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Posts posted by (XBOX)DracoYac

  1. Please change the drone spawns so those of us that do these solo can get as many drones as with a squad. No longer do survival with randoms as they run off in one direction mindlessly or leave mission early. So please ramp it up for those of us that wanna run survival arbitrations solo. Need that vitus!

  2. Riven mods in the mod bench and trade chat show higher values than in arsenal or in fusion menu. Sucks to spend plat on a riven to find its damage is 100% less that what shows on the mod. Not getting what u pay for is just wrong please need this fixed. 

  3. Lol using a monetary value to acquire an item is purchasing. Trading would be non monetary swapping. So yeah unfortunately its purchasing. Don't get me wrong I'm not against it, it's just there's no longer "trading" per se, only community purchases. Need to separate them a bit so those who just looking to item trade not get lost in the crowd.

  4. Trade chat should not be called "trade" chat. It's now a community store that almost always deals in plat not trading items. There definitely needs to be a trade/auction house with some stability. Not just a horde of people screaming "WTS for plat". Whatever happened to the trade part of it all??

  5. Yeah having the same problem repeatedly. What a waste of a great game. After numerous missions of no rewards and being put back to menu, i looked into ISP issues. There were none. This is all on DE end. Since they seem to ignore us all, i guess they’re ok with everyone walking away from Warframe. Time to find something else to play, that actually works!

  6. I’m also having same issue. Lately its been at the END of the mission and cannot record mission progress. Do the whole damn mission for nothing. Or no mission rewards. How can you make it through a boss battle and receive NOTHING from it, even though you’ve picked up resources and mods. If this continues I’m deleting this game, and out all the damn money I’ve spent!

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