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Posts posted by OK9ZERA

  1. I scanned two synthesis targets and got the according 4k~ simaris rep pop ups on both, but when I went to the simaris shop I had only 400 rep. I'm not over the daily cap, and I finished the missions, so what gives? Is this a known issue?

  2. Look at all these people speaking with such authority, and they don't even realise that "they" has been a singular pronoun since before any of you were even born. They don't even realise that genders outside of the binary have existed since early civillisation. They don't realise that in all fields save medical, gender and sex are interchangeable in modern society. That sex is not a binary. You think you're so clever because you're not "weird" or a "tumblr person", but really, you're just uneducated on these subjects. Typical fake geek boys. 


    Honestly. Games are all about fantasy for everyone. Would it kill you to accept that realities exist outside of your own specific personal experiences?

  3. I'll try to keep this short (ha). I started playing Warframe during the initial open beta release on steam. I spent a long time playing exclusively solo because of connection issues, which meant I was behind most of Warframe's dedicated players. I've since caught up and have most of the necessary damage and health mods needed to survive past low level content. I've played at least 300 hours now.


    Here's the thing, though. I feel like surviving is actually harder these days, even with most of the must-have gear. And maybe that's not an objectively bad thing, but it makes the game a lot less enjoyable for newer players who lack leveled equipment. Bombards, the infested in general, nullifiers, take your pick. Enemies in general are great at obstructing, disempowering, annoying, and at worst, one-hit-killing the player. Combined with how bullet-sponge-y they can be, the experience for new players often seems to be one of frustration. 


    The heart of the problem is scaling. Anyone who's played for a while must realise this. From what I've seen, people either say "It's too hard" or "It's too easy", and often they shout each other down during discussions of difficulty. But they're both right. The problem is that there isn't enough customisation and scaling when it comes to difficulty. New players could spend half an hour trying to kill a boss with a regenerating health bar they literally cannot out-DPS, but fully-equipped veterans with maxed-out top-tier weapons can finish the same fight in seconds.


    The fewer people in a party and the lower their levels, the easier their experience should be, for any mission aside from raid-style content. On the other hand, the more people in a party and the higher their levels, the harder their experience should be. The ideal should be that in a regular mission, a player will, by default, be presented with engaging and appropriately challenging content, preferably with a level of difficulty they can control.


    That's not to say that there shouldn't be outright hard and level-gated content. Games like this are supposed to have the player improve their skill at the game and improve the tools at their disposal, but Warframe is all about the tools. The progression is completely off-balance. A player could start playing today, buy maxed damage and health mods with platinum, and steamroll the majority of this game's content. That's ridiculous.


    I'm sorry if this post is ranty and poorly-written, or if I'm expressing a well-known majority opinion. I genuinely believe that this is what is holding Warframe back, in my view almost moreso than the grind. I hope that scaling will be revamped at some point during the Year of Quality alongside movement, melee and general combat systems, because lately the development of Warframe seems to be all about bells and whistles.

  4. How ridiculous to suggest that exclusivity is good for the game. Do you have a favourite melee stance? Just imagine if instead of being available as a regular drop, you had to buy it for like 100 platinum because you missed out on a silly event. Tempo royale is easily the best heavy blade stance, and I would be glad if DE made it available to all players. Leave stuff like scarves and badges as event exclusives, don't lock content that matters.

  5. There was no way this topic was going to go well, was there?


    Look, there are good reasons for this suggestion. Firstly, 4 characters for 4 friends new to the game makes sense. You don't want duplicates. 


    Secondly, the roles of the starter frames aren't perfect to begin with. Mag is okay, Excalibur kind of sucks, and Volt is mainly used for his speed and electric shield. Ember could do well as a casting frame with more emphasis on AOE.


    Now, that's reason enough to add a fourth starter. If we can make that starter female and have an equal starter ratio, then that's a bonus, not "sexism". Maybe next time leave your dismissive and childish attitudes at the door? No one is trying to politicise this game. There is an equal number of female and male warframes, changing the starters to reflect that isn't a dreaded act of "cultural Marxism" or whatever you want to call representation.


    Also, don't kid yourself. Most female frames have very similar body shapes and skintight suits, where males have much more variety, and armour, in general. Not that most of you seem to mind, of course.

  6. You have some valid complaints, but there's no need to be so dramatic. What does this post even achieve? I don't know if you're aware, but most of the forums are vocal about the problems they have with this game, white knight-ing is pretty unpopular. If you'd tone down the "woe is me" vibe you'd find a lot of people who agree with you. And honestly, it sounds like you're a little oversensitive if these things all "ruin your day". 

  7. I like to think that the warframes we have are just copies of individual tenno heroes. Giving each one a campaign about their memories is such a cool idea. It would give players a motive to collect each frame other than for mastery and the meta. The forums see a lot of elaborate and far-fetched ideas, but this just seems like a perfect idea all around.

  8. One frame, one gun, one melee weapon. The earliest primes, too, right? It sounds like they might repackage the contents of the "prime vault" for future prime access. The important question is if they will make them exclusive to prime access, i.e. cash only. Admirably, DE has previously avoided giving paid players access to items free players don't have access to. Will they start now? And will they start throwing more stuff into the vault for the sake of (hypothetical) prime access sales?

  9. I know we should probably wait for more explanation before being too reactionary, but what the frick? Boar, ether daggers, machete, whatever. They didn't need to be phased out, but phasing them out was no big deal, since they were generally unused weapons. These primes though? A whole prime warframe? For a frame that's meant to be reworked and improved soonish? Latron prime, usable and popular enough gun? Reaper prime, one of just three scythe weapons? What possible reason is there to remove these items from this game?



    The phrasing is a little vague, too. "Tenno, this week is your last chance to enter The Void in order to collect and craft these items". Does this suggest that DE plans to recycle and re-release these primes for future prime access, possibly making them exclusive to prime access? I don't want to unthinkingly yell cash grab, but it seems possible, if unlikely. Hopefully they will just be vaulted pre-U16, and will be re-implemented as rewards in the new post-void star chart.

  10. Of all the things to complain about. As an earlier user said, "pay-to-win" does not exist in warframe, mainly since it is a pve game, and the "win" is shared by all members of a group. It's pay-to-skip at most. The only reason you have for stricter MR requirements seems to be "I don't like seeing new players who bought their prime gear with real money". Suck it up, they're paying for warframe's continued development and they are not affecting you. 

  11. Events are not meant to be "endgame", and are not replacements for it. Events, especially the major storyline ones, should be accessible to most players. These events should excite and bring the community together, not exclude new players.


    Think about the point of events in other games. Temporary farm boosts, fun, seasonal mini-games and cosmetics; generally things that are not vital to your progression and power, but are distractions from normal gameplay. You should be playing them because they're fun and there's maybe a nice hat in it for you. But what are the events rewards in warframe? Limited edition upgraded versions of weapons, dual stat mods, and more recently stance mods. It's fine for players to miss out on minor event items when they're mainly cosmetic, but I think you'll find that the strun wraith isn't minor or cosmetic. These rewards are the kind of stuff no one wants to miss. A lot of event rewards are significantly upgraded versions of weapons that come with a catalyst pre-installed and an inventory slot. That's super valuable to any player. 


    When you miss an event you should be like "Oh dang, sounds like it was a cool event. I hope I'll be around for the next one", but I'm pretty sure most players are more like "Oh dang, I missed out on a better version of my favourite weapon and really useful mods? And they're now unobtainable or locked behind high level grind? Great." 



    Forget the sigil, who knows when tempo royale will be obtainable again, and how hard it will be to obtain? It's been a year since Tethra's Doom and the dual stat mods from that event are still unavailable. That's the kind of thing we should avoid, not to mention the Wraith weapons.



  12. It's mostly still speculation at this point. Best we can do is hope DE plays their cards right. Another PWE game, Blacklight: Retribution did just fine despite whatever hand this "evil corporation" had in it's development. Of course, they did ditch PWE later, probably because PWE are kind of terrible.

  13. The prevalence of knockdown and disabling needs to be dealt with. I don't know whether or not anyone's already said this, but the oft-made (even mentioned in the latest devstream) suggestion that players are able to dodge instant immobilizing and silencing/shield drain attacks is, in warframe's current state, nonsense. Short of killing or stunning units with these abilities, there are no ways to avoid being hit by them. There is no effective block, there is no quick dodge mechanic (doing cartwheels will not save you from explosions, charging ancients, etc.). Unless some form upgrade to movement and evasion is planned, the number of units and the frequency with which they disable players needs to be reduced.

  14. I can understand your point with the taxiing, but locking more items behind higher and higher mastery rank is not the answer. God-tier weapons should simply be balanced properly relative to everything else. If you'd rather forgo proper balance, fine, but even in that case the best weapons should be available to the majority of players.

  15. They absolutely should! I don't understand why some people seem to be so against it. Opponents of the idea simply yell "human interaction!" without really justifying their view. What is the value of interaction when it boils down to cries of "WTB WTS"? As people have already said in this thread, if you're going to claim that an auction house would ruin the game, then at least provide actual reasons if not alternative solutions.


    EDIT: My post said nothing that hadn't already been said. To avoid re-iterating, let me put forward some suggestions as to why an auction house would actually be good for warframe:


    1. Convenience


    It should be clear that the main reason to implement an auction house would be for ease of use. As it stands, and I don't care what you say, warframe's trading system is clumsy and tedious. Having a means to easily buy, sell, and access listings would greatly reduce the amount of effort players would need to put in to trade items.



    2. Supporting fairer trades


    This may be conjecture on my part, but from the experience I've had with auction houses in the past, I feel safe in saying that an auction house would empower the average player of warframe in their trading endeavours. With the present trading system, it can be difficult for players to get a good idea of what the market is like at any given time. With the access to information that an auction house brings, it would be easier for players to get fair deals, and harder for opportunists to rob inexperienced traders.



    3. An auction house does not preclude trade chat


    Sometimes, we like to assert that there can be only one solution to any given problem. This assertion does not hold water here. The suggestion of an auction house is meant to streamline trading, not force a particular system down people's throats. If you want to use trade chat, by all means go ahead! I'm not saying that it doesn't have its uses. But it's clear that right now, warframe needs to improve its trading system, and an auction house is just one of the more obvious and painless solutions.


    Hope this post has helped your understanding of the issue.

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