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Posts posted by PiroTitan

  1. My launcher has not been able to connect to the content servers since yesterday morning. I looked at this topic and tried uninstalling/reinstalling warframe, but it's still not working for me.


    Update failed!
    The content servers are temporarily unavailable


    The update will be restarted shortly...

  2. Yesterday afternoon when I closed warframe, and tried to start it up a few hours later, it said I couldn't connect to the content servers and it wouldn't let me play. I thought it was something happening to everyone so I just closed it down and waited for it to be fixed.


    It's morning here now and it's still doing it, I'm wondering if it's just me since I don't see anything else about it on the forums.


    Update failed!

    The content servers are temporarily unavilable


    The update will be restarted shortly...



    Edit: My fault on posting this here instead of launcher bugs

  3. Just posting these so that everyone one notices and this can get put in the proper place, couple of things I've noticed that have irked me just a tad.


    I've been in a handful of missions already where I've been 'down'. Normally I am able to start scooting away after a bit of camera movement and direction change. However, no amount of movement was able to push me away from my original spot, I don't know if this glitch is just me, or if it's on others too.


    Something I've noticed with the alerts. They no longer appear instantly while I'm looking at the galaxy map, I have to go to one of the menu bars and then go back. Also, the secondary rewards no longer display a name while hovering over them.

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