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Posts posted by (PSN)Aquadus

  1. Same with me.  I deleted some old messages, but that doesn't help.  I keep getting the same exact tennobaum message.  In fact, it's the only one I've gotten.  Your video shows the same, exact thing I'm seeing.  Same reward, same description.

  2. Not true.  My ember has only 125 armor and something like that yell might only take around 100 health where revenant with 105 armor loses over 600 health.  It's like the armor is non-existant.  Mag and limbo are less armor and the yell does similar damage as the ember.

  3. I just got my new frame and thought I'd level it up by playing some infested missions. Everything was going fine until I died at full shields and health instantly. I thought I just hadn't noticed the health go down. He is a little low. Kept my eye on it and an ancient killed me by yelling at me. Full shields and 400/500 life. This happened to my friend that was playing the new frame too. I believe it was one of the poison ancients. Might be a side effect of a bigger issue. Please fix this soon. At least I can play other missions with it. 

  4. I would like to suggest that Mutagen samples might be a good addition to the alert lineup.  They are more of a high-end resource and I do believe most clans that are starting out would appreciate it being there.


    I also have a suggestion for an event dealing with Lua and the Plains.  Might be too late to start this year though.  October is right around the corner and what does everyone think of in USA?  Halloween.  Since there still is a Lua, maybe there could be a Lua-eclipse for a day where it's nighttime in the plains for a full weekend or something.  This could, in turn, help the new people with getting what they need to start the new questline.  We could have fun with it too.  Some grenade launchers could have a skin to make them shoot pumpkins and the bullet guns could shoot candycorn.  Masks could also give benefits just for the event.

  5. Every time the Stalker shows, he seems to glitch the mission.  Yesterday and today, I fought and killed him.  Yesterday was a Meso capture and the enemies stopped spawning when he got there.  Today was a Meso exterminate and we couldn't go past the room he was killed in.  This has something to do with the latest update.  It didn't happen before.  Thank you for your time in at least looking at my post.  I've always loved this game.

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