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Posts posted by Adhdaemon

  1. On 12/22/2017 at 11:20 AM, --Q--Voltage said:

    Whether or not something is entertaining is an opinion, not a fact. The reason most players do not raid is because it cannot accommodate lazy players. When you do a Trial, you MUST be willing to carry your own weight and be a part of a team. There is no room for a "CP leech" like their is in most games. There is also a learning aspect. Any potato can walk into Cetus and start a bounty and mindlessly walk to objectives. The Law of Retribution and The Jordas Verdict have puzzles and objectives that no matter how much you enjoy/dislike, it requires you to learn how to do them, communicate with players, and work together to finish the mission.

    The real reason no one does raids is because it requires competent players.

    That is a contributor to the factor, yes, but not the sole reason. Warframe's raids and little puzzles feel more like a longer more tedious sortie for its worth. Ever since the raids released I've said the same thing and i still stand by it, raid rewards are a joke. Period. Look at other mmos and you will see a pattern for most raids. Gear. Warframe suffers from end game content the average player looks for, and that would be cosmetics. Why raid when you can just buy prime frames and bad &#! cosmetics? What's the point? DE should introduce raid specific cosmetics, but instead they keep their focus on the market. Also the advertisement for the raids is INCREDIBLY PISS POOR. Most players don't even knowledge its existence.

    Calling people lazy for not wanting to do raid mechanics is a contributing factor for sure, but the fun/reward ratio for the trouble is seriously laughable and calling it the real reason is by far a long shot. How about this?

    "HEY TENNO! NEW RAID JUST LAUNCHED! BATTLE THE KUVA FOR A CHANCE TO GET AN EXCLUSIVE KUBROW/KAVAT/SYANDANA/COSMETIC/TROPHY/STATUE/DECORATION/SHIP/WEAPON/FRAME! (any variation of these will get people. Seriously. look at every damned mmo in existence. Exclusive solid meshed/ 3d art thing you can say "yeah, see this? I did the raid" something, something pride and accomplishment) CHECK OUT THIS STREAM OF THE RAID GOING LIVE AT (INSERT TIME) TWITCH PRIME USERS RECEIVE XXXX FOR DOING XXXX!" etc...

    "Oh i get a badge?... some minor arcane enhancement? Mods that aren't meta anymore? Eh I'll pass". <--- 80% of players out there.


  2. Maps are not big. your all just impatient.

    How can I play how I want, when people are exploiting to get though the game? Its like saying someone should stop being black because everyone else is white.

    Have you ever thought that maybe, there is a reason why somebody is rushing? Wait until you need massive amounts of credits to build warframes/weapons, trade tax, fuse mods and have to run the same mission 50-100 times so you can get said credits and resources. It becomes a chore and waste of time to take in all the scenery, get miniscule amounts of credits from chests/ vaults and trying to be efficient at the same time.

    This game and EVERY MMO EVER MADE is based on PROGRESSION, so rushing wether it be in WoW, PoE, Destiny etc... will ALWAYS remain a constant.

  3. latron wrath is not pvp weapon

    is this the end time to delete my latron wrath ? ;/ its been a nice run but if hes nerfed as people claim he is time to get a slot for some other primary now

    Hang on don't be hasty! People are reporting that this might be the way crit damage operates in general. So other weapons who rely on crit have also been nerfed maybe.
  4. Has anyone else noticed the reduced damage? I can't even break the five digit mark anymore, and barely scratch the four digit mark. I was doing t3 capture and was critting for 495 every single time on crewman/butchers etc with little to variation on the numbers.

    Edit: This is after using it on a frame other than chroma for the first time since the update, the damage buff from his 3 made it look like it was fine but when I got on my loki it was not performing nearly as well as it was prior to 16.

    Good observation. I have linked your thread to reddit for more imput on this possibility:https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/2zxgwd/latron_wraith_apparently_stealth_nerfed_as_well/

  5. ....

    It's just a matter of logic, and I explained it yet.

    More grind = more time to consume the content. It's simple. Plus, it's a deterrent to tempt (not to force) people buying platinums to cut down the time to grind.

    After all it's a totally free to play game and you can get platinums even without spending money.

    They don't live of air and love, it's a legit move.

    If you still can't accept it, and want to play the little riot with all these fantastic mates living in this community, I've some worse new for you.

    I get what you are saying, but I have to disagree.

    I think the comunity here is right to voice their concerns over the latest and past actions of DE. Basically what I got from your replies is, "DE has to put food on the table, business is business". Okay... so basiccaly, we should aceept that Warframe has gone from Free to Play to Pay to Enjoy now? or are you just pushing the fact that there is nothing we can do to avoid the korean grind or the way the game has turned out to be recently.

    Serious question.

  6. You're fine with a nerf to the Synoid Gammacor's 58k DPS, but you flip out over a nerf to the Kohm's 100k? Kindly rethink your entire argument from the ground up.

    Edit: Grammar.

    If DE lost you as a customer because they nerfed the most insanely overpowered weapon in the game, then you probably shouldn't be playing Warframe anyways.

    I predict a warning point for developer bashing in your very near future...


    Do you even know what hit-scan and damage fallof mean? Unless you have a flood of enemies frozen still, just sitting in front of you, not moving, just waiting for those heavily nerfed bullets to hit them dead in the face is when numbers taken at face value will actually mean anything.

    Edit: Grammar.

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