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Posts posted by Demon-King-Lamb

  1. I don't mind the grind. I like grinding for materials or resources. But when doing Void missions and all I get are low level keys, resources, fusion cores, and credits. Then I have a problem with the grind not giving me a reward to staying in one mission for more than 40min. I hate having to do so much. And all I get is an empty thank you.


    "Here take this for all your hard work. You needed Orokin Cells."


    No! No I do not need them. I have too many. If I could give them away. It would solve Tenno hunger. But other than that. I enjoy playing. It's a void drop tables that discourage me from playing.

  2. I mean, I'm fine with getting more game modes but you seemed to go a bit off topic there if that was your main point.


    I'm personally hoping for Defense 2.0, Survival 2.0, and Sabotage 2.0 more than I am completely new game modes. The ones we already have need a bit of an update to keep the rewards and the modes themselves fresh.


    True, but 3 game modes will still go so far till the player is bored again. Adding more endless game modes can be fun too. And the freshness of other game modes will last longer. I haven't been playing at all. Until a major update comes out and I play for a little while. But I still get burnt out. There needs to be more rewarding and skillful maps and game modes to play on.

  3. Does the bullets speed is faster on the vandal?


    I hope not. With the mod that increases flight speed breaks the gun and doesn't do dmg. I have it on my Dera and once in a while it will break the gun and I can't do any dmg.

  4. Are you doing this in the Void? As I understand, they patched the Corrupted Ancients to have the same abilities as Ancient Healers. So, while enemies are in the vicinity of a Corrupted Ancient, they take much less damage.


    LAME! LAME!! Man I just want to have fun. Not struggle with it. Nothing like having 20 Ancient healers ruining your fun with invincible armies of Corrupted Heavy Gunners and Corrupted Moas. Now I have to use the most OP weapon on everything just to have fun.

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