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Posts posted by WarmasterPalak

  1. Invasions appear to be bugged in general.  My screen locked with a lot of strange imagery when we tried to run the Ropalolyst assassination on Jupiter.  My friend and I both had to Alt+F4 because the interface completely locked us out.  It was mega-wierd.

  2. 16 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    no, some of us are antisocial AF and just avoid most chats altogether. or maybe that's just me.

    You have too many posts to be anti-social.  You need to try harder, like me.  😉

    16 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    I understand. it's very easy to paint us all as toxic if toxicity is all you see, but there are decent people out here with High MRs. just maybe a little harder to come across than they should be.

    I giggle at the people who try to be toxic because I recognize them for what they are.  There's a special place on my block list for people who act like trolls to people looking for help.

    What amuses me is people who tell you that the weapons you're using in a map are bad, forgetting completely that you have to level them once to get the MR Affinity from them.  And how will you know a weapon is bad unless you use it?  Also, haven't you ever played a game to have fun?  Yes, I could bullet jump like a frog on a hot plate all the way to extraction, but have you tried hovering with Hildryn?  OMG!  So much fun!  NO, I prefer the big bang of my Arca Plasmor to the raw damage of the headshots of a Vectis, thank you.  I like killing twenty things at once with one shot up close and personal.  It's called a play style.

    In other words, OP, just ignore the trolls, the toxic slimes, and the poisonous leeches.  Do what lets you enjoy the game, and if you want to get some advice about tweaks to make your performance better, you're probably looking in the wrong places if you're still using General Chat.  Even the forums are unlikely to be free of toxics.  Join a clan, find a Discord, and if they turn out to be toxic, leave.  You don't need that sort of negativity in your life or your gaming experiences.

  3. On 2018-08-29 at 1:47 PM, (PS4)ChiefDevilEggs said:

    The problem is your own internet connection.  

    At least that’s the only explanation that makes sense...

    No, it isn't.  The issue is too widespread to be just individual internet connections.  It's either a regional issue, or it's DE.  I've seen too many people hosting runs get dropped after a massive lag spike, people on my LAN getting dropped from our private group because of network not responding issues only they got, and don't get me started on what a trainwreck Cetus is right now.  You can barely move around in it on a good day, but with the Revenant thing going on, it's just insanely laggy. 

    Either way, this is something that needs to be addressed by DE, if only to let us know they are aware of the problem and working on it.  Or they could Ubisoft us and tell us that they have heard our concerns.  Maybe try the EA/Activision gambit and gate a better connection behind a random lootbox... (This last bit was humor)

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