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Posts posted by Mr_bunny

  1. Is this syndicate profile icon pack bundle limited or its unlimited ? Because im thinking buying it if its limited like excalibur skin .. I love the loka and meridian icon though but i saw the news and something that made me not buy this syndicate profile bundle is the valkyr pre-corpus skin i really want to get both but its hard to farm plat so._. Im also thinking to wait yet they look so awesome the beauty is so pure.

    Don't think it's limited. Would have been gone by now if it was. Would also be surprised if they removed it. Also how the hell did you find this topic it's so old? And why do you even expect an answer?

  2. Nova also only has one useful ability, apart from her wormhole for mobility who actually uses her other abilities? You know, other than in really low level missions. 

    Well Nova's abilities are all useful. Molecular Prime is super useful for slowing enemies, Antimatter Drop is great for clearing big spaces and a lot of people use it, Worm Hole is used for mobility and that is never useless and Null Star looks cool so it is also used.

  3. those locked rooms people chase targets into does have a panel in it, its just not a very familiar design. look along the backside of the consoles sticking up from the floor, should be there, or at least it was for me.

    Looked around for a few mins didn't see anything. Perhaps I should have looked harder but usually the panel is marked on the map. 

  4. There are 3 things I need to ask on the capture targets.


    1. Why can they run faster than me while I have a sprint mod installed then look at me and shoot me. I would think that it would be very hard to run at that speed without looking and not trip while also landing most shots. 


    2. Why the hell does the corpus rifle which fires "super-heated plasma" apply ice status effect on me? Is this a bug or just a way to get me salty? 


    3. It isn't actually a question related to the capture targets but on the tile set of Eris there are rooms in which I can get lock-downed and there is no panel for me to use to lift the lock-down.


    P.S. Sorry for the angry attitude but getting ice status effects while chasing a capture target with a null shield is getting me angry. Thank you for your time.

  5. At this point Excalibur starts blasting heavy metal on his electric guitar and transfers energy from shields to the speakers trying to create the loudest sounds he can.

    "Someone get on the drums and the bass!" (>' ')>

  6. Excalibur uses Radial Blind hoping the sentient will not see what hits him afterwards and yells: "Call a Frost... JANUS BEAM!"


    Also btw I thought each of us controlled a different warframe and there could be 2 Excalibur warframes. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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