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Posts posted by jackalthehyde

  1. Some Lobby Issues: (Though they could be connection based, I'm not sure.)


    -Freeze Ups: The lobby will glitch up and take up to a minute to realize you've clicked something. It has happened for me as well as a few people on my friends list, but not sure about general population.


    -Double Invites: After being invited to a game, It will tell me "Unable to Join Session", but after a second invite, I join without issue. This also happens to several people on my friends list but not sure about general population.

  2. Thank you for the newest update and this upcoming live stream, but I have a few questions.


    Q1) This game is supposed to be released for the PS4. Will there be cross system in the servers?


    Q2) I've been noticing a lot of network instability, small glitches, and little inconveniences such as if someone invites to a game, It's necessary for me to accept 2 invites before it puts me into a round. Could you tell me if this game focuses on a Player to Player connection, or does it focus on a Player to Server to Player type?


    Q3) The rumor that this game is supposed to be up and out of beta in november. Could you address this? I would like to hear what you all have to say about the current progress and the rate at which you will continue to upgrade warframe as we go.


    Q4) Conclave - I'm concerned that with the introduction of MORE PvP that you'll begin taking focus off of PvE. It seems this is a big worry of several players. Will you elaborate on plans to keep up or perhaps expand development? I'm not talking spoilers. I'm asking how you'll handle future upgrades. Will we see more updates? Will we see less PvE more PvP Updates? 


    Q5) Will we see more mission types in the future now that you've added survival as well? Can we count on void assassinations perhaps?


    Q6) Will we continue to see changes to the lobby itself? Will you work on the little freezes and necessary double invites? Or is this connection based?


    Thank you for your time,


  3. I don't know about this. I could be crazy, but. Uh. I do not just pull a single target. And I do not just pull targets right in front of me either. Could be the mods but.... Yeah. I doubt it.


    Edit: Not all come all the way forward but, half the time they all die anyway in lower missions. Still uberuseful in defenses. ALSO, I would appreciate being able to pull downed allies.

  4. This PvP Argument again? I've only been on the forums actively for two days and this has already gotten old.


    PvP Is a beautiful thing, but this is a PvE Focused game. This is defined as PvE Focus. Can this stop? Maybe?

  5. This song gets me so pumped for being a space ninja.


    I greatly frown at you for getting this restuck in my head. +1. We do run into the corpus grineer and infested lemonade stands and ruin their days.

  6. I think we can all agree that the current plan of attack for securing Mag Prime is:


    Prepare your Frames for a massacre.

    Tell us where to go then get the hell out of our way.

    Sleep no longer exists, there is only waiting.

    Break the unbreakable.

    Move the immovable.

    Loot the unlootable.

    For you have presented your fans with a new a shiny to acquire - It WILL be ours!



    God, I Love Warframe. ^_^


    ^This is perfect explanation of what is about to happen with people who enjoy Mag and are extreme collectors.

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