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Posts posted by Mister_fun

  1. Hey,


    I'm a simple tenno, but I found one thing in this game really annoying.

    And it is this "circle of death" as I like to call it. As you can see, half the dojo forms a kind of circle. In this circle I want to be able to remove rooms, as I want to do with this L-cross that I encircled with red. 


    Why isn't this an option in the game? The support stated that they had to reset the hole dojo just to fix this? That can't be it! That would just mean a waste of time and platinum that  we as a clan have spend in it. This should be a default option in the game. I can't believe that a game as sophisticated as Warframe is not able to remove a room in a circle.

    So please, DE, can you fix this? I know it isn't a priority but it's just an annoying bug that needs fixing and that has been present since the introduction of the dojo's. 





  2. Hey there,


    I have been replacing rooms in my dojo, while I was doing that I encountered a bug.


    So as you can see in the pictures, I can't remove the corner hallway because it's placed in a circle. The other rooms can't be removed as well. Can this be fixed? It's btw the room where I'm standing in haha.



  3. Hi guys,



    it is long ago that there was a big war with the corpus and grineer, there are little invasions but that is it.

    Is it not a good idea to have a new big war. But now have the grineer some new toys, new fomorian ships.

    Leader of the invasion vay hek :D. Alad V is then the leader of the corpus. The new giant war is then the perfect

    strategy to destroy the fomorians. So what do you think about it?

  4. laucher: warframe update stop.

    changes:the game is gone.

    new weapons andnwarframes: blackscreen.

    fixes: mêlee is black and no lagg

    warframes are gone

    warframe skills fixed

    grineer domination

    lotus throwed in the sun by vay hek

    corpus and infested externimated

    dark sector and void destroyed

    If. this happens, I am trolled then xD

  5. My title of my foto is..................................................*drumrollings*..............


    Counting Hammers!


    Its a beautiful day on earth like always......

    The grineers where guard the earthsector.

    But then a powerfull rhino fell out of the sky.

    He was showing a grineer he's moves.

    The grineer was laughing, but he didn't know that he must counting the hammermoves.

    But there comes always an end at fun.

    The last thing he sought and felt was a hammerstrikingmove 0.1 in he's head.




  6. Hi guys,


    I just sought a video 5I'm not gonna share him you must find itself on the warframe website) of melee 2.0 and a little transmission from vay hek.



    Grineer brothers, what is happening? Why do these Tenno grow stronger while you continue to fail your queens? Unacceptable!



    Well I think update 13 is close. WHat do you think?



  7. I don't think Tenno have warships at all. We are operatives that are sent in small groups and we do it effectively and that is it. We all live in Dojo ships that remain hidden from our enemies and we are small in numbers compared to our enemies so even if there would be a space battle, we would only end up losing it to our massive enemy forces.

    You have right :c, they are more trained with there ships.

  8. Hi everyone,



    I have some couple of ideas for the dojo. Some new rooms and functions.





    This is a room where you can fight with holograms like corpus, infested, grineer.

    You can choose the levels of the enemies and the faction.

    You can fight with max 4 people in it.

    The other can wath above by the window and see your skill and stuff.


    A parking for your ship


    So, I think it was in the next update that we got the hubs and ships and things.

    Then you can place your ship in the dojo in a kind of parking. Looks me nice, its like

    the barracks..


    New arena for 2VS2


    I know there are conclaives but t must be awesome a arena in your clan to do 2Vs2.





    Trade Communicationroom


    In this room can you trade recources, platinum, prime parts and the normal thing in a trademachine with another clan dojo. So your friend is someone from antoher clan and then is it simple to trade and no invites more to your clan and stuff. The recources are for the dojo itself and not for the player, andso can only trade the warlrod recources with another warlod.














    So guys, can you say something about my ideas? :D And if its not correct English, my English is not so good.

  9. This is awesome! :D

    Because look to vay hek now, he is a stupid grineer with a hek.


    And you know why the bosses are changing, everyone kills all the old boss with one shot :p.

  10. The Darkest Houre of Earth,


    n the orokin system are different beautiful places. Ships, dojos, the void and planets.

    Some places are special. But there is one that is so special, that the corpus makes jealous.

    That is the life full planet earth! The planet earth haves some special resources, life forms to study the interested things for the corpus to make better robotics.

    But what makes them very angry, the grineers live on it, they are destroying there beautiful forests with there toxin, they throw polluting things in the seas and they are spraying bad gases in the air. Alad V is not happy with it and send he's latest and strongest robotics to the planet. The Lotus is afraid for that war. That war can bring the darkest houres in the orokin system. The grineer and the corpus going  give everything to dominate that life full planet. The Lotus send all her available Tenno to it.



    So keep in mind Tenno! Your choice is the best choice!                  

    Save earth!!!!




  11. rhino= looks like a rhino


    Volt= looks like an insect


    Oberon= looks like a deer


    Loki= looks like an hammer sharp


    nyx= an insect




    I think this is the answer on youre question. Some waframes are made in labs rom the grineers and corpus and mutated by infested.

    Some are fantasy and it is pritty nice :).

  12. I don't know, maybe are the tenno no humans but the apes. You can't know that, I think Tenno are the next generation animals because rhino, oberon, Volt looks like animals. Look to the foots of the warframes and heads you will see it. ;)

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