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Posts posted by Crusader1

  1. 1 hour ago, KiCkZ7 said:

    Im in the same boat... got banned and i have no idea wtf to do now....no reply after 5 hours...

    Hey just an update from someone who had this happen to him due to a charge back...


    Support takes a few days to reply NOT hours they have thousands of people sending in tickets.. going to purchase the plat needed to unban my account soon will update if it's instantly released from being banned after platinum is purchased.

  2. I've been playing WF for awhile now but ever since last patch my navagation looks like this...


    See how there's way more "white or brighter" coloring? i'm curious if this is normal or not because i've cleanly reinstalled twice and still get this issue whether i use steam or not.



    EDIT: I ended up being able to fix the issue.. the way i fixed it was i changed the graphic settings to medium and had to enable "Adaptive Exposure".

  3. 8 hours ago, Antiphoton said:

    The first thing you should do is progress through the star chart, you don't need an extremely strong load out to do that. Most of the basic mods will just appear on your way. Some of the warframe mods like Intensify and Flow can be found in the secret rooms in the void, I don't have a link right now but you can find videos and guides about those places.

    As for credits, some of the most efficient ways currently are running 5 waves and extract on Akkad (defense node in Eris) and one excavator and extract on Hieracon (excavation node on Pluto). Repeat as much as needed.

    Alright thanks right now i'm trying to unlock mars but for other planets but will i have to complete the main story quest to unlock the junctions? can i just progress threw it easily or do i have to do missions like building limbo wf etc.. (seen limbo theroeum on youtube)

  4. Hey last time i played this game was like in 2013 alot has changed and i'm back at MR1 which means i have nothing but a excalibur and volt and was wondering how i can farm mods efficiently and also where's a good place to farm credits early on?


    any help is appreciated you could also add/msg me ingame and talk to me there.. thanks!!!

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