through any T4 that isn't pushing boundaries.



    With that being said.... Lets look at your suggestions...



    The problem with Mastery gained by actions is that it leads to exponential mastery gain.


    This will lead to exploiting.


    Given a chance to exploit, players have repeatedly shown that they will without regret.


    I think the idea of mastery gain through Headshots or something similar is just begging for Hacker Aimbot exploits. Likewise the idea of gaining mastery through healing using Trinity falls under the same kind of conditions.


    Consider this.. as a Trinity i allow Corpus to lock doors and trap myself in a room with a single corpus. I allow him to endlessly attack me without killing him. Having Rage on my build i generate constant energy from his attacks. Using a simple Macro program such as MacroGamer i set it to repeatedly cast blessing endlessly. Now I just walk away from my PC and come back when my mastery rank is maxed.


    The potential for abuse is far too great. There are always those (myself included) that choose to "work smarter, not harder". 


    For me, its finding faster or more efficient ways to level, or even ways to maximize affinity gain with minimal effort within the system (yes i have done this and have a means for infinite affinity gain while AFK. You heard correct, I don't even have to Play the game to Level stuff). For others this will be writing a script to ensure only headshots (this type of aimbotting is nothing new and has been used in games since they were created). 


    I applaud you for your ideas, and a clearly well written, well presented post. You obviously took time and I totally respect that, it's awesome. I unfortunately find too many flaws in the initial idea for them to be plausible.  However if DE does adopt this, I'll get my macro ready for infinite MR gains. :)

    Hold on, wouldn't the AFK system not grant you rewards? Same thing would apply here.


    But to also clarify, the energy needed to sustain such a tactic would not work in a closed environment (Trinity), but in other instances I can see where this would be something to look at.

  13. I'm not sure. I tend to be very blunt in my criticisms.  I don't take the time I should to sandwhich it between all the things I think they are doing right. 


    I kind of get the feeling that even though they seem like bros, I shouldn't try to PM it to them myselves because it would set them against the idea because of it being me and the aforementioned reasons for them to dislike me.

    Haha, oh you're better at it than I am, I message Rebecca threads like this all the time! She's a darling enough to reply. I hope this one proves to be useful for her as well.


    I could definitely see this becoming an issue though, if you forma a weapon then you are doing are doing it to get just a few more slots on the weapon. I already just run a few Sechura runs or as stated above Draco. Its a interesting idea but DE would never have something like this implemented.

    Exactly why Star Chart 3.0 may fix these instances, to allow for more changes like the one proposed in the OP.

  14. Have you ever even used an extractor? They hardly ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever extract anything worthwhile.


    I'm MR 18 and i sure as hell didnt have extractors on my mind when i ranked up the last 10 ranks....

    Haha, exactly why I made this thread, to make sure that Mastery Rank actually matters as a way to measure a players' skill, not to just have them boast on having 4 extractors.

  15. I am in total agreement. Mastery Rank is an issue.


    Mastery Rank has no bearing on experience. Mastery Rank is purely an obstacle that must be overcome to gain "higher level content". Does it really need a rework? 




    There are things about MR (Mastery Rank) i find purely superfluous. 


    If you do the Grind, a MR 0 character can have access to all Warframes but Rhino, Rhino Prime, Hydroid (unless you can find someone with old hek keys), and of course the new Equinox (Archwing is Rank 2 req.). However all but Rhino Prime can be purchased through the market. What about weapons? Many Rank specific weapons can be purchased through the market merely by buying bundles. While soma has Rank 6 req., the Supreme Soma set has Rank 6 req., the Update 10 Mega Bundle has no Rank req. This means a Rank 0 player can easily get a Soma. This is also true for all the Update mega bundles. So if you want a Jat Kittag at Rank 0 all you have to do is drop a bit of platinum or get someone to gift you and it's yours. 


    So what does Mastery Rank really represent? Not much of anything.


    Currently it is just a wall placed to lock out players from content such as Archwing, Trading, weapons and most recently chat (specifically the ability to PM others to ask to be friends, join a clan, or ask for game invite).


    Under the current system, the point of weapons is to gain mastery rank. Tenno, level weapons to gain mastery to have access to more weapons to gain more mastery, repeat. If you ignore mastery rank, the entire system become irrelevant. 


    All a players is really denied are several "end game tier" weapons. These weapons however have minimal bearing on endgame content unless the player is striving for record breaking stats.


    A rank 0 player has access to Nami Skyla (base spin attk dmg of 300 which is massive and higher than Dragon Nikana), Akvastos (Amazing Crits), and for a Primary... Latron, Paris, Braton Prime, or even Dread. These weapons will easily get you through any T4 that isn't pushing boundaries.



    With that being said.... Lets look at your suggestions...



    The problem with Mastery gained by actions is that it leads to exponential mastery gain.


    This will lead to exploiting.


    Given a chance to exploit, players have repeatedly shown that they will without regret.


    I think the idea of mastery gain through Headshots or something similar is just begging for Hacker Aimbot exploits. Likewise the idea of gaining mastery through healing using Trinity falls under the same kind of conditions.


    Consider this.. as a Trinity i allow Corpus to lock doors and trap myself in a room with a single corpus. I allow him to endlessly attack me without killing him. Having Rage on my build i generate constant energy from his attacks. Using a simple Macro program such as MacroGamer i set it to repeatedly cast blessing endlessly. Now I just walk away from my PC and come back when my mastery rank is maxed.


    The potential for abuse is far too great. There are always those (myself included) that choose to "work smarter, not harder". 


    For me, its finding faster or more efficient ways to level, or even ways to maximize affinity gain with minimal effort within the system (yes i have done this and have a means for infinite affinity gain while AFK. You heard correct, I don't even have to Play the game to Level stuff). For others this will be writing a script to ensure only headshots (this type of aimbotting is nothing new and has been used in games since they were created). 


    I applaud you for your ideas, and a clearly well written, well presented post. You obviously took time and I totally respect that, it's awesome. I unfortunately find too many flaws in the initial idea for them to be plausible.  However if DE does adopt this, I'll get my macro ready for infinite MR gains. :)

    Ah I can see what you mean.


    However, is that not why DE implemented their (although pestering) AFK denial systems? Sure they may need fine tuning, but with enough work it could be useful.


    Yet, I can see your point. How, then, would you propose changing Weapon and WarFrame Mastery gain to ensure that players may gain Mastery with their current gear?


    I myself will be looking back at the ideas with Weapon and WarFrame Mastery to see how I could adjust it to be less susceptible to such tactics, and I thank you greatly for bringing that subject up. Such holes would need to be eliminated.

  16. uhhhhhhhhh i want this -->


    As a player increases in Mastery Rank, there is a special perk applied to when the Forma an item. Rather than an item resetting to its lowest level, the item that has been reformed resets to the level of your Mastery Rank. Thus, players who have progressed farther in the Mastery Rank system are given the sense of becoming more mastered with using Forma.

    Exactly! That's one of the points that these changes hope to get across.

  17. It’s no secret to players who’ve played the game for a while that the current iteration of the Mastery System does not eloquently illustrate how much a player has truly “Mastered” WarFrae, or the areas of the game in which they partake heavily in. After reaching Mastery Rank 8, the main incentives to go higher in Mastery Rank would be solely for Trades and Extractors, and also for intrinsic personal value, if that is what the player seeks.


    Mastery itself is often seen as a grind for players, as it only reflects how much a player levels up gear, rather than how well a player has mastered that gear. The Mastery System also does not reward players in expansive ways as they progress past a certain point, but rather stagnates. Master also ties into copious amounts of gear that players may not wish to level.


    In short, Mastery fails to do the very thing it is called, display a players’ Mastery. I hope to change that and allow Mastery to actually reflect a players’ Mastery of WarFrame. It should reflect and reward players for progressing through the system with useful items that allow for impactful gameplay that benefits the players, incentivizes them to advance, and displays their skill in WarFrame.


    Mastery And Weapons:

    Mastery And Weapons Themselves:


    In its current iteration, Mastery is limited to players' leveling up a weapon to 30, and then is completely cut off from there, regardless if they continue to use said weapon afterwards. In essence, this is to encourage players to purchase more weapons or grind for new weapons in order to advance Mastery, however there are very little tangible rewards for doing so. I propose a change to Mastery and Weaponry that accentuates players’ play styles and also allows them to actually progress with the Weapons they possess, in a meaningful manner.


    Continue to allow mastery up to initial leveling to 30, as we have them now, however, reward players for certain feats or kills preformed while using a weapon a certain way, even after they have passed the initial leveling process.


    To give examples:


    - Award players Mastery Experience if they kill an enemy with a headshot using a sniper weapon.


    - Award players Mastery Experience if they kill an enemy without being alarmed while using a silent weapon.


    - Award players Mastery Experience if they kill a group of units 3+ with one shot while using a grenade launcher weapon.


    In essence, this awards players for using a weapon in a manner that is tailored to that weapons’ style of play.


    This effect would continue to grow a players’ Mastery of their overall account, even if a weapon reaches the maximum rank of 30.


    However, as DE encourages players to continue to use more weapons and continue to expand their arsenal, having the Mastery Experience gains be 50% of the usual gain per kill would be an avenue to take. Thus, this allows players to continue to rank up with their weapons of choice, but also incentivizes them to expand their arsenal if they wish to rank up at a faster pace.


    *In addition, allowing this to be a pool of Mastery Experience to be applied to the entire squad in a Co-Op setting would be key, as it encourages team play and participation by the group to attain the largest amount of Mastery.


    Mastery And A Tiered Weapon System:

    This portion pertains more so to the weapons themselves, but is still of paramount importance when it comes to Mastery. The gist of this change is to evolve the weapon system in a manner that allows all types of weapon users to have their weapons of choice at each Tier of weapon content.


    The first step is to ensure that we have an adequate assortment of each weapon type within to be sundered into different Tiers. These Tiers would be reflected by the Mastery Rank required to be able to build and use these weapons. As is the norm with any game intrinsic with progression, lower Tiered weapons would be weaker than their higher Tiered counterparts.


    However, the assurance that each weapon type is firmly represented within each Weapon Tier allows players who love using grenade launchers to progress from a beginner level launcher to higher Tiers of launchers, without having to utilize gear that they may not always want to use, such as snipers or rifles, as this may not fit their play style. Alternatively, players who wish to utilize rifles throughout their WarFrame experience are comfortable in the fact that they may do so.


    Balance And The Tier System


    This also serves the purpose of allowing a better gauge of balancing. Should weapons be Tiered through Mastery Rank, DE can better discern what strengths and weaknesses each weapon group within a Tier should have, in order to allow for balance within that Tier. Accordingly, DE can also buff and nerf weapons within each Tier to reflect the worth of weapon characteristics within said Tier.


    Players themselves now have goals to reach for when viewing the Mastery Rank System, as now the weapons are spread throughout the Mastery Rank System and gives them a goal to strive for. Players may also be better able to identify when a weapon is an outlier within its Tier, and thus said weapon can be adjusted accordingly to better fit the characteristics of that Tier.


    Forma allows players to push lower Tiered weapons into higher level content, however Forma can only push gear so far. That is what it is paramount to ensure that there is a strong presence of each weapon type within each Tier.

    *To ensure that current players do not lose their progress and available weapons, keeping these weapons available to them, should a change like this occur, is key.


    Mastery And WarFrames:

    Similar to Weapons, WarFrames do not offer players any Mastery Experience after they initially level said WarFrame to 30. This too, I believe, is to ensure that players continue to purchase and progress through WarFrame to attain more gear. Rather than scrap away a means to which DE tries to sustain itself, I hope to accommodate players of many WarFrames similarly to the proposition of Mastery and Weapons. After a player reaches the rank of 30 when initially leveling a WarFrame, allowing players to gain Mastery Experience through skilled play of a WarFrame is an avenue to showing how well a player has actually mastered the mechanics of that WarFrame.


    To give examples:


    - Award Trinity players Mastery Experience based on a percentage of total healing/damage mitigated during a WarFrame mission.


    - Award Frost players Mastery Experience based on a percentage of damage absorbed by Snow Globe and the number of enemies Frozen/killed while Frozen.


    - Award Loki players Mastery Experience based on a percentage of damage taken by Loki’s Decoy and the number of Stealth Kills.


    As with the changes to Weapon Mastery, awarding 50% of the usual Mastery Experience gain through these scenarios allows for players who specialize with these WarFrames to continue to gain mastery, but it does not discount the gains of diversifying your play through attaining other WarFrames.


    Mastery And A Tiered WarFrames System:

    I must preface this by stating that the vanilla WarFrames themselves, meaning the ones we receive from completing missions within the Star Chart, should not be Tiered, and be available to all players as they progress through the Star Chart.


    However, the Prime WarFrames should be the only other Tier that players should strive to attain. As these WarFrames possess upgrades that push them statistically above their vanilla counterparts, and these WarFrames are also only available within the Void End-Tier missions, allowing all attainable Primes to become available to players after a certain Mastery Rank is key. (i.e. Ash Prime, Loki Prime, Nova Prime, Rhino Prime, Nyx Prime, and Ember Prime are all attainable at MR 10+, not Loki Prime available at MR 10, then Ash Prime at MR 12, then Ember Prime at MR 14, etc.)


    Thus, players are able to attain any of the Primes currently available to them when they reach a certain Mastery Rank. Concurrently, as they continue to Rank up using their favorite WarFrame (as the proposed changes above to Mastery And WarFrames describes, they can), they will be proficient enough and Mastered with their preferred WarFrames and thus use their upgraded Prime WarFrame to greater effect. This gives players a goal to strive for when it comes to Mastery Rank not only with Weapons, but also with their WarFrames.


    Mastery And Forma:

    Others have stated this solution before, however I cannot stress how imperative this change would be to reforming items within the game to allow for faster returns to higher levels on Weaponry and WarFrames.


    As a player increases in Mastery Rank, there is a special perk applied to when they Forma an item. Rather than an item resetting to its lowest level, the item that has been reformed resets to the level of your Mastery Rank. Thus, players who have progressed farther in the Mastery Rank system are given the sense of becoming more mastered with using Forma.


    This works as a double edged solution, as not only does it incentivize players to gain more mastery further, but it also incentivizes players to invest more forma into their weapons, and thus pushes the envelope of the Tiered Weapons System even further.


    Mastery And Reformed Polarities:

    In addition to allowing Mastery Rank to affect the level to which Weapons/WarFrames, reaching certain Mastery Ranks could present another perk that could be quite useful throughout WarFrame content. This change would be that, as players attain Mastery Ranks 10, 20, and 30, reforming slots would yield results of more than one polarity being available on a slot.


    To clarify:


    - At Mastery Ranks 1-10, Mod Slots can only hold one Polarity, as they currently do.


    - Upon reaching Mastery Rank 10, players now have the ability to input two Polarities into one Mod Slot. As shown below:



    Source: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/500375-forma-the-big-rework-thread/#entry5599950


    - Upon reaching Mastery Rank 20, players would be able to fit three Polarities into one Mod Slot.


    - Upon reaching Mastery Rank 30, players would be able to fit four Polarities into one Mod Slot.


    This solution presents multiple alleviations to some ailing problems. One, this allows for greater flexibility of WarFrame builds, as now players can switch out a Vazarin Mod for a Naramon Mod with both costs being cut in half, should the Mod Slot have the appropriate Mod Symbol.


    However, to ensure that Forma does not lose its worth, the application of only one Mod Symbol can be applied per reforming of the Weapon/WarFrame. Thus, this incentivizes players to rank up more in the Mastery Rank System, as now higher Mastery Rank means that their gear is reset to a better level than previously allowed.


    Mastery and the Star Chart:

    Currently awaiting Star Chart 3.0 to assess these changes.

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