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Posts posted by LoQui

  1. If that hasn't happened to anyone else... I wonder if something's wrong with my chrome.



    Looking at too many naughty pics online and your computer had a baby?


    Translation: Virus?

  2. I know what you're all thinking...don't say it

    "This is SPARTA!!!" ?


    I have the detachable head thing happen but it goes away, and sometimes if the squad leader leaves group before I'm done loading the menus I get the light that doesn't go away till restart and the "Host has disconnected, returning to menu" window will pop up over and over till I exit the game.

  3. If you need invincibility to play this game solo, you're doing it wrong.


    You can still get an 80% damage reduction if you rank the skill up from what I've read.


    Also DE is open to calm, reasonable and well thought out requests for the direction of this game; Rhino got nerfed for a reason, if you think it was too drastic, prove them wrong, don't just cry and scream that you don't get what you want.


    PS it was a pain in the arse to read all those caps

  4. I always thought XP was shared between users, cuz it seems when my cell is using a lot of melee even if I don't I get a lot of melee XP, same with primary, secondary guns, and sentinels.


    Maybe you're just unlucky in your groupings?

  5. That seems really exploitable, I would see people gathering tons of resources and then temporarily kicking everyone out of their clan for lower prices...


    As the owner of a clan of 2, and the only currently active of those 2, I'm perfectly prepared to gather all those extra resources on my own, with no plans of recruiting more people, if you really care about being tight-knit, or a family, be prepared to go through the extra work with your friends; in my humble opinion.

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