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Posts posted by OnlyBraton

  1. I have fulfilled all the prerequisites, but there's no white marker in the Relay for New Loka. If someone didn't mentioned that New Loka has a quest on a stream, then I never would have checked.

    Perrin Sequence and Cephalon Suda have the white markers.

  2. Picked up a Dargyn after the first objective for Plague Star. Arrived at mixer and jumped out as Nova was casting M Prime. I fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes in the driving position.


    I laid there.. helpless, but with full hp. Unable to move. Unable to use abilities. However, I was able to shoot my gun for a bit, but soon realized that I was able to damage myself and nudge my lifeless shell around.


    I shot myself until I got downed, but couldn't react in time to self-rez. I was stuck as a lump of twisted metal.

    Theorized problem: There's a short window where you are converted to "enemy" status when transitioning in/out of a Dargyn. I was in this "state" when the M Prime hit me and froze me mid-transition.


    Slight other problem: I left squad while someone was carrying the mixed toxin hoping it would fix my inability to contribute. Host migrated, I was able to move again but the toxin was nowhere to be found so I was forced to return to Cetus.

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